Commanding Officers on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
Nathan George Evans
Peter F Stevens
Members of Interest:
Willoughby F. Trezevant, courier;
Capt. Asa L. Evans, AAG;
Lt. Thomas D. Eason, Ordnance Officer;
Lt. Samuel J. Corrie, ADC
This Brigade's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of Northern Virginia
Corps - Longstreet's Command
Units which make up this Brigade:
17th South Carolina Infantry
18th South Carolina Infantry
22nd South Carolina Infantry
23rd South Carolina Infantry
Holcombe (SC) Legion Infantry Battalion
Macbeth (SC) Artillery
On the Sharpsburg Campaign
At the start of the Campaign Brigadier General Evans was placed in command of a temporary division consisting of his and Briagdier General Hood's brigades while that general was under arrest. He directed his senior Colonel, Stevens, to lead the brigade. Evans still considered himself in command of a division even after General Lee suspended Hood's arrest on 14 September, and left Colonel Stevens in effective command of the brigade to 19 September 1862.
Maps Showing this Unit
Detail Map #11: Sykes' Regulars Advance from the Middle Bridge (noon-4 pm)
Detail Map #12: Burnside's Ninth Corps Climbs Toward Sharpsburg (3-4 pm)
Detail Map #14: Sykes' Regulars Near Sharpsburg (4-5 pm)
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #303: Longstreet's Command - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 15 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #301: Army of Northern Virginia - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 16 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #312: Evans' Brigade, Longstreet's Command - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 16 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #313: Evans' Brigade, Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 6 AM to 17 Sep, 4 PM
Tablet #304: Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM