W. Hampton
(1818 - 1902)
Home State: South Carolina
Education: South Carolina College (1836)
Command Billet: CO, Brigade
Branch of Service: Cavalry
Unit: Hampton's Brigade
see his Battle Report
Before Sharpsburg
Pre-War Profession: Politician, planter. In 1861 he raised the Hampton Legion and was its Colonel. He led them at First Manassas (wounded) and on the Peninsula campaign. In May 1862 he was appointed Brigadier General and commanded Hampton's Brigade of Whiting's Division at Seven Pines (wounded).
On the Campaign
He commanded the 1st (Hampton's) Brigade of the Cavalry Division under MGen JEB Stuart.
The rest of the War
He continued in command of his Brigade on the Chambersburg raid and at Gettysburg (wounded). In August 1863 he was appointed Major General and commanded his own (Hampton's) Division in the Cavalry Corps at the Wilderness. He commanded the Army of Northern Virginia (ANV) Cavalry Corps following Stuart's death, and during the Petersburg campaign. In February 1865 he was promoted to LGen. and served in South Carolina.
After the War
Planter, Governor of SC (1877-79), and US Senator (1879-91).
References & notes
One of the three Confederate LGens without prior military training (with Richard Taylor and Nathan Bedford Forrest).
4/11/1902; Columbia, SC; burial in Trinity Churchyard, Columbia, SC