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Confederate Battery

Wise (VA) Artillery


Commanding Officer on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
  Capt. James S. Brown


  4   Artillery of Unknown Type(s)


This Battery's Chain of Command:
  Army - Army of Northern Virginia
  Corps - Longstreet's Command
  Division - Jones' Division
  Brigade - Jones' Division Artillery

On the Sharpsburg Campaign

Captain Brown was wounded while in command of the Battery at Sharpsburg.


Initial Strength: 81; Killed in Action (KIA): 1; Wounded (WIA): 4; Missing in Action (MIA): 1;
Losses, % of Initial Strength: 7.4%

Maps Showing this Unit

Battlefield Tablets for this Unit

Tablet #303: Longstreet's Command - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 15 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #322: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 14 Sep, 9 PM to 16 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #368: Jones' Division, Longstreet's Command - 15 Sep, 9 AM to 16 Sep, 9 PM
Tablet #304: Longstreet's Command - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM
Tablet #377: Wise Artillery, D.R. Jones' Division - 17 Sep, 8 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM

After the Sharpsburg Campaign

This battery was disbanded by Special Order on October 4, 1862.

We have one individual in the AotW database who was on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:


Co. Rank Name Casualty? Details*
--CaptBrown, James S.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person


* If there's a symbol in the Details column ...

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