Commanding Officer on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
Maj. Francis H. Little
This Battalion's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of Northern Virginia
Corps - Longstreet's Command
Division - Jones' Division
Brigade - Anderson's (GA) Brigade
Unit history
Organized for the war on July
2, 1861. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia on April 9, 1865.
First Commander: George T. Anderson (Colonel);
Field Officers: Charles T.
Goode (Major), Theodore L. Guerry (Lieutenant Colonel), Francis H. Little
(Major, Colonel), William Luffman (Lieutenant Colonel), Henry D. McDaniel
(Major) , and Western R.Welch (Major)
(from Compendium of Confederate Armies, quoted on the georgiacivilwar discussion group.
On the Sharpsburg Campaign
According to Gen Toombs' report, "...the Fifteenth Georgia Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Millican; the Seventeenth, under the command of Captain [John A.] McGregor, of my brigade, and Major Little, with five companies of the Eleventh Georgia (Colonel Anderson's brigade), all of whom had been detached several days before to guard ammunition and other trains, arrived on the field and were also placed in the new position [with Toombs' force above the Burnside Bridge, near Sharpsburg] before designated."
"... Major Little led his battalion of the Eleventh Georgia with a dashing courage and success which won the admiration of his comrades. The officers and men of his battalion deserve especial mention for their gallantry and good conduct. "
Initial Strength: 140; Wounded (WIA): 10;
Losses, % of Initial Strength: 7.1%
Maps Showing this Unit
Detail Map #8: Rodman's Division Crosses at Snavely's Ford (10 am-1 pm)
Detail Map #10: Confederate Counterattacks in the Center (11 am-1 pm)
Detail Map #15: The Charge of the 7th Maine at Piper's Farm (5-5:30 pm)
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #303: Longstreet's Command - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 15 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #322: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 16 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #328: Anderson's Brigade, D.R. Jones Division - 15 Sep, 12 PM to 17 Sep, 7 AM
Tablet #368: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 15 Sep, 9 AM to 16 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #369, cont: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 3 PM to 18 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #321: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 6 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM
Tablet #373: Toombs' Brigade, Jones' Division - 17 Sep, 6 AM to 18 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #304: Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM
Tablet #369: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM
Tablet #323: Anderson's Brigade, D.R. Jones Division - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 4 PM
We have 2 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:
Co. | Rank | Name | Casualty? | Details* |
B | Capt | Stokes, John W. | ![]() | |
F&S | Maj | Little, Francis Hamilton | ![]() |
* If there's a symbol in the Details column ... - We have a picture for this person
- We have details beyond name and rank
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