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Federal (USV)


John Murray

(1825 - 1862)

Home State: New Hampshire

Command Billet: Commanding Company

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 5th New Hampshire Infantry

Before Antietam

He enlisted as Private in the Third US Artillery for Mexican War service in 1846. He rose to Sergeant by the time of his discharge in 1853. He then served in command of his local militia company. From Newcastle, he enrolled as Captain, Company D, 5th New Hampshire Infantry on 12 October 1861 at age 37.

On the Campaign

He commanded Company D in Maryland.

The rest of the War

He was killed in action at Fredericksburg, VA on 13 December 1862, while in command of the Regiment as senior officer, and carrying the colors.

References & notes

Basic service information for the 5th Infantry from Child1. Murray was mentioned for leadership and "gallant conduct" in Maryland in Colonel Cross' after action Reports. Some details from Chris Benedetto, in 2008 article on the restoration of Murrary's gravestone.


1825; New York City, NY


12/13/1862; Fredericksburg, VA; burial in Riverside Cemetery, New Castle, NH