Commanding Officer on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
Capt. Jefferson Peyton
1 3-in. Ordnance Rifle
1 12-pdr. howitzer
3 6-pdr. Gun
This Battery's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of Northern Virginia
Corps - Jackson's Command
Division - Jackson's Corps Reserve Artillery
Brigade - Jones' Artillery Battalion
Initial Strength: not known; Wounded (WIA): 8;
Maps Showing this Unit
Detail Map #11: Sykes' Regulars Advance from the Middle Bridge (noon-4 pm)
Detail Map #14: Sykes' Regulars Near Sharpsburg (4-5 pm)
Detail Map #15: The Charge of the 7th Maine at Piper's Farm (5-5:30 pm)
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #355: Reserve Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia - 16 Sep, 12 PM to 18 Sep, 6 AM
Tablet #316: Jones' Battalion, Reserve Artillery - 17 Sep, 8 AM to 17 Sep, 7 PM
We have one individual in the AotW database who was on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:
Co. | Rank | Name | Casualty? | Details* |
-- | Capt | Peyton, Thomas Jefferson |
* If there's a symbol in the Details column ...
- We have a picture for this person
- We have details beyond name and rank
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