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We found 816 units which matched the criteria you specified. Click on a unit's name to see details about it. Click on a column heading to sort by that, click the same column again to reverse the sort order.

Unit Name








Fifth Army Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitFitz John PorterCombined ArmsCorpsVCorpsFederal
First Army Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitJoseph Hooker
George Gordon Meade
Combined ArmsCorpsICorpsFederal
Ninth Army Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unit We have some details for this unitMGen Jesse Lee Reno
MGen Ambrose Everett Burnside
BGen Jacob D Cox
Combined ArmsCorpsIXCorpsFederal
Sixth Army Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitWilliam Buel FranklinCombined ArmsCorpsVICorpsFederal
Jackson's Command     We have tablet(s) for this unitThomas Jonathan JacksonCombined ArmsCorpsJackson's CorpsConfederate
Second Army Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitEdwin Vose SumnerCombined ArmsCorpsIICorpsFederal
Twelfth Army Corps     We have tablet(s) for this unitMGen Joseph K. F. Mansfield
BGen Alpheus S. Williams
Combined ArmsCorpsXIICorpsFederal
Army of the Potomac     We have tablet(s) for this unitGeorge Brinton McClellanCombined ArmsArmyFederal
6th New York Cavalry     We have tablet(s) for this unitThomas Casimer DevinNYCavalryRegimentIXCorpsFederal
Longstreet's Command     We have tablet(s) for this unitJames LongstreetCombined ArmsCorpsLongstreet's CorpsConfederate

Showing 1 to 10 of the 816 units found.

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We have a tablet for this unit - We have tablet(s) associated with this unit
We have some details for this unit - We have details beyond commander, chain of command for this unit