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(1825 - 1904)
Home State: Alabama
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 3rd Alabama Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
He went to Alabama in 1846 and was a farmer in Macon County. He enlisted as 3rd Sergeant of Company D, 3rd Alabama Infantry in April 1861 and was elected First Lieutenant in April 1862.
On the Campaign
He was wounded by a gunshot through both hips in action near Turner's Gap on South Mountain on 14 September 1862.
When the ball struck him, he said to his men, "Give them Hell, boys; give 'em hell," and then went shuffling to the rear. General Hill saw him and asked, "Are you hurt, Lieutenant?" Those who heard the reply can never forget it. It was crisp, unique, and decidedly Randallistic. Long after the fight a soldier said, "Troup Randall cussed old General Hill out of his boots." It is to be understood that the gallant Lieutenant only "cussed" by way of emphasis.
The rest of the War
He was in recovery to about March 1863 and was promoted to Captain.
At Chancellorsville [Virginia, 3 May 1863] he led the Third Alabama through the Wilderness over the Federal works, where he was wounded, his arm being shattered; having it sashed to his waist, he remained on the battlefield until the battle closed; after injuring the arm the bullet came out through his breast, tearing it into shreds ...His right arm was amputated and he was retired from field service.
After the War
He was Sheriff (1866-67) and a farmer in Macon County, AL to at least 1880.
References & notes
His service from the State of Alabama.1 He's seen as E. Troup Randall in some records. His wound on South Mountain from a casualty list for Rodes' Brigade in the Montgomery Weekly Advertiser of 8 October 1862. The quote about that is from Colonel C.A. Battle's memoirs, published in 3rd Alabama! (2000). Details and the Chancellorsville quote above from a bio sketch in DuBose's Notable Men of Alabama (1904), with more from family genealogists and the US Census of 1860 and 1880. His gravesite - topped by a lifesize statue of him - is on Findagrave.
He married Mary Carter (1848-1894) in November 1866 and they had 7 children.
His mother was Sarah Hines Colquitt, aunt to Alfred Colquitt. His younger brother James Colquitt Randle (1828-1863) was also in Company D of the 3rd, a Sergeant to December 1862, then Lieutenant and ADC to General Colquitt; mortally wounded at Battery Wagner in September 1863.
09/18/1825; Sparta, GA
03/14/1904; Union Springs, AL; burial in Oak Hill Cemetery, Union Springs, AL
1 State of Alabama, Dept. of Archives & History, Alabama Civil War Service Database, Published 2004, first accessed 01 January 2010, <https://archives.alabama.gov/research/CivilWarService.aspx>, Source page: /civilwar/soldier.cfm?id=166262 [AotW citation 25582]