Commanding Officer on the Antietam Campaign:
James Barnes
This Brigade's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of the Potomac
Corps - Fifth Army Corps
Division - 1st Division, 5th Corps
Units which make up this Brigade:
18th Massachusetts Infantry
22nd Massachusetts Infantry
Massachusetts Sharpshooters, Second Company
2nd Maine Infantry
1st Michigan Infantry
13th New York Infantry
25th New York Infantry
118th Pennsylvania Infantry
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #33: Fifth Army Corps - 15 Sep, 2 PM to 16 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #18: Morell's Division, Fifth Army Corps - 16 Sep, 12 PM to 17 Sep, 8 AM
Tablet #26: Morell's Division, Fifth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 8 AM to 17 Sep, 2 PM