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We found 816 units which matched the criteria you specified. Click on a unit's name to see details about it. Click on a column heading to sort by that, click the same column again to reverse the sort order.

Unit Name








Longstreet's Corps ArtilleryArtilleryDivisionLongstreet's Corps ArtyLongstreet's CorpsConfederate
5th North Carolina Infantry     We have tablet(s) for this unit Col. D. K. McRae
Capt. Thomas M. Garrett
NCInfantryRegimentDHHill's DivJackson's CorpsConfederate
5th Pennsylvania Reserves     We have tablet(s) for this unit Col. Joseph W. FisherPAInfantryRegiment3Div/ICorpsICorpsFederal
Jackson (VA) Artillery     We have tablet(s) for this unit We have some details for this unit2Lt David R BartonVAArtilleryBatteryJackson's DivJackson's CorpsConfederate
2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unit We have some details for this unitAbner Doubleday
William P Wainwright
J William Hofmann
Ewell's Division     We have tablet(s) for this unitAlexander Robert Lawton
Jubal Anderson Early
InfantryDivisionEwell's DivJackson's CorpsConfederate
Cavalry Division     We have tablet(s) for this unitAlfred PleasontonCavalryDivisionPleasonton's Cav DivFederal
1st Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitAlfred Thomas Archimedes TorbertInfantryBrigade1Div/VICorpsVICorpsFederal
1st Division, 12th Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitAlpheus Starkey Williams
Samuel Wylie Crawford
George H Gordon
A. P. Hill's Light Division     We have tablet(s) for this unitAmbrose Powell HillInfantryDivisionAPHill's DivJackson's CorpsConfederate

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We have a tablet for this unit - We have tablet(s) associated with this unit
We have some details for this unit - We have details beyond commander, chain of command for this unit