Antietam References/Site Bibliography
This is a listing of some of the very best primary and secondary reference material about Antietam and the Maryland Campaign. These are the source materials cited here on AotW, and they are listed here in alphabetical order, by Author.
We're continuously updating our reference citations/footnotes and site-wide bibliography as we add new material, so this list will keep growing. References are still listed indiviually on many older pages, but we're gradually bringing them into the central database, so you'll be able to see them all here.
Our sources are arranged here in two groups: Print (books, periodicals, and other paper references) and Electronic (web and other digital media).
▼ jump to Electronic Resources, below
Books and Periodicals
- -----, Field Record of Officers of the Veteran Reserve Corps, Washington, DC: Scriver & Swing, 1865 [AotW reference 610]
(This volume is online from the Internet Archives.) - Abbot, Charles W., Jr. and Theo F Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., The Twelth Regiment of Infantry, Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 354]
(This chapter excerpted online at the US Regulars website.) - Albert, Alan D., editor and Comrades of the Regimental Association, History of the Forty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865, Williamsport (Pa): Grit Pub. Co., 1912 [AotW reference 303]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Aldrich, Thomas M., The History of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the War to Preserve the Union, 1861-1865, Providence: Snow & Farnham, Printers, 1904 [AotW reference 305]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Alexander, Edward Porter, Military memoirs of a Confederate: A Critical Narrative, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907 [AotW reference 262]
(Complete text transcribed and imaged online by the Perseus project.) - Alexander, Ted, The Battle of Antietam: The Bloodiest Day, Charleston: The History Press, 2011 [AotW reference 567]
- Allardice, Bruce S., Confederate Colonels, Columbia (Mo): University of Missouri Press, 2008 [AotW reference 364]
- Allen, George H., Forty-six Months with the Fourth R. I. Volunteers, in the War of 1861 to 1865, Providence: J.A. & R.A. Reid, printers, 1887 [AotW reference 487]
(Online in text and image from the Internet Archives. Memoir of a Corporal in Company B, including roster biographies of the Company.) - Anderson, Thomas M. (Col. 14th Inf) and Theo F Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., Fourteenth Regiment Of Infantry, from Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 13]
(Also available in transcription online from the Center for Military History, US Army. ) - Anderson, Thomas M., Brigadier General, USA, Civil War Recollections of the Twelfth Infantry, Journal of the Military Service Institution of the US, 01 September 1907, 4 (1907), Governor's Island (NY Harbor): Military Service Institution of the US, 1907 [AotW reference 48]
(Transcribed online by Chris Piering at the 12th US Infantry site, Jim Hurd, webmaster.) - Antietam Battlefield Board and correspondents, Antietam Studies (Collection), Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Record Group 94, Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1897- [AotW reference 436]
- Antietam Board, Antietam Battlefield Commission Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898 [AotW reference 4]
- Antietam National Cemetery, Board of Trustees, History of Antietam National Cemetery, Baltimore: John W. Woods, Steam Printer, 1869 [AotW reference 486]
(An excellent presentation of the complete book, background information, and a consolidated PDF version of the 1867 burial list are online from WHILBR - Western Maryland's research library. In 1890 George Hess, late 28th Pennsylvania Infantry, published a copy of this work, but noted each headstone number, rather than section/lot/grave numbers of the original. That version is also online, from the Library of Congress.) - Armstrong, Marion V., Jr., Unfurl those Colors! McClellan, Sumner, & the Second Army Corps in the Antietam Campaign, Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2008 [AotW reference 385]
- Ashcraft, Jr., John M., 31st Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1999 [AotW reference 693]
- Ashe, Samuel A'Court and Stephen B. Weeks and Charles L. Van Noppen, Biographical History of North Carolina from Colonial Times to the Present, 8 Volumes, Greensboro (NC): Charles L. Van Noppen, 1905-1917 [AotW reference 405]
- Atkinson, William Biddle (editor), A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary American Physicians and Surgeons (2nd Ed.), Philadelphia: D.B. Brinton, 1880 [AotW reference 585]
(Available online from the US National Library of Medicine.) - Atwater, Dorence and Clara Barton, A List of the Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville, New York City: The Tribune Association, 1866 [AotW reference 597]
(Available online from the Internet Archives. Includes a Report by Clara Barton on the prison itself and of an expedition to identify graves and enclose the cemetery there.) - Badders, Hurley E, Anderson County, a pictorial history, Norfolk (Va): Donning Co., 1983 [AotW reference 362]
- Bailey, James Montgomery and Susan Benedict Hill, History of Danbury, Conn., 1684-1896, New York: Burr Printing House, 1896 [AotW reference 366]
(Also online in images and full text from GoogleBooks.) - Bailey, Ronald L. and Editors of Time/Life, The Bloodiest Day: The Battle of Antietam, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1984 [AotW reference 51]
- Bakeless, John, Spies of the Confederacy, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1970 [AotW reference 333]
- Banes, Charles H., History of the Philadelphia Brigade. Sixty-ninth, Seventy-first, Seventy-second, and One hundred and sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers
, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Company, 1876 [AotW reference 511]
(Available online from the Internat Archives.) - Bar Association, State of Pennsylvnia, Report of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Committee on Legal Biography (1907), Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Bar Association, 1907 [AotW reference 274]
(Available online (pdf) from the Penn State library collection.) - Barnes, Joseph K. and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883 [AotW reference 345]
(Medical (Volume 1) Parts I (pdf), II, and III, and Surgical (Volume 2) Parts I, II (pdf), and III are available as images and text (or pdf only) versions online from the Internet Archives. The National Library of Medicine also hosts a lovely set.) - Bartlett, Napier, Military Record of Louisiana including Biographical and Historical Papers ..., New Orleans: L. Graham & Company, 1875 [AotW reference 624]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Bates, Samuel Penniman, History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg: State of Pennsylvania, 1868-1871 [AotW reference 17]
(Alice J. Gayley kindly indexed Bates by unit with links to the page images in the Making of America collection from the University of Michigan [main page].) - Bates, Samuel Penniman, Martial Deeds Of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: T. H. Davis & Co., 1876 [AotW reference 18]
(See the full volume online from the Internet Archive.) - Battle, J. H., Editor and Herbert C. Bell, H.C. Bradsby, History of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania, Chicago: J. Warner & Co., 1887 [AotW reference 474]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Beach, William Harrison, The First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry from April 19, 1861, to July 7, 1865, New York: Lincoln Cavalry Association, 1902 [AotW reference 360]
(Online from Google Books.) - Beers, J. H., Commemorative Biographical Record of Hartford County, Connecticut, Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co, 1901 [AotW reference 464]
- Beers, J. H., Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts, 3 Volumes, Chicago: J.H. Beers & Company, 1912 [AotW reference 497]
- Bell, Robert T., 11th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va.): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1985 [AotW reference 159]
- Benedict, George G., Vermont in the Civil War. A History of the part taken by the Vermont Soldiers and Sailors in the War For The Union, 1861-5, Burlington (VT): Free Press Association, 1886-1888 [AotW reference 168]
(Complete text transcribed online by VermontCivilWar.Org) - Bent, Allen Herbert, The Bent Family in America, Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1900 [AotW reference 444]
(Available online courtesy of the Internet Archive.) - Bergeron, Jr., Arthur W., Guide to Louisiana Confederate Military Units, 1861-1865, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996 [AotW reference 140]
- Berkeley, Henry Robinson and William H. Runge, editor, Four Years in the Confederate Artillery: The Diary of Private Henry Robinson Berkeley, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1961 [AotW reference 258]
- Bernard, George S., War Talks of Confederate Veterans, Petersburg (Va): Fenn & Owen, 1892 [AotW reference 338]
(Also available online from Google Books.) - Best, Isaac Oliver, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chicago: James H. Smith, 1921 [AotW reference 399]
(Full text and page images for this volume available online from the Internet Archives.) - Beyer, Walter F. and Oscar F. Keydel, compilers, Deeds of Valor: How America's Heroes Won the Medal of Honor
, 2 volumes, Detroit: The Perrien-Keydel Company, 1901 [AotW reference 531]
(Volume 1 is available online from the Internet Archives.) - Bilby, Joseph G., Civil War Firearms: Their Historical Background and Tactical Use, Conshohocken (PA): Combined Books, 1996 [AotW reference 386]
- Binney, Martin, Military Record of Captain Martin Binney, Historic Leaves (Vol 1, No 1, April 1902), 01 April 1902, Somerville (MA): Somerville Historical Society, 1902 [AotW reference 457]
(Volume 1, Issue 1 of Historic Leaves (containing this article), along with other volumes 1903 - 1915 online from the Internet Archives.) - Biographical Directory Co., Biographical Directory of the State of New York, New York City: Biographical Directory Co., 1900 [AotW reference 554]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Biographical Review, The Leading Citizens of Delaware County, NY, Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1895 [AotW reference 130]
(Transcribed and published online by members of the Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site.) - Blackford, William W., Lt. Col CSA, War Years with Jeb Stuart, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1945 [AotW reference 235]
- Blake, Henry Nichols, Three Years in the Army of the Potomac, Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1865 [AotW reference 370]
(Also online in complete editions from GoogleBooks and the Internet Archives.) - Blakeslee, Bernard F., History of the Sixteenth Connecticut Volunteers, Hartford: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., Printers, 1875 [AotW reference 687]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Boatner, Mark Mayo III, Civil War Dictionary (revised edition), New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1987 [AotW reference 147]
(Originally published in 1959) - Bolek, Francis, Who's Who in Polish America, New York, NY: Harbinger House, 1943 [AotW reference 545]
- Booth, Andrew B., Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and Louisiana Confederate Commands, 3 Volumes, New Orleans: State of Louisiana, 1920 [AotW reference 137]
(A complete set of these volumes is online from the Hathi Trust.) - Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian, The 48th in the War: being a Narrative of the Campaigns of the 48th Regiment, Infantry, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, during the War of the Rebellion, Philadelphia: Avil Print. Co., 1895 [AotW reference 302]
(The full volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Bowen, B. F., Biographical Memoirs of Greene County, Ind., 3 Volumes, Indianapolis: B.F. Bowen & Company, 1908 [AotW reference 434]
(Volumes one, two, and three available online in full text and as page images from the Internet Archives.) - Bowen, James Lorenzo, Massachusetts in the War, 1861-1865, Springfield (MA): Clark W. Bryan & Company, 1889 [AotW reference 539]
(Brief sketches for each of Massachusetts' units. Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Boyce, Charles William, A Brief History of the Twenty-eighth Regiment New York State Volunteers, First Brigade, First Division, Twelfth Corps, Army of the Potomac, Buffalo: C.W. Boyce, 1896 [AotW reference 298]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Boyle, John Richards, Soldiers True; the Story of the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers ..., New York: The Regimental Association; Eaton & Mains, printer, 1903 [AotW reference 638]
(Available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Bray, Kingsley M., We Belong to the North: The Flights of the Northern Indians from the White River Agencies, 1877-1878, Montana: The Magazine of Western History, 01 June 2005, Helena: Montana Historical Society, 2005 [AotW reference 143]
(Complete article text transcribed online from - Bridges, Hal, Lee's Maverick General: Daniel Harvey Hill, Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press, 1991 [AotW reference 288]
- Brinkerhoff, Henry Rowan, History of the Thirtieth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, from its Organization to the Fall of Vicksburg, Miss., Columbus: James W. Osgood, Printer, 1863 [AotW reference 646]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Brock, R. A., Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia, Special Virginia Edition, NY and Richmond: H.H. Hardesty, 1884 [AotW reference 145]
- Brock, Robert Alonzo and Virgil Anson Lewis, Virginia and Virginians: Eminent Virginians, 2 Volumes, Richmond: H.H. Hardesty, 1888 [AotW reference 339]
(Both Volume I and Volume II online from Google Books.) - Brown, Edmund Randolph, The Twenty-Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion, Monticello, IN: E.R. Brown, 1899 [AotW reference 506]
(This volume online from the Internet Archive.) - Brown, Francis H., Roll of Students of Harvard University who Served in the Army or Navy of the United States During the War of the Rebellion, Cambridge: Harvard University, 1866 [AotW reference 498]
(Volume online from the Internet Archives.) - Brown, Harvey E., The Medical Department of the United States Army from 1775 to 1873, Washington, DC: US Army Surgeon General's Office, 1873 [AotW reference 577]
(Available online from the US Army Medical Department, Office of Medical History, in page images from the Internet Archive. Appendices include Registers of the Medical Officers of the Regular Army.) - Brown, J. Willard, The Signal Corps, U.S.A. in the War of the Rebellion, Boston: U.S. Veteran Signal Corps Association, 1896 [AotW reference 98]
(Rosters from this volume transcribed by Mark C. Hageman and posted online by the Signal Corps Association (1860-1865), who have also published a reprint of this book. See more in a review.) - Brown, Maud Morrow, The University Greys: Company A, Eleventh Mississippi Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865, Richmond, VA: Garrett and Massie, Inc., 1940 [AotW reference 630]
(The complete volume is available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Bruce, George Anson, The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1906 [AotW reference 429]
(Available online in several formats from the Internet Archive.) - Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart, A History of the National Capital: From its foundation through the period of the adoption of the Organic Act. 1790-1878, 2 volumes, New York: Macmillan, 1914-16 [AotW reference 325]
(Volume 1 and Volume 2 are online from Google Books.) - Bryant, Edwin Eustace, History of the Third Regiment of Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infantry 1861-1865, Madison: Arthur H Clark Co. for the Veteran Association of the Regiment, 1891 [AotW reference 551]
(This volume available online from the Internet Archive.) - Buell, Augustus, The Cannoneer: Recollections of Service in the Army of the Potomac, Washington: The National Tribune Company, 1890 [AotW reference 533]
(A history of Battery B, 4th US Artillery (1861-65), available online from the Internet Archive. CAUTION: Buell was a "fraudulent historian"; he often made up his "facts." In Cannoneer he purports to be an eyewitness at Gettysburg, when he hadn't enlisted until nearly 2 months after that battle. His 4 later biographies (John Paul Jones, etc) have been shown to be almost completely fiction. ) - Burrage, H. S., editor, Brown University in the Civil War, a Memorial, Providence: Brown University, Providence Press Co., Printers, 1868 [AotW reference 306]
(Scanned edition available online from GoogleBooks.) - Busey, John W. and Travis W. Busey, Confederate Casualties at Gettysburg: A Comprehensive Record, Jefferson (NC): McFarland & Company, 2017 [AotW reference 582]
(This volume is online, in part, from GoogleBooks.) - Bush, James C. (1st Lt., 5th Arty.) and Theo. F Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., Fourth Regiment of Artillery, Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 275]
(Transcribed online by the CMH, US Army.) - Byrne, Charles (Adjutant, 6th Inf.) and Theo F Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., Sixth Regiment Of Infantry, from Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 175]
(Also available in transcription online from the Center for Military History, US Army. ) - Caldwell, J. A., History of Venango County Pennsylvania, and Incidentally of Petroleum, Columbus (OH): J.A. Caldwell, 1879 [AotW reference 349]
- Caldwell, James Fitz James, The History of a Brigade of South Carolinians, known first as "Gregg's" and subsequently as "McGowan's Brigade", Marietta (Ga): Continental Book Co., 1866 [AotW reference 401]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Carlton, Caleb Henry and Sadie Pollock Carlton (wife), Papers of Caleb Henry Carlton, 1831-1954, Washington, DC: US Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, 1962 [AotW reference 181]
(2500 items. 6 containers. 2.5 linear feet. Finding aid available in the Library. Call#s MMC-3123 and OVSD 0114C. Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)) - Carman, Ezra Ayres and Lieut. Col. Emmor B. Cope, Hays W. Mattern, Charles H. Ourand, Atlas of the Battlefield of Antietam, 14 maps, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1908 [AotW reference 2]
(A collection of 14 maps showing troop locations at various times on 17 September 1862, with 3 charts of the Organization of the Union and Confederate Armies. Originally issued in 1904, revised in 1908. Available online from the Library of Congress.) - Carman, Ezra Ayers, Papers of Ezra Ayers Carman, 1861-1909, Washington, DC: US Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, 1912 [AotW reference 193]
(Correspondence, drafts of chapters, notes, printed material, maps, and other papers comprising Carman's book file for his history of the American Civil War. 1,500 items. 25 containers plus 2 oversize. 2 microfilm reels. 10 linear feet. Finding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room. Call #s 0455E and Microfilm 21,925-2P. Request in: Manuscript Reading Room (Madison, LM101)) - Carman, Ezra Ayers and Joseph Pierro, editor, The Maryland Campaign of September 1862, New York: Routledge (Tailor and Francis Group), 2008 [AotW reference 348]
- Carman, Ezra Ayers and Dr. Thomas G. Clemens, editor, The Maryland Campaign of September 1862, 3 volumes, El Dorado Hills (CA): Savas Beatie, 2010-17 [AotW reference 527]
- Carman, Ezra Ayres and Hays Waite Mattern, Theatre of Operations, Maryland Campaign, September 1862, 8 maps, Washington, DC: Carman and Mattern, c. 1900 [AotW reference 716]
(A series of 8 annotated maps showing positions of Union and Confederate Army units in Maryland from 6 - 14 September 1862. Consists of 8 identical base maps by H.W. Mattern, each with unit positions for a given date hand drawn by E.A. Carman. An original set is online from the Library of Congress.) - Carmichael, Peter S., The Purcell, Crenshaw and Letcher Artillery, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 618]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series) - Carruth, Sumner and others of the Committee of the Regimental Association, History of the Thirty-Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865, Boston: Mills, Knight & Company, 1884 [AotW reference 510]
(Complete volume available online from the Internet Archives.) - Carruth, William Ward, Compiler, The Descendants of John Carruth, Boston: David Clapp & Son, Printers, 1880 [AotW reference 215]
- Chamberlayne, John Hampden and Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, ed., Ham Chamberlayne - Virginian. Letters and Papers of an Artillery Officer in the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865, Richmond: Press of the Dietz Printing Co., 1932 [AotW reference 282]
- Chapin, Louis N., A Brief History of the Thirty-fourth Regiment N.Y.S.V. (1903), Little Falls (NY): Captain Henry Galpin CWRT, 1998 [AotW reference 508]
(Online at the Internet Archives in an edition re-printed by the Galpin CWRT, Little Falls, NY as To sacrifice, to suffer, and if need be, to die : a History of the Thirty-fourth New York Regiment.) - Chapla, John D., 42nd Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va.): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1983 [AotW reference 176]
- Chapla, John D., 48th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va.): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1989 [AotW reference 346]
- Chapman, Rev. George T, Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, Cambridge (MA): Riverside Press, 1867 [AotW reference 272]
(Page images online from the Baker Library, Dartmouth.) - Child, M.D., William, A History of the Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, Bristol (NH): R.W. Musgrove, Printer, 1893 [AotW reference 529]
(Several digital editions available from the Internet Archives.) - Chilton, Frank B., Unveiling and Dedication of Monument to Hood's Texas Brigade, Houston: F.B. Chilton, 1911 [AotW reference 686]
(The complete volume is online from the Hathi Trust.) - Chubb, Charles St. John and Theodoore F. Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., The Seventeenth Regiment Of Infantry, Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 353]
(Chubb's chapter also online from the US Army.) - Clark, Walter, editor, Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War, 1861-1865, 5 vols., Raleigh and Goldsboro (NC): E. M. Uzzell, Nash Brothers, printers, 1901 [AotW reference 249]
(Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are available online from the Internet Archive.) - Clarke, S. J. & Co., Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa, Illustrated, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901 [AotW reference 310]
- Clarkson, Heriot, Address of Justice Heriot Clarkson, Unveiling at St. Mark's Church, Memorial Tablet to Rt. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr., and Rev. Edwin Augustus Osborne, Typescript, 4 pgs., Mecklenburg County (NC): unpublished, 1933 [AotW reference 266]
(Biographical sketch of Edwin Augustus Osborne. Typewritten copy of address of Sunday, 26 November 1933 found in the church records of St. Mark's Episcopal, Mecklenberg County and transcribed online by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission.) - Clem, Richard E., Washington County Has an Unsung Confederate Hero!, Maryland Cracker Barrel magazine, 01 January 1990, No. 19, Boonsboro (Md), 1990 [AotW reference 122]
- Coffin, Charles Carleton, My Days and Nights on the Battle-field, Boston: Dana Estes and Company, 1887 [AotW reference 312]
(The book is also available online from GoogleBooks.) - Coles, Robert T. and Jeffrey D. Stocker, editor, From Huntsville to Appomattox: R. T. Coles's History of 4th Regiment, Alabama Infantry, Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1996 [AotW reference 583]
- Columbia Historical Society, Record of the Columbia Historical Society (Vol. 6), Washington DC: Columbia Historical Society, 1903 [AotW reference 384]
(Available online from GoogleBooks.) - Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Adjutant General, Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the Civil War, 8 Vols, Norwood (MA): Norwood Press, 1931-35 [AotW reference 389]
(Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 online in page images and full text from the Internet Archives.) - Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Adjutant General, Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865, 2 Volumes, Boston: Wright & Potter, Printers to the State, 1868-1870 [AotW reference 538]
(Online (Vol. 1, Vol. 2) from the Internet Archives.) - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers, Pennsylvania and the Centennial Exhibition, 2 vols., Philadelphia: Gillin & Nagle, 1878 [AotW reference 232]
(Page images online from the Pennsylvania State University Library.) - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Adjutant General's Office, Register of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, 16 volumes, Harrisburg [AotW reference 661]
(Images of each page of each volume are available online as PDFs from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Filed in Series #19.65 and on microfilm, rolls 508-522, in the State Archives, Harrisburg.) - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs, Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home in Erie, Patient Record Books, 1886-1949, 14 volumes, Erie: Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, 1886-1949 [AotW reference 717]
(All 14 volumes scanned and online from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Some volumes indexed at the front of the book.) - Confederate States Congress, Journal of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, 7 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1904-1905 [AotW reference 191]
(In the Collection of the US Library of Congress, with page images and transcription online, this was printed as Senate Document No. 234 of the U.S. Serial Set, 58th Congress, 2nd session.) - Connelley, William E. and Kansas State Historical Society, A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1918 [AotW reference 253]
- Conyngham, David Power, The Irish Brigade and Its Campaigns, New York: William McSorley & Co., 1867 [AotW reference 480]
(Online from the Internet Archives (scanned by Google).) - Cook, Benjamin F. and James Beale, History of the Twelfth Massachusetts Volunteers (Webster regiment), Boston: Twelfth (Webster) Regiment Association, 1882 [AotW reference 445]
(Online from the Hathi Trust. Probably actually written by James Beale, late Private, Company I.) - Cooke, James Dell, A History of the Thirty-First Virginia Regiment Volunteers C. S. A., Morgantown (WV): West Virginia University, 1955 [AotW reference 135]
(Manuscript of Master's Thesis, posted online by the University.) - Cooper, Theodore, American Railway Bridges, Engineering News and American Railway Journal, 06 July 1889, New York: Engineering News Publishing Company, 1889 [AotW reference 194]
(Paper given to the American Society of Engineers; reference to Howard Carroll, later 105th NYVI. It has been transcribed online by Thomas Ehrenreich.) - Cottom, Robert I., Jr. and Mary Ellen Hayward, Maryland in the Civil War: A House Divided, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1994 [AotW reference 285]
- Coulter, Richard, Journal, 1847 January 1-1848 July 14 (Typescript), The University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Mexican War Collections, 1847-1848 [AotW reference 74]
(Background and Journal summary online from the U of Michigan.) - Cox, James, Old and New St. Louis: a concise history of the metropolis ... with a biographical appendix, St. Louis: Central Biographical Publishing Co., 1894 [AotW reference 455]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Crater, Lewis, History of the Fiftieth Regiment, Penna. Vet. Vols., 1861-65, Reading, PA: Coleman Printing House, 1884 [AotW reference 580]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Crew, R. Thomas and Benjamin H. Trask, Grimes' Battery, Grandy's Battery & Huger's Battery Virginia Artillery, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard Inc., 1995 [AotW reference 423]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Crews, Edward R., 14th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1995 [AotW reference 669]
- Croffut, W. A. and John M. Morris, The Military and Civil History of Connecticut during the War of 1861-65, New York: Ledyard Bill, 1868 [AotW reference 317]
(The second edition is online from the Internet Archives.) - Crute, Joseph H. Jr., Units of the Confederate States Army, Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987 [AotW reference 31]
- Cuffel, Charles A., History of Durell's Battery in the Civil War, Philadelphia: Craig, Finley & Company, printers, 1903 [AotW reference 544]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Cullum, George Washington, Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the US Military Academy, 2nd Edition, 3 vols., New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1868-79 [AotW reference 283]
(Volumes 1, 2, and 3 online from the Internet Archives.) - Curtis, Newton Martin, LL.D., From Bull Run to Chancellorsville: The Story of the Sixteenth New York Infantry together with Personal Reminiscences, New York: GP Putnam's Sons, 1906 [AotW reference 311]
(The complete book is available online from GoogleBooks.) - D Society, Veterans, Co. D 13th NJ Infantry, Historical Sketch of Co. D, 13th Regiment, N.J. Vols., Newark (NJ): D.H. Gildersleeve & Co., 1875 [AotW reference 595]
(Available online from Google Books.) - Davenport, Alfred, Camp and field life of the Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry (Duryee Zouaves), New York: Dick and Fitzgerald, 1879 [AotW reference 299]
- Davidson College Alumni Assoc. and W. A. Withers ('83), editor, The Semi-Centennial Catalogue of Davidson College, Davidson, NC, 1837-1887, Raleigh: E. M. Uzzell. Steam Printer and Binder, 1891 [AotW reference 127]
(Page images of this alumni directory posted online by the College.) - Davis, Burke, Jeb Stuart, The Last Cavalier, New York: Rinehart, 1957 [AotW reference 287]
(Reprinted in New York: Wings Books, 1992.) - Davis, Charles E., Jr., Three years in the army: The story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers ..., Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1894 [AotW reference 218]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Davis, Rev. Nicholas A., The Campaign from Texas to Maryland, Houston: Telegraph Book and Job Establishment, 1863 [AotW reference 422]
(Davis was the Chaplain of the 4th Texas Infantry Regiment. This book is online from the Internet Archives) - Davis, Sam B., A History of the 3rd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Battalion (James Battalion): 1861-1865 , Wilmington (NC): Broadfoot Publishing Company, 2009 [AotW reference 584]
- Davis, William Thomas, Bench and Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2 volumes, Boston: The Boston History Company, 1895 [AotW reference 322]
(Volume 1 is also available online from GoogleBooks.) - Davis, William C., The Civil War: Spies, Scouts and Raider, Irregular Operations, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1986 [AotW reference 336]
- Davis, William C., editor and National Historical Society, The Image of War, 1861-1865, 6 volumes, Garden City (NY): Doubleday, 1981-1984 [AotW reference 393]
- Davis, William C., editor and William A. Frassanito, photographic consultant, Touched by Fire: Photographic Portrait of the Civil War, 2 vol, single cover, New York: Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, 1997 [AotW reference 224]
- Dawes, Rufus Robinson, Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, Marietta (OH): E.R. Alderman & Sons, 1890 [AotW reference 417]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Dempsey, Jack and Brian James Egen, Michigan at Antietam: The Wolverine State's Sacrifice on America's Bloodiest Day, Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2015 [AotW reference 625]
- Dickert, D. Augustus, History of Kershaw's Brigade, Newberry (SC): Elbert H. Aull Company, 1899 [AotW reference 238]
(Transcribed online with illustrations, by Project Gutenberg (2004).) - Dobyns, Kenneth W, The Patent Office Pony: A History of the Early Patent Office, Fredericksburg (Va): Sergeant Kirkland's Museum and Historical Society, Inc., 1994 [AotW reference 142]
(Full text of this volume has been posted online by the author.) - Donaldson, Francis Adams and J. Gregory Acken, editor, Inside the Army of the Potomac: The Civil War Experience of Captain Francis Adams Donaldson, Mechanicsburg (PA): Stackpole Books, 1998 [AotW reference 472]
- Douglas, Henry Kyd, I Rode With Stonewall, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1940 [AotW reference 207]
- Dowdy, Clifford and Louis H. Manarin, The Wartime Papers of R.E. Lee, New York: Bramhall House, 1961 [AotW reference 332]
- Driver, Robert J., 1st Battalion Virginia Infantry, 39th Battalion Virginia Cavalry, 24th Battalion Virginia Partisan Rangers, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard Inc., 1996 [AotW reference 442]
- Driver, Robert J., 2nd Virginia Cavalry, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard Inc., 1995 [AotW reference 443]
- Driver, Robert J., 52nd Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard Inc., 1986 [AotW reference 613]
- Driver, Robert J., 58th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 124]
- Driver, Jr., Robert J., The 1st and 2nd Rockbridge Artillery, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1987 [AotW reference 680]
- Duncan, Alexander McC., Roll of Officers and Members of the Georgia Hussars and of the Cavalry Companies ..., Savannah: The Morning News, 1906 [AotW reference 257]
- Duncan, Louis C. and Captain, Medical Corps, US Army, The Medical Department of the United States Army in the Civil War: unpublished collection, c. 1916 [AotW reference 622]
(Available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Durkee, Cornelius E., Reminiscences of Saratoga, The Saratogian, 01 January 1927, Saratoga Springs (NY): The Saratogian, 1927-1928 [AotW reference 129]
(Originally published as a series in 1927-28, these were transcribed and posted online by members of the Heritage Hunters society, Saratoga Springs.) - Dyer, Alexander B. (1st Lt., 4th Arty.) and and Theo F Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., Fourth Regiment of Artillery, Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 573]
(Transcribed online by the CMH, US Army.) - Dyer, Elisha, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations for the Year 1865 (corrected), 2 Volumes, Providence: E.L. Freeman & Son, 1893 [AotW reference 568]
(Available online from Google Books.) - Dyer, Frederick H., A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Co., 1908 [AotW reference 22]
- Early, Jubal Anderson, Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early C.S.A.: Autobiographical Sketch and Narrative of the War Between the States, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1912 [AotW reference 315]
(The volume is also online in complete text from the Documenting the American South project at the University of North Carolina.) - Early, R. H., Campbell Chronicles and Family Sketches, Embracing the History of Campbell County, Virginia 1782-1926, Lynchburg (Va): J. P. Bell Company, 1927 [AotW reference 188]
(Portions transcribed and posted online by Joy Fisher on RootsWeb.) - Eddy, Richard, History of the Sixtieth Regiment New York State Volunteers, Philadelphia: Richard Eddy, 1864 [AotW reference 649]
(Online from the Internet Archives.) - Eicher, John H. and David J. Eicher, Civil War High Commands, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001 [AotW reference 558]
- Eliot, Samuel Atkins, Biographical History of Massachusetts, 10 Volumes, Boston: Massachusetts Biographical Society, 1909-18 [AotW reference 446]
(Volume 8, for example, found online from the Internet Archives.) - Elliott, William, Casualties in the Brooks Artillery, Charleston Mecrcury, 29 September 1862, Charleston: Charleston Mecrury, 1862 [AotW reference 491]
- Ellis, William Arba, compiler and editor and MGen. Grenville Mellen Dodge, publisher, Norwich University, 1819-1911; Her History, Her Graduates, Her Roll of Honor, 3 Volumes, Montpelier: The Capital City Press, 1911 [AotW reference 453]
(Volumes One, Two, and Three online from the Internet Archives.) - Emerson, Edward Waldo, Life and Letters of Charles Russell Lowell, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1907 [AotW reference 342]
(A digital copy of this work is online from Google Books.) - Emilio, Luis F., A Brave Black Regiment, Boston: Boston Book Company, 1891 [AotW reference 284]
- Estes, Claud, List of Field Officers, Regiments and Battalions in the Confederate States Army 1861 - 1865, Macon (Ga): The J. W. Burke Company, 1912 [AotW reference 400]
(This volume is available online as page images and full text from the Internet Archive.) - Evans, Clement Anselm, editor, Confederate Military History, 12 Volumes, Atlanta: The Confederate Publishing Company, 1899 [AotW reference 104]
(Each volume written by 'distinguished men of the South". Volumes transcribed online: Legal justification (1), Maryland (2.1), West Virginia (2.2), Virginia (3), North Carolina (4), South Carolina (5), Georgia (6), Blockade and cruisers (7.1), Atlantic Coast (7.2), Tennessee (8), Kentucky (9.1), Missouri (9.2), Louisiana (10.1), Arkansas (10.2), Texas (11.1), Florida (11.2), Alabama (12.1), Mississippi (12.2)) - Fairchild, C. B, History of the 27th Regiment N.Y. Vols., Binghamton (NY): Carl & Matthews, printers, 1888 [AotW reference 300]
- Farino, Greg and J. Ronald Pearcey, superintendent, Confederate Soldiers buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Hagerstown (MD): WHILBR, 2010 [AotW reference 489]
(The list is online in a PDF via a page on the WHILBR site from the Western Maryland Regional Library.) - Favill, Josiah Marshall, The Diary of a Young Officer, Chicago: R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 1909 [AotW reference 416]
(Favill had been Lieutenant, Adjutant, and Captain in the 79th NYSM, and 57th New York Volunteer Infantry during the War. This volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Fishel, Edwin C., The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil War, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996 [AotW reference 289]
- Fisher, Geoge Jackson, MD, Report of Fifty-seven Cases of Amputations ... after the Battle of Antietam, The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 01 January 1863, XLV, Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea, 1863 [AotW reference 632]
(The vast majority of the patients in this study were Confederate soldiers. Volume XLV, among many others of the Journal, is online from the Hathi Trust. Dr. Fisher (1825-93) was a volunteer surgeon working for the US Sanitary Commission at Antietam.) - Fiske, John and James Grant Wilson, editors, Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, 6 vols., New York City: D. Appleton and Company, 1887-1889 [AotW reference 16]
(Available full text and transcribed online from the Making of America library at the University of Michigan.) - Fleming, George Thornton, History of Pittsburgh and Environs, 5 volumes, New York, Chicago: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1922 [AotW reference 273]
(Also available in transcription and page image online from the University of Pittsburgh library.) - Fleming, Monika S., Edgecombe County: Along the Tar River, Charleston (SC): Arcadia Publishing, 2003 [AotW reference 408]
- Fogle, Theodore Turner, Letters (1851-65), Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta: Emory University [AotW reference 79]
(Summary of the collection and bio information about Fogle is online from Emory.) - Fonerden, C. A., History of Carpenter's Battery of the Stonewall Brigade, 1861-1865, New Market (Va): Henkel and Company, 1911 [AotW reference 163]
- Fout, Frederick Wilhelm, The Dark Days of the Civil War, 1861 to 1865, St. Louis: F.A. Wagenfuehr, 1904 [AotW reference 448]
(This volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Frassanito, William A., Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of America's Bloodiest Day, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978 [AotW reference 29]
- Freeman, Douglas Southall, Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command, 3 Volumes, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1942-44 [AotW reference 335]
- Freeman, Douglas Southall, R. E. Lee, 4 Volumes, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934 [AotW reference 334]
(This massive work has been carefully transcribed and formatted for the web by Bill Thayer.) - Fry, Anna M. Gayle, Memories of Old Cahaba, Nashville (Tenn): Publishing House of the M. E. Church, South, 1905 [AotW reference 517]
(Complete volume online from the Internet Archives) - Frye, Dennis E., 12th Virginia Cavalry, Lynchburg (Va.): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1988 [AotW reference 682]
- Fuller, Charles Augustus, Personal Recollections of the War of 1861... in the Sixty-first Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, Sherburne (NY): News Job Printing House, 1906 [AotW reference 500]
(Complete volume online from the Internet Archives.) - Gallagher, Gary W., Editor, Lee the Soldier, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996 [AotW reference 291]
- Gallagher, Gary W., Editor, The Antietam Campaign, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999 [AotW reference 465]
- Galwey, Thomas Francis and W.S. Nye, editor, The Valiant Hours, Harrisburg (PA): The Stackpole Company, 1961 [AotW reference 575]
(From the wartime diaries of Thomas Galwey, 8th Ohio Infantry. Online from the Hathi Trust.) - Gannon, James P., Irish Rebels, Confederate Tigers: A History of the 6th Louisiana Volunteers, 1861-1865, Mason City, IA: Savas Publishing, 1998 [AotW reference 689]
- Gates, Merrill Edwards, editor, Men of Mark in America: Ideals of American Life Told in Biographies of eminent living Americans, Washingon DC: Men of Mark Publishing, 1906 [AotW reference 327]
(Volume 2 online from Google Books.) - Gates, Theodore Burr, The "Ulster Guard" (20th N. Y. State Militia) and the War of the Rebellion, New York City: Benjamin H. Tyrell, Printer, 1879 [AotW reference 677]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Gayley, MD, James Fyfe, A History of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia: Joseph W. Wilson, 1858 [AotW reference 695]
(A fine copy is available online from the National Library of Medicine.) - General Alumni Society, Alumni Register of the University of Pennsylvania, Vol. 5 (1900-01), Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1901 [AotW reference 329]
(Also available online from Google Books.) - Gibbon, John, Personal Recollections of the Civil War, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1928 [AotW reference 591]
(Available online for search-only from the Hathi Trust.) - Giles, Valerius Cincinnatus and Mary Lasswell, editor, Rags and Hope: The Recollections of Val C. Giles, Four Years with Hood's Brigade Fourth Texas Infantry, 1861-1865, New York: Coward-McCann Publishing, 1961 [AotW reference 683]
- Goddard, Henry Perkins, Memorial of Deceased Officers of the Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1872 [AotW reference 435]
(Online from the Internet Archive.) - Goddard, Henry Perkins and Calvin Goddard Zon, editor, The Good Fight That Didn't End, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2008 [AotW reference 515]
(The letters, journals, and newspaper writings of Henry Perkins Goddard (1842-1916) of Norwich, Connecticut and the 14th Connecticut Infantry.) - Goldsborough, William Worthington, The Maryland Line in the Confederate Army, 1861-1865, Baltimore: Press of Guggenheim, Weil & Co., 1900 [AotW reference 447]
(Posted online by the Internet Archive.) - Goodspeed, Weston A., History of Greene and Sullivan Counties, State of Indiana, Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers & Company, 1884 [AotW reference 433]
(Greene County portion transcribed online by Miller Family genealogists.) - Goolrick, WIlliam K and Editors of Time/Life, Rebels Resurgent: Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1985 [AotW reference 344]
- Gordon, John Brown, Reminiscences of the Civil War, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904 [AotW reference 237]
(Also transcribed online by the University of North Carolina, Documenting the American South collection.) - Gottfried, Bradley M. (editor), Brigades of Antietam: The Union and Confederate Brigades at the Battle of Antietam, Sharpsburg, MD: The Press of the Antietam Institute, 2021 [AotW reference 692]
- Gottfried, Bradley M., The Maps of Antietam, 3rd edition, El Dorado Hills: Savas Beatie, 2012 [AotW reference 719]
(An Atlas of the Antietam (Sharpsburg) Campaign, including the Battle of South Mountain, September 2 - 20, 1862.) - Gould, John Mead, History of the First - Tenth - Twenty-ninth Maine regiment, Portland: Stephen Berry, 1871 [AotW reference 456]
(Digitized and posted online by the Internet Archives.) - Gould, John Mead and William B. Jordan, editor, The Civil War Journals of John Mead Gould, 1861-1866, Baltimore: Butternut and Blue, 1997 [AotW reference 151]
- Gould, Joseph, The Story of the Forty-eighth : a Record of the Campaigns of the Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry ..., Philadelphia: Regimental Association, 1908 [AotW reference 492]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Graham, Albert Adams, History of Richland County, Ohio, Mansfield (OH): A.A. Graham & Co., 1880 [AotW reference 461]
(Posted online by the Internet Archives.) - Graham, James Augustus and H.M. Wagstaff, editor, The James A. Graham Papers, 1861-1884, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1928 [AotW reference 722]
(Contains his wartime letters and a roster of the Orange Guards, later Company G, 27th North Carolina Infantry, published as Volume 20, Number 2 of the James Sprunt Historical Studies from UNC. The complete volume is online from Google Books. ) - Graham, Matthew John, The Ninth Regiment, New York Volunteers (Hawkins' Zouaves), New York: E.P. Coby & Company, Printers, 1900 [AotW reference 553]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Graves, Joseph Armstrong, The History of the Bedford Light Artillery, Bedford City: Press of the Bedford Democrat, 1903 [AotW reference 656]
(This book is available online from the Internet Archive.) - Green, Robert McCay, compiler, History of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion 1862-1863, Philadelphia: Ware Brothers Company, printers, 1907 [AotW reference 664]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Gue, Benjamin F., History of Iowa From the Earliest Times To The Beginning of the Twentieth Century, 4 vols., New York: The Century History Company, 1903 [AotW reference 309]
(Volume 4 is online from GoogleBooks.) - Gunn, Ralph White, 24th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1987 [AotW reference 670]
- Hagood, James Robert and Colonel Johnson Hagood, Memoirs of the First South Carolina Regiment of Volunteer Infantry ..., Barnwell: not published, c. 1870 [AotW reference 725]
(This is a typed draft of a manuscript J.R. Hagood wrote in or before 1870. Transcribed, edited, and bound by Maj Gen Johnson Hagood (1873-1948), his brother Lee's son, in 1944. Online from the University of South Carolina.) - Hale, Laura Virginia and Stanley S. Phillips, History of the Forty-ninth Virginia Infantry, C.S.A., "Extra Billy Smith's boys", Lanham (MD): S.S. Phillips, 1981 [AotW reference 117]
(Based on the unpublished memoirs of Captain Robert Daniel Funkhouser, "Warren Blues," Company D, 49th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A.) - Hall, Hillman Allyn (chairman) and Committee on Regimental History, History of the Sixth New York Cavalry (Second Ira Harris Guard), Worchester, MA: The Blanchard Press, 1908 [AotW reference 702]
(Available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Hall, Isaac, History of the Ninety-seventh Regiment, New York Volunteers ("Conkling Rifles") in the War for the Union, Utica: L.C. Childs & Son, 1890 [AotW reference 671]
(This volume is online thanks to the Hathi Trust.) - Hamersly, Lewis Randolph, Officers of the Volunteer Army and Navy who served in the Civil War, Philadelphia: Hamersly, L.R & Co., 1893 [AotW reference 307]
- Hamersly, Lewis Randolph, Records of Living Officers of the United States Army, Philadelphia: L.R. Hamersly & Co., 1884 [AotW reference 352]
(Volume online in page images and full text from GoogleBooks.) - Hand, Henry Wells, editor, 1808-1908 Centennial history of the town of Nunda, Rochester (NY): Rochester Herald Press, 1908 [AotW reference 377]
(A full version of this book is available online from GoogleBooks.) - Hard, Abner, History of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, Aurora, IL: Abner Hard, 1868 [AotW reference 673]
(The author was Surgeon of the 8th Illinois Cavalry during the war. The complete volume is available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Hardin, Martin D., Twelfth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps (41st Regiment of the Line) ..., New York City: M.D. Hardin, 1890 [AotW reference 654]
(This volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Harsh, Joseph L., George Brinton McClellan and the Forgotten Alternative: An Introduction to the Conservitive Strategy in the Civil War April - August 1861, Houston: Rice University, 1970 [AotW reference 639]
(The complete Ph. D. thesis is online from Rice as a PDF.) - Harsh, Joseph L., Sounding the Shallows, Kent (Oh): Kent State University Press, 2000 [AotW reference 201]
(subtitle: A Confederate Companion for the Maryland Campaign of 1862) - Harsh, Joseph L., Taken at the Flood, Kent (Oh): Kent State University Press, 1999 [AotW reference 202]
(subtitle: Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862) - Hartman, David W. and David Coles, compilers, Biographical Rosters of Florida's Confederate and Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, 6 volumes, Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1995 [AotW reference 627]
- Hartwick, Louis M. and William H. Tuller, Oceana County Pioneers and Business Men of Today, Pentwater (MI): Pentwater News Steam Print, 1890 [AotW reference 376]
(Available online from GoogleBooks.) - Hartwig, D. Scott, Antietam's Fury Remembered, America's Civil War Magazine, 01 September 2002, Leesburg (Va): Primedia Inc., 2002 [AotW reference 150]
- Hartwig, D. Scott, I Dread the Thought of the Place: the Battle of Antietam and the end of the Maryland Campaign, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023 [AotW reference 704]
- Hartwig, D. Scott, To Antietam Creek: The Maryland Campaign of September 1862, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012 [AotW reference 528]
- Hartwig, D. Scott and Gary W. Gallagher, editor, Would Not Be a Soldier: The Volunteers of '62 in the Maryland Campaign, The Antietam Campaign, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999 [AotW reference 316]
- Haskell, Franklin Aretas and Frank L. Byrne, Andrew T. Weaver, Editors, Haskell of Gettysburg: His Life and Civil War Papers, Kent (OH): Kent State University Press, 1989 [AotW reference 535]
(A reprint, originally published in 1970 by the Wisconsin Historical Society.) - Hassler, A. E., Major, USA, Interview with R. P. Jennings, 23rd Virginia Infantry, "Antietam Studies" (Collection), Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Record Group 94, Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1897 [AotW reference 47]
(Quoted in Prologue, Fall 1995, the journal of the National Archives, and also extracted online) - Hayes, Brian C., Captain, USANG, Three Men of Gettysburg: A Study in Civil War Battery Command, Field Artillery Magazine, 01 July 2003, Fort Sill (OK): US Army Field Artillery, 2003 [AotW reference 149]
(Article highlighting battery commanders Hazlett, Cushing and Dilger. All FA (now Fires) issues are also available online in the archive.) - Hays, Ebenezer Z., Editor, History of the Thirty-second Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, Columbus: Cott & Evans Printers, 1896 [AotW reference 462]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Heitman, Francis Bernard, Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, 2 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1903 [AotW reference 12]
(Volumes 1 and 2 of the 1903 edition are online from the Internet Archive.) - Henderson, Lilian, compiler, Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, 6 vols., Hapeville (GA): Longino & Porter, 1959-1964 [AotW reference 61]
(These volumes online from the Hathi Trust Digital Library.) - Henderson, William D., 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard Company, 1984 [AotW reference 337]
- Henderson, William D., 41st Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard Company, 1986 [AotW reference 691]
- Henry, Guy Vernor, Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army, 2 Volumes, New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1873 [AotW reference 358]
(Volume I and Volume II online from Google Books.) - Herbert, Hilary Abner and Maurice S. Fortin, editor, History of the Eighth Alabama Volunteer Regiment, C.S.A, The Alabama Historical Quarterly, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1-4, Montgomery: Alabama State Department of Archives and History, 1977 [AotW reference 676]
(Available online from the Internet Archive. An early version was published by Colonel Herbert in installments in the Montgomery Advertiser from June to September 1906. This version includes additions and revisions by Herbert and editor Fortin.) - Hewett, Janet B., editor, The Roster of Confederate Soldiers 1861-1865, 16 Volumes, Wilmington (NC): Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1995- [AotW reference 148]
(A transcrincption from the 535 microfilm rolls entitled Consolidated Index to All Confederate Soldiers.) - Hewett, Janet B., editor, The Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 100 Volumes, Wilmington (NC): Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1994-2001 [AotW reference 559]
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, Harvard Memorial Biographies
, Cambridge (MA): Sever and Francis, 1866 [AotW reference 483]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, 2 vols., Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 1895-6 [AotW reference 260]
(Transcribed online (Vol. 1 parts a,b, and c; Vol.2) by Tufts University's Perseus Digital Library.) - Hill, Ashbel Fairchild, Our Boys. The Personal Experiences of a Soldier in the Army of the Potomac, Philadelphia: John E. Potter, 1864 [AotW reference 653]
(A memoir and unit history up through Antietam by a soldier of the 8th Pennsylvania Reserves. Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Hitchcock, Frederick Lyman, War from the Inside : the Story of the 132nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry ... 1862-1863, Philadelphia: J.D. Lippincott Company, 1904 [AotW reference 589]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Hokanson, Nels Magnus, Swedish Immigrants in Lincoln's Time, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1942 [AotW reference 351]
(The complete volume is online in several formats from the Internet Archive.) - Hopewell, Lynn (Harry Lynn Jr), A Biographical Register of the Members of Fauquier County Virginia's Black Horse Cavalry 1859-1865, Warrenton (Va): Black Horse Press, 2002 [AotW reference 120]
(Draft manuscript hosted online by the author.) - Hopkins, William Palmer and George B. Peck, editor, The Seventh Regiment of RI Volunteers in the Civil War, 1862 - 1865, Providence: Snow & Farmham Printers, 1903 [AotW reference 488]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archives.) - Hotchkiss, Jedediah and Archie P. McDonald, editor, Make Me a Map of the Valley: the Civil War Journal of Stonewall Jackson's Topographer, Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1973 [AotW reference 220]
- Hough, Franklin Benjamin, History of Duryee's Brigade, during the Campaign in Virginia under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland under Gen. McClellan, in the Summer and Autumn of 1862, Albany: J. Munsell, 1864 [AotW reference 375]
(This volume also online in its entirety in the Internet Archive.) - Hull, Isaac, History of the Ninety-Seventh Regiment, New York Volunteers, ("Conkling Rifles") in the War for the Union, Utica: L.C. Childs & Son, 1890 [AotW reference 652]
(The complete volume is available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Hunt, Roger D., Colonels in Blue: Union Army Colonels of the Civil War - Mid Atlantic States, Mechanicsburg (PA): Stackpole Books, 2007 [AotW reference 350]
- Hunt, Roger D., Colonels in Blue: Union Army Colonels of the Civil War - New England States, Atglen (PA): Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2001 [AotW reference 167]
- Hurst, Marshall B., History of the Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Vols, Richmond (Va): M.B. Hurst, 1863 [AotW reference 516]
(Digital edition online from the Internet Archives.) - Hyde, Thomas Worcester, Following the Greek Cross or Memories of the Sixth Army Corps, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1894 [AotW reference 496]
(Volume online from the Internet Archives. Hyde was Major and commanded the 7th Maine Infantry at Antietam.) - Hyde, Thomas W., Casualties in the Seventh Maine Regiment in the Battle of Antietam, Lewiston Falls (Maine) Journal, 02 October 1862, Lewiston: Lewiston Falls Journal, 1862 [AotW reference 495]
(Report transcribed online.) - Imboden, John D., Incidents of the Battle of First Manassas, The Century Magazine, 01 May 1885, New York City: The Century Company, 1885 [AotW reference 105]
(Article transcribed online by Ron O'Callaghan.) - Ingersoll, Colin Macrae, Adjutant-General, Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations in the Service of the United States, 1861-1865, Hartford: Brown & Gross, 1869 [AotW reference 493]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Iobst, Richard William and Louis H. Manarin, Wade Lucas, The Bloody Sixth : the Sixth North Carolina Regiment, Confederate States of America, Raleigh: North Carolina Confederate Centennial Commission, 1965 [AotW reference 494]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Jackman, Lyman, History of the Sixth New Hampshire Regiment in the War for the Union, Concord (NH): Republican Press Association, 1891 [AotW reference 402]
(Online from the Internet Archive.) - Jensen, Les, 32nd Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 615]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Johnson, Curt and Richard C. Anderson, Artillery Hell: Employment of Artillery at Antietam, College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1995 [AotW reference 14]
- Johnson, John Liscomb, The University Memorial: Biographical Sketches of Alumni of the University of Virginia who fell in the Confederate War, Baltimore: Turnbull Brothers, 1871 [AotW reference 710]
(The volume is available online from the HathiTrust.) - Johnson, Robert U. and Clarence C. Buel, eds., Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, 4 vols., New York City: The Century Company, 1884-1887 [AotW reference 3]
(Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are online in text and page images from the Internet Archives.) - Johnson, Rossiter (editor), Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, 10 volumes, Boston: The Biographical Society, 1904 [AotW reference 279]
- Johnston, David Emmons, The Story of a Confederate Boy in the Civil War, Portland (OR): Glass & Prudhomme Company, 1914 [AotW reference 521]
(Nicely presented online in an electronic edition by UNC at Documenting the American South) - Johnston, Lyle, "Good night, Chet": a biography of Chet Huntley, Jefferson (NC): McFarland & Company, 2003 [AotW reference 419]
- Jones, Charles Edgeworth, Georgia in the War, 1861-1865, Atlanta: Foote and Davies, printer, 1909 [AotW reference 361]
(Hosted in text and image online by Google Books) - Jones, Terry L., Lee's Tigers: The Louisiana Infantry in the Army of Northern Virginia, Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2002 [AotW reference 281]
- Jones, Wilbur D., Jr., Giants in the Cornfield: the 27th Indiana Infantry, Shippenburg (Pa.): White Mane Publishers, 1997 [AotW reference 179]
(A portion of Giants discussing the chronology following discovery of the "Lost Orders" was transcribed and posted online by Steve Russell on his excellent 27th Indiana site.) - Jordan, Jr., Ervin I. and H. A. Thomas, Jr., 19th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1987 [AotW reference 602]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Kentucky, Legislature of, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky, Volume II: Kentucky Confederate Volunteers, Frankfort: State of Kentucky, 1918 [AotW reference 478]
- Kirkland, Jr., Randolph W., Dark Hours: South Carolina Soldiers, Sailors and Citizens who Were Held in Federal Prisons during the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865, Charleston: South Carolina Historical Society, 2002 [AotW reference 667]
- Kooser, William, The Never-before-told Story of Barkers Dragoons, Illinois Heritage Magazine, 01 September 1999, Chicago: Illinois State Historical Society, 1999 [AotW reference 153]
(Also published online. ) - Krick, Robert K., Lee's Colonels: A Biographical Register of the Field Officers of the Army of Northern Virginia, Dayton (Oh): Morningside Press, 1979 [AotW reference 123]
- Krick, Robert K., 30th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1983 [AotW reference 614]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Krick, Robert E. L., 40th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1985 [AotW reference 162]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Krick, Robert K., 9th Virginia Cavalry, Lynchburg (Va): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1982 [AotW reference 542]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Krick, Robert K., Parker's Virginia Battery, C.S.A., Berryville: Virginia Book Company, 1975 [AotW reference 396]
- Krick, Robert E.L., Staff Officers in Gray; A Biographical Register of the Staff Officers in the Army of Northern Virginia, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003 [AotW reference 199]
- Laine, J. Gary and Morris M. Penny, Law's Alabama Brigade in the War Between the Union and the Confederacy, Shippensburg (Pa): White Mane Publishing Company, 1996 [AotW reference 131]
- Lang, Theodore F., Loyal West Virginia from 1861 to 1865, Baltimore: Deutsch Publishing, 1895 [AotW reference 398]
(The complete text of this volume has been placed online by GoogleBooks.) - Large, George R. and Joe A. Swisher, Battle of Antietam: The Official History by the Antietam Battlefield Board, Shippensburg (Pa): Burd Street Press, 1998 [AotW reference 62]
(Full text and locations for all battle tablets created by the Board about 1897) - Latrobe, Osmun, Diary of a Confederate Major under General James Longstreet 1862-65, 2 vols., Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society Library, c. 1865 [AotW reference 228]
(The original manuscript, along with a typescript, are among the Latrobe Papers, 1828-1947; collection summary online.) - Leech, D. D.T., compiler, List of Post Offices in the United States (1855) with the Names of Postmasters, Washington DC: US Post Office Department, Geo. Gideon, printer, 1855 [AotW reference 388]
(Posted online by Google Books.) - Levert, Suzanne and The Civil War Society, The Civil War Society's Encyclopedia of the Civil War, New York: Gramercy/Random House Inc, 1997 [AotW reference 190]
- Lewis, Virgil Anson, History of West Virginia: in Two Parts, Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers, 1889 [AotW reference 421]
(This volume is online from the Internet Archives.) - Lewis Publishing, Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1886 [AotW reference 477]
(A faint copy online from GoogleBooks via the Internet Archive.) - Lincoln, Abraham and Abraham Lincoln Assn: Roy P. Basler, ed; Marion D Pratt, Lloyd A. Dunlap, asst eds., Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, 8 Volumes, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1953 [AotW reference 501]
(Available as an electronic reference online hosted by the University of Michigan.) - Lindsley, John Berrien, The Military Annals of Tennessee. Confederate, Nashville: J.M. Lindsley, 1886 [AotW reference 674]
(Available online thanks to the Internet Archive.) - Linn, John Blair, History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia: Louis H. Everts, 1883 [AotW reference 97]
(Biographies from this volume transcribed online by PaRecs.) - Livermore, Thomas L., Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America 1861-65, Cambridge (Ma): Riverside Press of Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1901 [AotW reference 40]
(Also available as page images online from the USAMHI) - Loehr, Charles Theodore, War History of the Old First Virginia Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, Richmond: W.E. Jones, printer, 1884 [AotW reference 679]
(This volume is online thanks to the Google Books.) - Longacre, William G., Lee's Cavalrymen: A History of the Mounted Forces of the Army of Northern Virginia, Mechanicsburg (Pa): Stackpole Books, 2002 [AotW reference 320]
- Longstreet, James, From Manassas to Appomattox: Memoirs of the Civil War in America, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1895 [AotW reference 223]
(Sections transcribed and hosted online at the War Times Journal site.) - Lord, Edward O., History of the Ninth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion, Concord: Republican Press Association, 1895 [AotW reference 297]
- Lowry, Thomas P., Ruthless Rufus, Civil War Times Illustrated, 01 October 2000, Vol. 39 Issue 5, Los Angeles: Primedia Enthusiast Media, 2000 [AotW reference 270]
- Lowry, Thomas P., Tarnished Eagles, The Courts-Martial of Fifty Union Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels, Mechanicsburg (Pa): Stackpole Books, 1997 [AotW reference 54]
- Macaluso, Gregory J., Morris, Orange, and King William Artillery, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1991 [AotW reference 617]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series) - MacVeagh, Wayne and other MacVeagh family members, MacVeagh Family Papers (Collection 1616), Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1951 [AotW reference 166]
(Abstract, background, and inventory online.) - Maki, John McGilvrey, A Yankee in Hokkaido: the life of William Smith Clark, New York: Lexington Books, 2002 [AotW reference 373]
- Manarin, Louis H., 15th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 267]
- Manarin, Louis H. and Weymouth Tyree Jordan, Matthew M Brown, Michael W Coffey, North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865 : A Roster, 20 Volumes +, Raleigh: North Carolina State Department of Archives and History, 1966- [AotW reference 525]
(Vol. 1-3 by L.H. Manarin ; v. 4-15 edited by W.T. Jordan, Jr.; v. 16-20+ by Matthew M. Brown and Michael W. Coffey. Additional volumes planned (as of 2017).) - Manarin, Louis H. and Lee A. Wallace, Jr., Richmond Volunteers 1861-1865, Richmond: Westover Press, 1969 [AotW reference 440]
(Commissioned by the Richmond Civil War Centennial Committee; subtitled "The Volunteer Companies of the City of Richmond and Henrico County, Virginia") - Marietta College, Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni of Marietta College, Marietta (OH): Marietta College, 1901 [AotW reference 383]
(Found online courtesy of GoogleBooks.) - Mark, Penrose G., Red, white, and blue badge : Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers : a history of the 93rd Regiment..., Harrisburg: Aughinbaugh Press, 1911 [AotW reference 304]
- Marquis, D R and C.V. Tevis, The History of the Fighting Fourteenth, Brooklyn: Brooklyn Eagle Press, 1911 [AotW reference 380]
(Online in its entirety from the Internet Archives.) - Mathews, Marguerite Marree and Alice Collar Tonge, Floyd Family History and Lineage, Woodbine (Ga): Privately published, 1998 [AotW reference 95]
(Complete text posted online by Tara D. Fields at the Crypt) - Mathless, Paul, editor, Voices of the Civil War: Fredericksburg, Richmond: Time-Life Books, 1997 [AotW reference 382]
- Mathless, Paul, editor, Voices of the Civil War: Shenandoah 1864, Richmond: Time-Life Books, 1998 [AotW reference 394]
- Mathless, Paul, editor, Voices of the Civil War:The Peninsula, Richmond: Time-Life Books, 1997 [AotW reference 522]
- McDonald, William Naylor and Bushrod Corbin Washington, editor, A History of the Laurel Brigade, Baltimore: Mrs Kate S McDonald, 1907 [AotW reference 374]
(Available in several digital formats from GoogleBooks and the Internet Archives.) - McElfresh, Earl B., Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War, New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1999 [AotW reference 234]
- McLendon, James Hays, A history of Simpson County, Mississippi to 1865, Austin: University of Texas, 1936 [AotW reference 518]
(Doctoral thesis. Hardcopy and microfilm in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.) - McLernon, Robert, Casualty List, 63rd New York Volunteer Infantry, Meagher's Irish Brigade, Antietam, Maryland; September 17, 1862, Springfield (Va): R. McLernon, 2001 [AotW reference 473]
(Hosted online (pdf) by the Military Museum of New York. From a photocopy of the original in the National Archives, Washington D. C., with entries from the Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York (1901). The original list is signed Colonel Burke, comd., and is not dated. ) - McLernon, Robert, Casualty List, 69th New York Volunteer Infantry, Meagher's Irish Brigade, Bloody Lane, Antietam, Maryland, September 17, 1862, Springfield (Va): R. McLernon, 2014 [AotW reference 598]
(Hosted online (pdf) by the Military Museum of New York. ) - Mettendorf, Ernest, Between Triumph and Disaster: The History of the 46th New York Infantry 1861 to 1865, Eden, NY: Ernest Mettendorf, 2012 [AotW reference 650]
(A complete English translation is online [PDF], hosted by the New York State Military Museum.) - Miller, Francis Trevelyan, editor in chief, Photographic History of the Civil War, 10 vols., New York: The Review of Reviews Co., 1911-12 [AotW reference 261]
(All ten volumes have been posted online by the Hathi Trust.) - Mills, John Harrison and 21st Regiment Veteran Association of Buffalo, Chronicles of the Twenty-first Regiment New York State Volunteers, Buffalo: 21st Reg't. Veteran Association of Buffalo, 1887 [AotW reference 629]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archives.) - Moat, Lewis Shepheard, editor and artists of the magazine, Frank Leslie's Illustrated History of the Civil War, New York: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1895 [AotW reference 431]
(The volume complete in page images and text is online at the Internet Archive.) - Molesworth, Tod L., O'Neal's 26th Alabama : "the little regiment that did", Avoca, MI: Tod L. Molesworth, 2000 [AotW reference 505]
(A collection of roster and other research data originally hosted online at a website now extinct. Transcribed rosters now (2012) hosted on RootsWeb by F.D. Moore.) - Monroe, J. Albert, Battery D. First Rhode Island Light Artillery, at the Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, Personal Narratives of Events in the War of the Rebellion, Being Papers Read Before the Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, 10 vols., Providence: N. Bangs Williams & Company, 1885-1887 [AotW reference 65]
(Quoted by Kenneth R. Lucier, webmaster, on the Battery D page from Commodore Joel Abbot, Camp No. 21, SUVCW.) - Montgomery, Lizzie Wilson, Sketches of old Warrenton, North Carolina, Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., 1924 [AotW reference 411]
(This volume transcribed and posted online by Nola Duffy and Ginger Christmas-Beattie on the Warren County part of NCGenWeb.) - Montgomery, Morton Luther, Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County, Pennsylvania, 2 vols, Chicago: J.H. Beers and Company, 1909 [AotW reference 425]
(Volume 1 is online courtesy the Internet Archive. Biographies, including those of Volume 2 are online from the Berks County PAGenWeb Project.) - Moore, Edward Alexander, The Story of a Cannoneer under Stonewall Jackson, Washington: The Neale Publishing Company, 1907 [AotW reference 372]
- Moore, John Wheeler (compiler) and State of North Carolina, Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, 4 volumes, Raleigh: Ashe & Gatling, State Printers and Publishers, 1882 [AotW reference 404]
(Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are online from Google Books.) - Moore, Robert H. II, Danville, Eighth Star, New Market, and Dixie Artillery, Appomattox: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1989 [AotW reference 119]
- Moore, Robert H. II, Miscellaneous Disbanded Virginia Light Artillery, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1997 [AotW reference 616]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series) - Moore, Robert H. II, The Richmond Fayette, Hampden, Thomas, and Blount's Lynchburg
Artillery, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1991 [AotW reference 620]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series) - Morgan, Edwin D., Annual report of the Adjutant General of the state of New York (1862), Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, printer, 1862 [AotW reference 321]
- Morgan, William Henry, Civil War Diary of William H. Morgan, US Legacies Magazine, 10 December 2002, Grandview (IN): U.S. Legacies, 2002- [AotW reference 160]
(William Henry Morgan followed Adam Clement as Captain, Co. C, 11th Virginia Infantry. His diary transcriptions are also posted online.) - Morse, Horace J. and Office of the Adjutant General, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Connecticut (1865), New Haven: Carrington, Hotchkiss, & Co., State Printers, 1865 [AotW reference 367]
(Also online at GoogleBooks.) - Mosby, John Singleton and Charles W. Russell, editor, The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1917 [AotW reference 171]
(The complete text is online from the Documenting the American South collection at the University of North Carolina.) - Moten, Matthew, The Delafield Commission and the American Military Profession, College Station (Tx): Texas A&M University Press, 2000 [AotW reference 221]
- Motts, Wayne E., Trust in God and Fear Nothing: Gen. Lewis A. Armistead, C.S.A, Gettysburg: Farnsworth House Military Impressions, 1995 [AotW reference 80]
- Mundy, James H., No Rich Men's Sons: The Sixth Maine Volunteer Infantry, Cape Elizabeth (Me.): Harp Publications, 1994 [AotW reference 239]
- Munsell, W.W. & Co., History of Queen's County (New York), New York: W.W. Munsell & Co., 1882 [AotW reference 347]
(The full text has been transcribed, with illustrations, online on Nancy E Lutz's Brooklyn Genealogy Information Page.) - Murfin, James V., The Gleam Of Bayonets: The Battle Of Antietam And Robert E. Lee's Maryland Campaign, September, 1862, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1965 [AotW reference 294]
(Reissued in paper; Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2004.) - Murphey, Thomas G., Four Years in the War - The History of the First Regiment of Delaware Veteran Volunteers, Philadelphia: James S. Claxton, 1866 [AotW reference 564]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Musselman, Homer D., The Caroline Light, Parker and Stafford Light Virginia Artillery, Lynchburg (Va): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1992 [AotW reference 660]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Nanzig, Thomas P., 3rd Virginia Cavalry, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1989 [AotW reference 621]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Nash, Eugene Arus, A History of the Forty-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, in the Civil War, 1861-1865, Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 1910 [AotW reference 359]
(The full volume in text and images in online from Google Books.) - Neese, George Michael, Three Years in the Confederate Horse Artillery, New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1911 [AotW reference 698]
(Neese was a gunner in Chew's Battery - the Ashby Artillery - and kept a diary through the war. This volume of his experience is available online from the Internet Archive.) - Nicholas, Alexander F., editor and Antietam Battlefield Memorial Commission of Pennsylvania, Second Brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves at Antietam, Harrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Company, State Printer, 1908 [AotW reference 412]
(Online in text and image from the Internet Archive.) - Nicholson, John Page, Pennsylvania at Gettysburg, 2 Volumes, Harrisburg: Wm.. Stanley Ray, 1893 [AotW reference 413]
(Volumes 1 and 2 are online from the Internet Archive.) - Nixon, Alfred and WJ Hoke Camp, UCV, Roster of Confederate Soldiers ... Lincoln County, North Carolina, Lincolnton (NC): Journal Print, 1905 [AotW reference 548]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Northern, William J. and John Temple Graves, Men of Mark in Georgia, 6 volumes, Atlanta: A. B. Caldwell, 1906-1912 [AotW reference 406]
(Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are online in text and image files from the Internet Archives.) - Nowlen, Paul, Providence has been kind..., Military Images Magazine, 01 February 1999, Export (PA): David Neville, 1999 [AotW reference 91]
(The magazine has a website.
) - Oates, William C., The War Between the Union and the Confederacy and Its Lost Opportunities with a History of the 15th Alabama Regiment ..., New York and Washington DC: The Neale Publishing Company, 1905 [AotW reference 52]
- Ordway, William L, The House of Grimmet: A Family Genealogy, [United States]: W L Ordway, 1993 [AotW reference 463]
(McIlvaine/McElwain family genealogy, out of print in 2011 or earlier. Copy found in the collection of the Philadelphia Historical Society, Philadelphia.) - Osborne, WIlliam H., The History of the Twenty-ninth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the Late War of the Rebellion, Boston: Albert J. Wright, printer, 1877 [AotW reference 678]
(The complete text is available online from Project Gutenberg.) - Otis, George Alexander, A Report on Excisions of the Head of the Femur for Gunshot Injury, Washington: US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, 1869 [AotW reference 658]
(Also known as Circular #2, it is available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Otis, George Alexander (curator) and John H. Brinton (collecter), William Bell (photographer), Photographs of Surgical Cases and Specimens, 8 Volumes, Washington DC: US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, 1865 [AotW reference 504]
(Compiled by the curator of the US Army Medical Museum, now the National Museum of Health and Medicine. Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 available in various formats online from the Internet Archive. ) - Owen, Thomas McAdory, History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography, 4 Vols., Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1921 [AotW reference 53]
- Owen, William Miller, In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, Boston: Ticknor & Co., 1885 [AotW reference 403]
(This volume is complete online in text and image from the Internet Archive.) - Page, Charles D., History of the Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Vol. Infantry, Meriden (CT): The Horton Printing Co., 1906 [AotW reference 387]
(Full volume in images and text is online from the Internet Archives.) - Parker, John Lord and Robert G. Carter, Henry Wilson's Regiment: History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry, Boston: Regimental Association, 1887 [AotW reference 428]
(Online in its entirety from GoogleBooks.) - Parker, Thomas H., History of the 51st Regiment of P.V. and V.V. ..., Philadelphia: King & Baird, Printers, 1869 [AotW reference 657]
(This volume is available online from the Internet Archive.) - Peck, Theodore S., Adjutant General and The Vermont Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Revised Roster of Vermont Volunteers and Lists of Vermonters who Served in the Army and Navy of the United States During the War of the Rebellion 1861-66, Montpelier: Press of the Watchman Publishing Co., 1892 [AotW reference 452]
(Scanned and posted online by the Internet Archive.) - Phisterer, Frederick, New York in the War of the Rebellion, 6 volumes, Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1909-12 [AotW reference 26]
(See a hyperlinked table of contents (HyperToC) at behind AotW for the full set of 6 volumes online from the Internet Archives.) - Phisterer, Frederick, Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States, New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1883 [AotW reference 326]
(The complete volume also available online through Google Books.) - Pickerill, William N., History of the Third Indiana Cavalry, Indianapolis: Aetna Printing, 1906 [AotW reference 672]
(This volume is online from the Hathi Trust.) - Pinto, Francis Effingham, History of the 32nd Regiment, New York
Volunteers, in the Civil War, 1861 to 1863, and Personal Recollections during that Period, Brooklyn: F.E. Pinto, 1895 [AotW reference 720]
(A typescript copy of Pinto's manuscript is online [pdf] thanks to Harry Smeltzer on Bull Runnings.) - Poague, William Thomas and Monroe F. Cockrell, ed., Gunner with Stonewall: Reminiscences, Jackson (Tn): McCowat-Mercer Press, 1957 [AotW reference 59]
(Written in 1903 for his children) - Poirier, Robert G., By The Blood Of Our Alumni: Norwich University Citizen-Soldiers In The Army of the Potomac, Mason City (Ia): Savas Publishing, 1998 [AotW reference 217]
(Data online from the Archives of Norwich University.) - Polley, Joseph Benjamin, Hood's Texas Brigade, New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1910 [AotW reference 481]
(Several media versions of the volume available online from the Internet Archives.) - Porter, John T. , Financial Secretary and Charles F. McKenna, compiler & editor, Under the Maltese Cross, Antietam to Appomattox, the Loyal Uprising in Western Pennsylvania, 1861-1865: Campaigns of the 155th Pennsylvania Regiment, Pittsburgh: 155th Regimental Association, 1910 [AotW reference 414]
(This volume is online in text and page images from the Internet Archive.) - Powell, Colonel William Henry, List of Officers of the Army of the United States from 1779 to 1900, New York: L.R. Hamersly & Co., 1900 [AotW reference 308]
(Complete volume scanned and online from GoogleBooks.) - Powell, William Henry, A History of the Organization and Movements of the Fourth Regiment of Infantry, United States Army, Washington, DC: McGill and Witherow, Printers and Stereotypers, 1871 [AotW reference 562]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Powell, William S., ed., Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, 6 vols., Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979 [AotW reference 246]
(An index of subject individuals is online from the Wake County Public Libraries.) - Powell, William Henry, editor, Officers of the Army and Navy (volunteer) who Served in the Civil War, Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Company, 1893 [AotW reference 530]
- Price, George Frederic, Across the Continent with the Fifth Cavalry, New York: D, Van Nostrand, Publishers, 1883 [AotW reference 572]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Priest, John Michael, Antietam: the Soldier's Battle, (paperback), Cary (NC): Oxford University Press, 1993 [AotW reference 265]
- Priest, John Michael, Before Antietam: the Battle for South Mountain, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996 [AotW reference 264]
- Pringle, James Robert, History of the Town and City of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts, Gloucester: J.R. Pringle, 1892 [AotW reference 468]
(Online at the Internet Archives) - Pruett, Samuel and Poffenberger & Good, Greg Farino and Western Maryland Regional Library (WMRL), Washington Confederate Cemetery, possible burials, Hagerstown (MD): WHILBR, 2010 [AotW reference 485]
(Available online in PDF.) - Quiner, Edwin Bentley, The Military History of Wisconsin, Chicago: Clarke & Company, Publishers, 1866 [AotW reference 534]
(Online from the Internet Archives.) - Quint, Alonzo Hall, The Record of the Second Massachusetts Infantry: 1861-1865, Boston: James P. Walker, 1867 [AotW reference 570]
(Available in an online volume from Google Books. ) - Randall, John C., Randall's General Directory of Hagerstown, 1893-94, Hagerstown (Md): John C. Randall, Publisher, 1893 [AotW reference 208]
(Complete volume available in page images and transcribed text online from WHILBR) - Rankin, Thomas M., 23rd Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1985 [AotW reference 32]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Rankin, Thomas M., 37th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1987 [AotW reference 642]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Rawle, William Brooke and Regimental History Committee, History of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, Sixtieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the American Civil War, 1861-1865, Philadelphia: Franklin Printing Company, 1905 [AotW reference 324]
(This volume also online from Google Books.) - Ray, Fred L., Shock Troops of the Confederacy: The Sharpshooter Battalions of the Army of Northern Virginia, Asheville (NC): CFS Press, 2006 [AotW reference 247]
(Material related to the book is online from the publisher) - Reardon, Carol and Tom Vossler, A Field Guide to Antietam: Experiencing the Battlefield through Its History, Places, and People, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016 [AotW reference 623]
- Reed, George Leffingwell, Alumni record, Dickinson College, Carlisle (PA): Dickinson College, 1905 [AotW reference 157]
(Class of 1854 transcribed online in a Dickinson class project: "Student Life at Dickonson College 1853-1854".) - Reese, Timothy J., High-Water Mark: The 1862 Maryland Campaign in Strategic Perspective, Baltimore: Butternut and Blue, 2004 [AotW reference 7]
- Reese, Timothy J., Sealed With Their Lives: The Battle for Crampton's Gap, Baltimore: Butternut and Blue, 1998 [AotW reference 5]
- Reese, Timothy J., Sykes' Regular Infantry Division, 1861-1864: A History of Regular United States Infantry Operations in the Civil War's Eastern Theater, Jefferson (NC): McFarland&Company, Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 9]
- Reese, Timothy J., Written in Stone: Brief Biographies of the Journalists, Photographers, and Artists Whose Names Appear on the War Correspondents Memorial Arch, Gathland State Park, Crampton's Gap, South Mountain, Burkittsville: Friends of Gathland State Park, 2000 [AotW reference 6]
- Reid, Whitelaw, Ohio in the War. Her Statesmen, Generals and Soldiers, 2 vols., Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1868 [AotW reference 182]
(Portions transcribed online on the 89th Ohio site by Lee Fenner.) - Reidenbaugh, Lowell, 27th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard, Inc., 1993 [AotW reference 641]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Reidenbaugh, Lowell, 33rd Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard. Inc, 1987 [AotW reference 156]
- Relyea, William H. and John Michael Priest, editor, 16th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Shippensburg (Pa): Burd Street Press, 2002 [AotW reference 318]
- Reynolds, Cuyler (editor), Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911 [AotW reference 363]
- Richmond Howitzer Association and Carlton McCarthy, editor, Contributions to a History of the Richmond Howitzer Battalion, 4 pamphlets, Richmond: Carlton McCarthy & Co, 1883 [AotW reference 437]
(Scanned, unedited text version available online.) - Riggs, David F., 13th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (VA): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1988 [AotW reference 467]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Riggs, David F., 7th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1982 [AotW reference 520]
- Riggs, Susan A., 21st Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (VA): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1991 [AotW reference 466]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Robarts, William Hugh, Mexican War Veterans: a Complete Roster of the Regular and Volunteer troops in the War between the United States and Mexico, from 1846 to 1848, Washington, DC: Brentano's, 1887 [AotW reference 600]
(A listing of the officers in Mexico. The complete volume is available online from the Internet Archives.) - Robertson, James I., PhD, 18th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1984 [AotW reference 619]
- Robertson, James I., PhD, 4th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1982 [AotW reference 144]
- Rodenbough, Theophilus Francis, From Everglade to Canyon with the Second United States Cavalry, New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1875 [AotW reference 476]
- Rosebrock, James A., Artillery of Antietam: the Union and Confederate Batteries at the Battle of Antietam, Sharpburg: The Press of the Antietam Institute, 2023 [AotW reference 709]
- Rowland, Dunbar, Military History of Mississippi 1803-1898, The Official and Statistical Register of the State of Mississippi, 1908, Nashville: Press of the Brandon Printing Company, 1908 [AotW reference 111]
(Part of The Official and Statistical Register of the State of Mississippi, 1908, the Military History is available as a reprint published by The Reprint Company, Spartanburg; SC: 1978. The Official and Statistical Register has continued to the present, published every four years and called "The Blue Book.") - Salley, Alexander S., Jr., compiler, South Carolina Troops in Confederate Service, 3 vols., Columbia: Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1913-1930 [AotW reference 57]
(Volumes 1 and 2 available online from Google Books and the Internet Archive.) - Salley, Alexander S., Jr., editor, Tentative Roster of the Third Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, Confederate States Provisional Army, Columbia: Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1908 [AotW reference 556]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Sawyer, Franklin and George A. Groot, editor, A Military History of the 8th Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf'y, Cleveland: Fairbanks & Co., Printers, 1881 [AotW reference 574]
(Digitized by Google and online from the Internet Archives.) - Scharf, Thomas J., History of Delaware, 1609-1888, 2 Vols., Philadelphia: L.J. Richards & Co., 1888 [AotW reference 244]
(Available online [Vol. 1, Vol. 2] from the Internet Archives.) - Sears, Stephen W., Landscape Turned Red: The Battle of Antietam, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983 [AotW reference 292]
- Seville, William Penn, History of the First Regiment, Delaware Volunteers, Wilmington: Historical Society of Delaware, 1884 [AotW reference 328]
(Several digital copies are available online from the Hathi Trust.) - Sibley, F. Ray, Jr., The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern Virginia, Shippensburg (Pa): White Mane Publishing Company, 1996 [AotW reference 200]
- Sifakis, Stewart, Compendium of the Confederate Armies, The, State vols., New York: Facts on File, 1995 [AotW reference 27]
- Sifakis, Stewart, Who Was Who in the Civil War, New York: Facts on File, 1988 [AotW reference 173]
- Simons, Ezra de Freest (Chaplain), A Regimental History. The One hundred and twenty-fifth New York State Volunteers, New York: Ezra D. Simons and the Judson Printing Co., 1888 [AotW reference 460]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Simpson, Harold Brown, Hood's Texas Brigade: a Compendium, Hillsboro: Hill Junior College Press, 1977 [AotW reference 599]
(The fourth volume in the author's series on the Brigade. Includes rosters and service data for the 7,286 men of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Texas, Third Arkansas, Eighteenth Georgia Infantry Regiments, and the Infantry Battalion of Hampton's South Carolina Legion. ) - Simpson, William Augustus (1st Lt., 2nd Arty.) and Theo F Rodenbough and William L. Haskin, eds., Second Regiment of Artillery, Historical Sketches Of Staff And Line, New York City: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1896 [AotW reference 592]
(Transcribed online by the CMH, US Army.) - Sloan, John Alexander, Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays, Co. B., 27th N. C. Regiment, Washington DC: R. C. Polkinhorn, printer, 1883 [AotW reference 524]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Smith, Abram P., History of the Seventy-sixth Regiment New York Volunteers ..., Cortland, NY: Truair, Smith & Mills, printers [AotW reference 724]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Smith, John L. and Survivor's Association, History of the Corn Exchange Regiment, 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers, 2nd Edition, Philadelphia: J.L. Smith, Map Publisher, 1905 [AotW reference 277]
(Page images and other digital versions of the complete 1905 edition available online from the Internet Archive. It is an expanded edition from the original of 1888.) - Snell, Charles W. and Sharon A. Brown, Antietam National Battlefield and National Cemetery: An Administrative History, Washington DC: US Department of the Interior/National Park Service, 1986 [AotW reference 68]
(There is a copy online from the Park Service.) - Southern Historical Society and Rev. John William Jones, Robert Alonzo Brock, James Power Smith, editors, Southern Historical Society Papers, 52 Vols., Richmond: Southern Historical Society, 1876-1959 [AotW reference 134]
- Spangler, Edward W., My Little War Experience with Historical Sketches and Memorabilia, York (Pa): York Daily Publishing Company, 1904 [AotW reference 427]
(Complete volume online in text and page image from the Internet Archive) - State of Connecticut, Adjutant General's Office and AGs Smith, Camp, and Barbour, and AAG White, Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, Hartford: Press of the Case, Lockwood, and Brainard Company, 1889 [AotW reference 612]
(One volume, available online from the Hathi Trust. Corrections and updates are in the 1936 Errata [PDF], online from the Connecticut State Library.) - State of Florida, Board of State Institutions, Soldiers of Florida in the Seminole Indian, Civil and Spanish-American Wars, Live Oak (FL): Democrat Print, 1903 [AotW reference 100]
(The entire volume has been digitized and posted online; one of the Florida State University Libraries Digital Collections. ) - State of Illinois, Adjutant General and J.N Reece, Brig. Gen, Adjutant General, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois (1861-66), 9 volumes, Springfield: Journal Company, Printers and Binders (State Printer), 1900-1902 [AotW reference 566]
(The revised editions of 1900-02. Volume 9 is specific to the Black Hawk, Mexican, and Spanish-American Wars. Most volumes, along with many of the 1867 and 1886 editions, appendices, and related volumes are online from the Internet Archives.) - State of Indiana, Adjutant General's Office and William H.H. Terrell, Adjutant General, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana, 8 volumes, Indianapolis: (various) State Printers, 1865-1869 [AotW reference 587]
(All 8 volumes are available online from the Hathi Trust.) - State of Louisiana, Orleans Parish (La) Vital Statistics, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Archives, 1804-1938 [AotW reference 139]
(Transcribed online by RootsWeb volunteers, 2002.) - State of Maine, Adjutant General's Office and John L. Hodsdon, AG, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Maine for the Year ending December 31, 1862, Augusta: Stevens and Sayward, Printers to the State, 1863 [AotW reference 593]
(A copy is online from Google Books.) - State of Maine, Maine State Archives, Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Card Index, 1861-1865, Augusta (ME): Department of the Secretary of State, c. 2000 [AotW reference 697]
(Available and searchable online from FamilySearch.) - State of Michigan, Adjutant General's Office and John Robertson, Adjutant General, Michigan in the War, Lansing: W.S. George & Co., State Printers, 1882 [AotW reference 379]
(Available online in several digital formats from the Internet Archives.) - State of Michigan, Office of the Adjutant General and George H. Brown, Adjutant General; George H. Turner, Asst. AG, compiler, Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865, 46 volumes, Kalamazoo: Ihling Bros. & Everard, 1904-1915 [AotW reference 543]
(All volumes are online in digital form from the Hathi Trust, as is the Index.) - State of Minnesota, Board of Commissioners, Minnesota in the Civil War and Indian Wars 1861-1865, 2 volumes, St. Paul: Pioneer Press Company, 1890-93 [AotW reference 596]
(Both Volume 1 and Volume 2 are online from the Internet Archives.) - State of New Hampshire, Adjutant-General's Office and Augustus D. Ayling, AG, Revised Register of the Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion 1861-1866 , 2 Volumes, Concord: Ira C. Evans, Public Printer, 1895 [AotW reference 536]
(Volume 1 and Volume 2 available online from the Internet Archive.) - State of New Jersey, Adjutant-General's Office and William Scudder Stryker, Adjutant General, Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War, 1861-1865, 2 volumes, Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876 [AotW reference 203]
(A lovely and searchable transcription is available online from the New Jersey State Library.) - State of New York, Adjutant-General, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York [year]: Registers of the [units], 43 Volumes, Albany: James B. Lyon, State Printer, 1893-1905 [AotW reference 490]
(Rosters for New York Infantry Regiments from these reports online from the New York State Military Museum.) - State of North Carolina, Adjutant-General's Office, Roster of the North Carolina volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898-1899, Raleigh: Edwards Brouhgton, and E.M. Uzzell, State Printers, 1900 [AotW reference 280]
- State of Ohio, Roster Commission, Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, 12 Volumes, Akron: The Werner Company, 1893-95 [AotW reference 430]
(Later volumes include soldiers of Mexican War (1846-48). Most volumes digitized and online from GoogleBooks and in the Internet Archives.) - State of Rhode Island and Henri Crandall, Acting Adjutant General, Official Register of Rhode Island Officers and Soldiers ... 1861 to 1865, in the Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Rhode Island for 1865, Providence: Providence Press, 1866 [AotW reference 644]
(Available online from Google Books. Contains rosters for all Rhode Island units in the War.) - State of West Virginia, Adjutant General's Office and Francis P. Peirpoint, AG, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of West Virginia for the Year ending December 31, 1864, Wheeling: John McDermot, Public Printer, 1865 [AotW reference 561]
(A copy is online from Google Books.) - State of West Virginia, Adjutant General's Office and Brig. Gen'l Francis P. Peirpoint, AG, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of West Virginia for the Year ending December 31, 1865, Wheeling: John Frew, Public Printer, 1866 [AotW reference 701]
(A copy is online from the Internet Archive.) - State of Wisconsin, Adjutant General's Office and Chandler P. Chapman, Adj. Gen., Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers, War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865, 2 volumes, Madison: Democrat Printing Co., State Printers, 1886 [AotW reference 420]
(Volumes 1 and 2 online from the Internet Archive.) - State of Wyoming, Office of the State Treasurer, Wyoming State Treasurers, Cheyenne: State of Wyoming, 2000 [AotW reference 231]
(.pdf version posted online) - Steiner, Dr. Lewis, Report containing a Diary kept during the Rebel Occupation of Frederick, Md., etc., New York: Anson D. F. Randolph, 1862 [AotW reference 204]
(Transcribed and published online as a .pdf by Edinborough Press.) - Stevens, Charles Augustus, Berdan's United States Sharpshooters in the Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865, St. Paul (MN): The Price-McGill Company, 1892 [AotW reference 391]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Stevens, John W., Reminiscences of the Civil War
, Hillsboro (Tx): Hillsboro Mirror Print, 1902 [AotW reference 513]
(Available onbline from the Internet Archives.) - Stone, Jr., DeWitt Boyd, Wandering to Glory: Confederate Veterans Remember Evans' Brigade, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2002 [AotW reference 164]
- Stotelmyer, Steven R., The Bivouacs of the Dead: The story of those who died at Antietam and South Mountain, Baltimore: Toomey Press, 1992 [AotW reference 426]
- Strait, Newton Allen, Roster of All Regimental Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in the Late War, Washington, DC: N.A. Strait (for US Pension Office), 1882 [AotW reference 581]
(Medical officers in Federal military units in the Civil War. Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Strother, David Hunter and Cecil D. Eby, editor, A Virginia Yankee in the Civil War: The Diaries of David Hunter Strother, Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 1998 [AotW reference 369]
- Sullivan, James P. and William J. K. Beaudot and Lance J. Herdegen, editors, An Irishman in the Iron Brigade, Bronx (NY): Fordham University Press, 1993 [AotW reference 418]
- Swain, Sr., Glen Allan, The Bloody 7th, Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 2014 [AotW reference 668]
(The history of the 7th South Carolina Infantry, one of the South Carolina Regimental-Roster Set from Broadfoot.) - Swanson, Clifford L., The Sixth United States Infantry Regiment, 1855 to Reconstruction, Jefferson (NC): McFarland & Company, Publishers, 2001 [AotW reference 576]
- Sypher, Josiah Rhinehart, History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr and Company, 1865 [AotW reference 21]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Tagg, Larry, The Generals of Gettysburg, Campbell (Ca): Savas Publishing, 1998 [AotW reference 236]
- Taliaferro, Alexander Galt, Reminiscences, Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill: Manuscripts Department, Library of the University of North Carolina, 1878 [AotW reference 33]
(Finding Aids to the collection are online from the Manuscripts Department) - Taylor, Sydney W., Adjutant and Lieutenant, Officers of the Fourth Regiment of U.S. Artillery from its Organization in 1821, [unknown]: W. R. Lyle and T. H. Maddux, Publishers, 1890 [AotW reference 214]
- Tenney, William Jewett, The Military and Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States, New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1865 [AotW reference 295]
(Available in full page images online from GoogleBooks.) - Thomas, Emory M., Bold Dragoon: The Life of J.E.B. Stuart, New York: Random House, 1988 [AotW reference 293]
- Thomas, Henry Walter, History of the Doles-Cook Brigade, Atlanta: Franklin Printing & Publishing Co., 1903 [AotW reference 371]
(Text also online from GoogleBooks.) - Thomas, John P. and and previous SC Historians of the Confederate Records, Confederate Rolls of South Carolina, Columbia: Historian of Confederate Records, 1898 [AotW reference 643]
(This collection of Company rolls for many South Carolina units was compiled by the (SC) Historian of the Confederate Records. It is available online as complete page images and in transcription from the Richland Library, Columbia.) - Thomson, O. R. Howard and William H. Rauch, History of the "Bucktails",
Kane Rifle Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps (13th Pennsylvania Reserves, 42nd of the Line), Philadelphia: Electric Printing Co., 1906 [AotW reference 655]
(The complete volume is online from the Hathi Trust.) - Tidwell, William A. and James O. Hall, and David Winfred Gaddy, Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Lincoln, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1988 [AotW reference 319]
- Tischler, Allan L., History of the Harpers Ferry Cavalry Expedition, September 14 & 15, 1862, Winchester (Va): Five Cedars Press, 1993 [AotW reference 314]
- Tobie, Edward Parsons, History of the First Maine Cavalry, 1861-1865, Boston: Press of Emery & Hughes, 1887 [AotW reference 482]
(A copy online from the Internet Archive. The author was Sergeant Major of the regiment, was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions on the Appomattox Campaign in March and April 1865, and appointed 2nd Lieutenant of Company E before they mustered out.) - Todd, Frederick P. and George Woodbridge (illustrator), American Military Equipage, 1851-1872, 3 Volumes, Providence (RI): Company of Military Historians, 1974-78 [AotW reference 340]
- Todd, William, The Seventy-ninth Highlanders, New York Volunteers in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865, Albany: Press of Brandow, Barton & Company, 1886 [AotW reference 700]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Toombs, Samuel, Reminiscences of the War ... the Thirteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Orange (NJ): The (Orange) Journal, 1878 [AotW reference 502]
- Trask, Benjamin H., Sixteenth Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H.E. Howard Inc., 1986 [AotW reference 640]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Trout, Robert J., They Followed the Plume, Mechanicsburg (Pa): Stackpole Books, 1993 [AotW reference 395]
- Turner, Joseph Kelly and John Luther Bridgers, History of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., 1920 [AotW reference 409]
(Complete text and page images are online from the Internet Archive.) - Ullery, Jacob G., compiler and Hiram A. Huse, editor, Men of Vermont: an Illustrated Biographical History of Vermonters and Sons of Vermont, Brattleboro: Transcript Publishing Company, 1894 [AotW reference 451]
(Two parts in one volume, posted online from the Internet Archive.) - United Confederate Veterans and United Daughters of the Confederacy and Sons of Confederate Veterans, Confederate Veteran Magazine (1893-1932), 00 January 1893, 6 per year: UCV [AotW reference 112]
(A complete list of volumes is online from the University of Pennsylvania which points to the individual volumes in the Internet Archives. There's a searchable name index online from the University of Virginia.) - United Confederate Veterans, Records of Urquhart-Gillette Camp #1611, UCV, Franklin (Va): UCV, c. 1890 [AotW reference 196]
(Records of the Camp include correspondence and the Adjutant's ledger book, and are found at the Vrginia Historical Society, Richmond.) - United Confederate Veterans, Lee-Jackson Camp and J.P. Moore, J. Scott Moore, W.T. Poague, oversight committee, Muster Rolls of Confederate Units Organized in Rockbridge County (Va), Lexington (Va): Rockbridge County Court, 1903 [AotW reference 121]
(Available on microfilm from the Library of Virginia, and transcribed from that film and posted online on RootsWeb by Billie and Lynette Plott.) - University of Georgia, Board of Trustees, Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, Alumni and Matriculates of the University of Georgia at Athens, Georgia, 1785-1906, Athens: E.D. Stone Press, 1906 [AotW reference 711]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - US Army, Registers of Enlistments in the United States Army, 1798-1914, Washington, DC: National Archives, 1956 [AotW reference 578]
(Searchable and viewable online from FamilySearch.) - US Army, Adjutant General, Official Army Register for September 1861, Washington, DC: Adjutant General's Office, 1861 [AotW reference 541]
(Complete volume online from the Internet Archive.) - US Army, Adjutant General, Official Army Register of the Volunteer Forces, U. S. Army, 8 vols., Washington, DC: Adjutant General's Office, 1867 [AotW reference 378]
- US Army, Quartermaster General, Roll of Honor: Names of Soldiers who Died in Defence of the American Union, Interred in the National [and other] Cemeteries, 27 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1865-1871 [AotW reference 509]
(The Antietam volume (XV) and the others in the Roll of Honor Series are online from the Hathi Trust.) - US Army Military History Inst., USAMHI Civil War Photograph Collection, Carlisle, PA: USAMHI [AotW reference 8]
- US Department of the Interior, Pension Office, List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883, 5 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1883 [AotW reference 594]
(All volumes available online from the Hathi Trust.) - US Department of Veterans Affairs, Registers of the United States National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers 1866-1938, Washington, DC: US National Archives and Records Administration, 1938 [AotW reference 707]
(NARA microfilm publication T1749. These records are searchable online from FamilySearch - free account required.) - US Department of Veterans Affairs, United States Records of Headstones of Deceased Union Veterans, 1879-1903, Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. [AotW reference 636]
(NARA microfilm publication M1845. Searchable and viewable online from FamilySearch - free account required.) - US Department of Veterans Affairs, Case Files of Approved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Veterans of the Army and Navy Who Served Mainly in the Civil War and the War With Spain, Record Group 15, Washington, DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1861-1934 [AotW reference 512]
(Many of these records are searchable and viewable online from the National Archives.) - US House of Representatives, Report 4019, 28 February 1891, Washington DC: Committee on Military Affairs, 1891 [AotW reference 70]
(Report cited in Snell. It accompanied HR 11966 of September 1890.) - US House of Representatives, Appropriations Bill, Antietam, H.R. 10884, 11 June 1890, Washington DC: 51st Congress, 1st Session, 1890 [AotW reference 69]
- US Military Academy, List of Cadets, United States Military Academy, from its Origin till September 1, 1917, West Point: USMA Press, 1918 [AotW reference 605]
(This edition of the List is online from the Internet Archives.) - US Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel, United States Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891, (National Archives Record Group 24, NARA publication M1953), Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 2003 [AotW reference 696]
(Searchable and viewable online from FamilySearch.) - US Navy Department and Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy, Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps for the Year 1860, Washington, DC: US Navy Department, 1860 [AotW reference 603]
(Volumes for 1825 to 1970 available online from the Hathi Trust.) - US Senate, Veteran's Affairs Committee, Medal of Honor Recipients: 1863-1973, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1979 [AotW reference 34]
(Maintained by the US Army's Center for Military History (CMH), and also displayed online.) - US War Department, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (OR), 128 vols., Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1880-1901 [AotW reference 1]
(Also available online at Cornell's Making of America digital library.) - US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Record Group No. 109 (War Department Collection of Confederate Records), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW reference 198]
- US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Former Confederate Soldiers who Served in the 1st Through 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry Regiments, 1864-1866, Record Group No. 94 (Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW reference 685]
- US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Soldiers who served in US Volunteer organizations enlisted for service during the Civil War, Record Group No. 94 (Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW reference 471]
- US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Mexican War for the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and in Mormon Battalion, Record Group No. 94, Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1780-1917 [AotW reference 684]
(Available online from Family Search; free membership required.) - US War Department and F. Ray Sibley, Jr., editor, Confederate Artillery Organizations: An Alphabetical Listing of the Officers and Batteries of the Confederacy, 1861-1865, El Dorado Hills (CA): Savas-Beatie LLC, 2014 [AotW reference 601]
(Probably written by Marcus J. Wright, and printed by the US War Department in 1898, with additional research by the editor.) - US War Department and Thomas M. O'Brien and Oliver Diefendorf (compilers), General Orders of the War Department: Embracing the Years 1861, 1862 & 1863, 2 Volumes, New York: Derby & Miller, 1864 [AotW reference 571]
(Available online [Vol. 1, Vol. 2] from Google Books.) - US War Department, List of Staff Officers of the Confederate States Army, 1861-1865, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1891 [AotW reference 227]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - US War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Final Statements, 1862–1899, Washington, DC: Adjutant General's Office, 1904 [AotW reference 718]
(These are papers relating to the deaths of soldiers who served in Regular Army units (except 1st - 5th U.S. Cavalry Regiments). The NARA finding aid for this collection is online. The actual Statements are available online from fold3 [fee service].) - US War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, Washington, DC: Adjutant General's Office, c. 1870 [AotW reference 663]
(The NARA finding aid for the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Record Group 94 is online. The actual Registers are available online from [fee service].) - US War Department, Provost Marshal General, Descriptive List of Deserters from Pennsylvania Military Units During the Civil War, Washington, DC: US War Department, 1866 [AotW reference 637]
(The List's page images and a searchable database of its names are online from the PennState University Libraries.) - Vautier, John D., History of the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War for the Union, 1861-1865, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1894 [AotW reference 712]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Virginia Military Institute, Virginia Military Institute Alumni Records, Lexington: VMI, 1839- [AotW reference 197]
(Some of the records of the Archive are also published online.) - Waitt, Ernest Linden (compiler), History of the Nineteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865, Salem (MA): The Salem Press Co., 1906 [AotW reference 606]
(The full text is available online from the Internet Archive.) - Walcott, Charles Folsom, History of the Twenty-first Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War for the Preservation of the Union, 1861-1865, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1882 [AotW reference 626]
(Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Walker, Charles D., Biographical Sketches of the Graduates and Eleves of the Virginia Military Institute Who Fell During the War Between the States, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Company, 1875 [AotW reference 195]
- Walker, Francis Amasa, History of the Second Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac, New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1886 [AotW reference 330]
- Walkup, Samuel Hoey, S.H. Walkup Papers, 1858-1876: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wilson Library, Southern Historical Collection [AotW reference 708]
(Much of the collection, most notably his wartime diary, is available online.) - Wallace, Lee A., Jr., 17th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard. Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 537]
- Wallace, Lee A., 3rd Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard. Inc., 1986 [AotW reference 128]
- Wallace, Lee A., Jr., A Guide to Virginia Military Organizations 1861 - 1865, 2nd revision, Lynchburg (Va): H. E. Howard, Inc., 1986 [AotW reference 276]
- Wallace, Lee A., Jr., Coppens' Louisiana Zouaves, Civil War History (Journal) 8, 01 September 1962, Kent (OH): Kent State University Press, 1962 [AotW reference 415]
- Wallace, Lee A., The Richmond Howitzers, Lynchburg (Va): H.E. Howard, Inc., 1993 [AotW reference 438]
(One in the Virginia Regimental History series.) - Wallace, William W. (Chairman) and the Regimental Committee, History of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Philadelphia: J.B,. Lippincott Co., 1906 [AotW reference 469]
(Volume online from the Internet Archive.) - Walton, William, The Army and Navy of the United States 1776-1891, 2 folio vols., Philadelphia: George Barrie, 1889-1895 [AotW reference 118]
- Ward, David A., The 96th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Civil War, Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2018 [AotW reference 715]
- Ward, Joseph R. C., History of the One-Hundred and Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 (2nd Ed.), Philadelphia: Grant, Faires & Rogers, 1906 [AotW reference 50]
(This volume is available online from the Internet Archive.) - Ward, Patricia Spain, Simon Baruch: rebel in the ranks of medicine, 1840-1921, Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1994 [AotW reference 432]
- Ward, William H., editor, Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic, San Francisco: H.S. Crocker & Co., 1887 [AotW reference 681]
(The complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Warner, Ezra J., Generals in Blue, Lives of the Union Commanders, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1964 [AotW reference 25]
- Warner, Ezra J., Generals in Gray, Lives of the Confederate Commanders, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1959 [AotW reference 24]
- Washburn, George H., A Complete Military History and Record of the 108th Regiment N.Y. Vols., Rochester (NY): Press of E.R. Andrews, 1894 [AotW reference 397]
(Available online in image and text from the Internet Archives.) - Wayland, John W., History of Rockingham County, Virginia, Dayton (Va): Ruebush-Elkins, Company, 1912 [AotW reference 92]
- Weld, Stanley B., Connecticut Physicians in the Civil War, Hartford: Connecticut Civil War Centennial Commission, 1965 [AotW reference 659]
(This pamphlet is available as a PDF online from the Connecticut State Library.) - Westbrook, Robert S., History of the 49th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Altoona: Altoona Times Printer, 1898 [AotW reference 458]
(Online at the Internet Archives.) - Whitman, William E.S. and Charles H. True, Maine in the War for the Union: a history of the part borne by Maine troops in the suppression of the American rebellion, Lewiston: Nelson Dingley Jr & Co., 1865 [AotW reference 569]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Whitney, J. H. E., The Hawkins Zouaves: Ninth N.Y.V., Their Battles and Marches, New York: J.H.E. Whitney, 1866 [AotW reference 555]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Williams, Joseph D. and Office of the Adjutant General, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Connecticut , New Haven: Babcok & Sizer, State Printers, 1863 [AotW reference 713]
(Available online from GoogleBooks.) - Williams, Thomas John Chew and Folger McKinsey, History of Frederick County, Maryland, Frederick: Regional Publishing Co., 1910 [AotW reference 441]
- Willson, Arabella M. and the Historical Committee of the Regiment, Disaster, Struggle, Triumph. The Adventures of 1000 "Boys in Blue," from August, 1862, to June, 1865, Albany: The Argus Company, printers, 1870 [AotW reference 648]
(A history and roster of the 126th New York Infantry. Online from the Internet Archive.) - Wilmer, L. Allison and J.H. Jarrett, George H. Vernon, State Commissioners, History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-5, Baltimore: Press of Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., 1898 [AotW reference 341]
(Both volumes are online from the Hathi Trust.) - Wilson, James Harrison, Under the Old Flag: recollections of military operations in the war for the Union, the Spanish war, the Boxer rebellion, 2 Vols., New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1912 [AotW reference 313]
(Both volumes (vol 1, vol 2) have been scanned and placed online in plain text and several image formats at the Internet Archive.) - Wilson, Lawrence and the Historical Committee of the Regimental Association, Itinerary of the Seventh Ohio Infantry 1861-1864, New York: The Neale Publishing Co., 1907 [AotW reference 557]
(Includes Roster, Portraits, and Biographies. Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Wilson, William P., Adjutant, Casualty list of the 27th N.C.S.T. at Sharpsburg, North Carolina Standard, 15 October 1862, Raleigh: North Carolina Standard, 1862 [AotW reference 523]
(Transcription online from Christine Spencer.) - Wise, George, History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, C.S.A., Baltimore: Kelly, Piet & Company, 1870 [AotW reference 519]
(Available online from the Internet Archives.) - Wise, Jennings Cropper, The Long Arm of Lee; or, The History of the Artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia ..., 2 Vols., Lynchburg: JP Bell Company, 1915 [AotW reference 73]
(Volumes One and Two are available online from the Internet Archives.) - Wistar, Isaac Jones, Autobiography of Isaac Jones Wistar 1827-1905: Half a Century in War and Peace, Philadelphia: Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1937 [AotW reference 331]
- Wolf, Simon and Levy, Louis Edward, The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen, Philadelphia: The Levytype Company, 1895 [AotW reference 703]
(A complete volume is online from the Internet Archive.) - Wolfe, Barbara Schull, transcriber, Index to Mexican War Pension Applications, Indianapolis: Heritage House, 1985 [AotW reference 146]
(Index to records at the National Archives (NARA), Washington DC pursuant to the Mexican War Pension Act of 29 January 1887.) - Wood, John W., compiler, Wood's Baltimore City Directory, 1860, Baltimore: J.W. Wood, 1860 [AotW reference 206]
(Available for years 1860, 1864-1884 at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Central Branch, Baltimore. Page 366 transcribed online by Ray Rhoads.) - Woodard, Scott C. and George C. Wunderlich and Wayne R. Austerman, Combat Readiness Through Medicine at the Battle of Antietam: the Human Face of our Bloodiest Day, Fort Sam Houston (TX): Borden Institute, 2022 [AotW reference 714]
(Online as a PDF from the Borden Institute, an agency of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Medical Center of Excellence; released February 2023.) - Woodhead, Henry, editor, Voices of the Civil War: Antietam, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1996 [AotW reference 286]
(Consultants Brian Pohanka, Ted Alexander, and Scott Hartwig) - Woodhead, Henry, editor, Voices of the Civil War: Second Manassas, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1995 [AotW reference 368]
- Woodhead, Henry, editor, Voices of the Civil War: Soldier Life, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1996 [AotW reference 323]
- Woodhull, Alfred A. and Office of the Surgeon General, US Army, Catalogue of the Surgical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum, Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1866 [AotW reference 608]
(Woodhull was Assistant Surgeon and Brevet Major, USA. The volume available online from the Internet Archives.) - Woods, Lawrence M., Wyoming Biographies, Worland (WY): High Plains Publishing Company, 1991 [AotW reference 233]
- Woodward, Evan Morrison, History of the Third Pennsylvania Reserve, Trenton: MacCrellish & Quigley, 1883 [AotW reference 343]
- Woodward, Evan Morrison, Our Campaigns or The Marches, Bivouacs, Battles, Incidents of Camp Life and History of our Regiment ..., Philadelphia: J.E. Potter, 1865 [AotW reference 633]
(A history of the 2nd Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry. Available online from the Internet Archive.) - Worsham, John H., One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry, New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1912 [AotW reference 177]
- Wray, William J, History of the Twenty Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Philadelphia (?): Survivors Assn, 23rd Pa., 1904 [AotW reference 381]
(This volume is reproduced online by the Internet Archives.) - Yale University, Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University, 1870-1880, New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor Co., 1880 [AotW reference 579]
(Online from GoogleBooks.) - Yale University, Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University, 1900-1910, New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor Co., 1910 [AotW reference 410]
(Includes records for graduates previously unreported. Online from GoogleBooks.) - Yeary, Mamie, Reminiscences of the Boys in Gray, 1861-1865, 2 Volumes, Dallas: Smith & Lamar, 1912 [AotW reference 635]
(A collection of over 2,000 first-hand war recollections gathered by interview and letter from Confederate veterans living in Texas. Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 are online from the Internet Archives.) - Young, William A. Jr. and Patricia C. Young, 56th Virginia Infantry, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1990 [AotW reference 268]
- [staff writer], Obituary: Elisha G. Marshall, New York Times, 04 August 1883, New York: The New York Times Company, 1883 [AotW reference 174]
(Text transcribed online by Sue Greenhagen.) - [staff writer], Obituary: H. Seymour Hall, The (Lawrence, KS) Daily Gazette, 04 July 1908, Lawrence: Daily Gazette, 1908 [AotW reference 263]
(Transcribed online by John Jackson.) - [staff writer], Obituary: Orpheus S. Woodward, The (Neosho Falls, Kansas) Post, 03 July 1919, Neosho Falls: The Post, 1919 [AotW reference 254]
(Transcribed online by the Kansas GenWeb.) - [staff writer], Passenger Lists, The (New Orleans) Daily Picayune, 31 January 1850, New Orleans: Daily Picayune News, 1850 [AotW reference 141]
(Lists transcribed online.) - [staff writer], Obituary: General Ballier, A Gallant Soldier and Useful Citizen, The (Philadelphia) Evening Bulletin, 04 February 1893, Philadelphia: Evening Bulletin, 1893 [AotW reference 55]
- [staff writer], Staunton Artillery, The (Staunton) Vindicator, 02 December 1859, Staunton (Va): The Vindicator, 1859 [AotW reference 58]
(Transcribed on the Valley of the Shadow website.) - [staff writer], Obituary: John Cook, Government Printing Office Employee Won Honor for Valor in the Civil War, The Washington Post, 04 August 1915, Washington, DC: The Washington Post Company, 1915 [AotW reference 185]
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Web Sites, CDROMs, Databases, email
Note that some of the online sources below have since gone dark. Where we can, we update the links, but that's not always possible. We're leaving the dead ones here for reference.
- Allman, Ron, South Carolina Newspapers, first accessed: 08 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 107]
- Ayers, Edward L. and William G. Thomas III, and Anne Sarah Rubin, co-editors, Valley of the Shadow, first accessed: 07 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 60]
- Banks, John, Connecticut Antietam Death List, first accessed: 31 May 2013 [AotW reference 550]
(Built on the Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteer Organizations (1869) and his research, the latest, updated version is linked from the author's blog for download.) - Barber, James G. and Troy Lachance, et al., CivilWar@Smithsonian, published: 20 April 2001, first accessed: 01 January 2002, <> [AotW reference 15]
- Barden, Chuck and Wayne D. Jorgenson, The First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment , published: 00 September 2000, first accessed: 01 January 2002, <> [AotW reference 526]
- Batson, Steve, South Carolina in the War Between the States, first accessed: 08 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 108]
- Bertera, Martin Nino, The Old 4th Michigan Infantry, first accessed: 18 May 2006, <> [AotW reference 240]
- Brandt, Dennis W., South Central Pennsylvania Civil War Soldiers Database, first accessed: 23 July 2022, <> [AotW reference 694]
(Online from the York County History Center.) - Brantley, Chris, The Lawton-Gordon-Evans Brigade (CSA), first accessed: 15 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 114]
- Brasington, William Albert "Bil", 8th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry (Rosters), first accessed: 27 January 2018, <> [AotW reference 588]
(Complete rosters and notes for members of the 8th South Carolina Infantry.) - Brooks, T. W., 49th NY Medal of Honor Recipient (John P. McVeane), Western Maryland Heritage Foundation, first accessed: 21 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 101]
- Buchanan, Jim, Walking the West Woods, first accessed: 28 March 2009, <> [AotW reference 552]
- Burke, Henry Robert, Burke Family History, Ohio Underground Railroad Association, first accessed: 14 November 2005, <> [AotW reference 154]
(The subject, Nimrod Burke, was a teamster in the 36th Ohio Infantry (1861-64) and First Sergeant, Company F, 23rd Regiment, US Colored Infantry (64-65). ) - Carman, George, Ezra Ayres Carman, Carman Genealogy Home Page, first accessed: 01 January 2003, <> [AotW reference 63]
- Carson, Charles Ferdinand, Jr., Genealogical History of Some Carsons, Johnsons, and Related Families, first accessed: 27 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 125]
(For John T. Carson, 12th Georgia Infantry.) - Caughey, Don, Crossed Sabers, first accessed: 07 February 2007, <> [AotW reference 475]
- Chelsea Historical Society, Chelsea (Mass.) Historical Society, first accessed: 01 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 209]
- Churchill, Tom and Stephen McManus and Donald Thompson, Eighteenth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, first accessed: 01 January 2006, <> [AotW reference 259]
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, first accessed: 01 January 2000, <> [AotW reference 216]
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Adjutant-General, Pennsylvania Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866, first accessed: 01 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 87]
(Images of the 3" x 5" cards originally to serve as an index to Bates' " Pennsylvania Volunteers" (1869-1871). The (PA) Adjutant General added data from Muster Rolls and Related Records) - Cook, Vernon C., Veterans' Grave Registers, Indiana County, Pa., first accessed: 06 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 89]
(Transcribed and posted online for the USGenWeb Archives) - Coombs, Kathryn and Jeff Smith, Biography of Col. John Singleton Mosby, Mosby's Rangers, first accessed: 15 December 2005, <> [AotW reference 172]
- Cox, Dr. Harold E. (director) and the Wilkes University Election Statistics Project, Pennsylvania Election Statistics: 1682-2004, first accessed: 28 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 83]
- Detroit Historical Society and Detroit Historical Museum, Detroit Historical Museums and Society, first accessed: 05 January 2006, <> [AotW reference 180]
- Dodge, Russ and Jim Tipton (founder), A.J. Marik, et al., FInd A Grave, first accessed: 01 January 2000, <> [AotW reference 75]
- Dutcher, Steve, First Virginia Infantry History, first accessed: 01 August 2004, <> [AotW reference 106]
- Eastern Digital Resources, The Civil War in Georgia, published: 01 January 2000, first accessed: 30 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 86]
- Eastern Digital Resources, The Civil War in South Carolina, published: 01 January 2000, first accessed: 13 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 67]
- Echols, Dr. Martin and Dr. Doug Arbitter, American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 547]
- Eicher, John H., Eicher's Ultimate Gettysburg Order of Battle, <> [AotW reference 459]
(Also available for download in a PDF.) - Ellis, L. Tuffly and James W. Pohl, and Ron Tyler, Editors in Chief, The Handbook of Texas, <> [AotW reference 392]
- Enns-Rempel, Kevin Mark and John Edward Powell, Guide to Historic Architecture in Fresno, California, first accessed: 15 February 2006, <> [AotW reference 211]
- Fenner, Lee, 89th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, published: 01 January 1999, first accessed: 08 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 183]
- Fincham, Jr., Ray, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry Regimental Histories - Alabama, first accessed: 23 August 2020, <> [AotW reference 675]
(Deep reference on Confederate military units organized from Alabama (1861-65) with capsule unit histories; most with rosters and/or muster roll and other data about individual soldiers.) - Fincham, Jr., Ray, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry Regimental Histories - Georgia C.S.A., <> [AotW reference 484]
(Roster data from Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, 6 vols., compiled by Lillian Henderson, Director of the Confederate Pensions and Records Department, State of Georgia (1959-64). ) - Fincham, Jr., Ray, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry Regimental Histories - Virginia, <> [AotW reference 507]
(Deep reference on Confederate military units organized from Virginia (1861-65) with capsule unit histories; most with rosters and/or muster roll and other data about individual soldiers.) - Fincham, Jr., Ray, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry Regimental Histories: New Jersey, <> [AotW reference 503]
(Extensive reference on Federal military units organized from New Jersey (1861-65) with capsule unit histories; most with rosters and/or muster roll and other data about individual soldiers) - Gayley, Alice J, Pennsylvania in the Civil War, published: 01 January 1999, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 20]
- Genealogy Trails, Card Records of Gravestones Provided to Union Veterans 1879-1903, first accessed: 29 January 2018, <> [AotW reference 607]
(File card records transcribed by the volunteers of Genealogy Trails. The original cards were created in the Cemetery Branch, Office of the Quartermaster General, US War Department, and are in the US National Archives, Washington, DC and available as Microfilm Publication M1845.) - Georgia Humanities Council and the University of Georgia Press, The New Georgia Encyclopedia, <> [AotW reference 278]
- Georgia, Digital Library of and University System of Georgia, Georgia Historic Newspapers, first accessed: 01 December 2019, <> [AotW reference 645]
- Goellnitz, Jenny, And Then A.P. Hill Came Up, first accessed: 01 January 2003, <> [AotW reference 45]
- Goellnitz, Jenny, Draw the Sword: the Gettysburg Monument Project, first accessed: 20 January 2001, <> [AotW reference 454]
- Goellnitz, Jenny, Stonewall's Surgeon - Hunter Holmes McGuire, CSA, first accessed: 01 January 2003, <> [AotW reference 44]
- Golladay, Bill, Golladay Families During the Civil War, first accessed: 16 November 2005, <> [AotW reference 155]
- Gordon, Lesley J., 16th CV [Connecticut Volunteers] database [roster], first accessed: 06 February 2022, <!107&authkey=!ACNE422k47Tnc_Q&ithint=file%2cxl> [AotW reference 688]
(An outgrowth of Dr Gordon's research for her book Broken Regiment: The 16th Connecticut's Civil War (2014), this is a spreadsheet in .XLSX format. More about it on the blog.) - Gorman, Michael D., Civil War Richmond, first accessed: 15 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 115]
- Graham, Kurt D., Phillips Georgia Legion - Infantry Battalion, first accessed: 20 September 2012, <> [AotW reference 634]
- Green-Wood Historic Fund volunteers and Jeffrey I. Richman, Cemetery Historian, Civil War Biographies, first accessed: 13 September 2018, <> [AotW reference 609]
(A searchable online collection of about 5,000 capsule biographies for Civil War veterans buried in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY.) - Griffin, John, 20th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 152]
- Gutzke, Scott T., Battery B, 4th U.S. Light Artillery, first accessed: 01 January 2001, <> [AotW reference 186]
- Hall, Charles C and North River Mills Society for Antiquarian Arts & Diffusion of Knowledge, Historic Hampshire County, West Virginia, first accessed: 01 March 2006, <> [AotW reference 229]
- Harnwell, Susan, The 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War 1861 - 1864, first accessed: 01 January 1999, <> [AotW reference 499]
(Includes the Andrew Sharpshooters, and an extensive Roster and Genealogy.) - Harvey, Don and Lois Harvey and Patti Norton, Michigan in the Civil War, first accessed: 01 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 256]
- Heller, Don, A hyperlink guide to the Official Register of the United States, 1816 - 1959, first accessed: 01 May 2019, <> [AotW reference 705]
- Historic Elmwood Foundation, Elmwood Historic Cemetery, Detroit, MI, first accessed: 01 July 2006, <> [AotW reference 255]
- Historical Data Systems, Inc., American Civil War Research Database, first accessed: 01 January 2008, <> [AotW reference 390]
- History Ink, HistoryLink: the Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History, first accessed: 15 February 2006, <> [AotW reference 213]
- Hochbruck, Wolfgang, "Forty-Eighters" in the Union Armies: A Preliminary Checklist, published: 24 June 1999, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 23]
(Scholarly paper, posted by the author on Compuserve - - missing by 5/2005. Transcribed (saved!) by Hans Dettwiler.) - Hoelzl, Chris and Robert Hampton, Civil War Map Company, first accessed: 15 February 2006, <> [AotW reference 210]
- Hoover, Gary V., A Short History Of Independent Battery "C" Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Artillery, Thompson's Independent Battery, Pennsylvania Volunteer Light Artillery, first accessed: 22 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 84]
- Howerton, Bryan R., Roster of the Third Arkansas Infantry Regiment, CSA, <> [AotW reference 565]
( Hosted by Edward G. Gerdes on his Arkansas Civil War page.) - Ide, Harry, The 91st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, first accessed: 21 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 77]
- Johnson, Caroline L. Harper, transcriber, Muster Roll, Company H, 12th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry, first accessed: 27 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 126]
- Johnson, Steve and Lisa Johnson, Maggie Rail, Cemetery Transcription Library, first accessed: 15 March 2006, <> [AotW reference 226]
- Jones, Ken, History of Law's Alabama Brigade, 1862-1865, first accessed: 15 September 2005, <> [AotW reference 133]
- Jones, Wilbur D., Who Lost the Lost Order? Stonewall Jackson, His Courier, and Special Orders No. 191, first accessed: 01 June 2006, <> [AotW reference 290]
(First published in Civil War Regiments: A Journal of the American Civil War, Volume 5, No. 3, 1997, by Savas Publishing Co.) - Kennelly, Tamara, University Archivist and Oladunni Akinpelu and Katie Bondroff, The University Archives of Virginia Tech, first accessed: 15 December 2005, <> [AotW reference 178]
- Kestenbaum, Lawrence, The Political Graveyard, first accessed: 01 January 1999, <> [AotW reference 136]
- Lash, Gary, Edward Baker's California Regiment (71st Volunteer Pennsylvania Infantry), first accessed: 27 November 2005, <> [AotW reference 165]
- Ledoux, Tom, Vermont in the Civil War, first accessed: 01 January 2004, <> [AotW reference 248]
- Library of Virginia, Virginia Military Dead Database, first accessed: 30 November 2012, <> [AotW reference 514]
(Public search of the database available online.) - Maryland State Archives and Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archivist, and staff, Maryland State Archives, first accessed: 01 January 2002, <> [AotW reference 205]
- Maryniak, Benedict R., N.Y.S. GAR Posts and their Namesakes, NYGenWeb Site of the Civil War, published: 01 January 2001, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 30]
- McCormick, Jayne, Regimental Nicknames, Bits of Blue and Gray, published: 01 January 2001, first accessed: 01 May 2003, <> [AotW reference 28]
- Mierka, Greg, webmaster, Battery A Rhode Island Unit Association History Page, first accessed: 10 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 64]
- Military Order of the Stars and Bars, Confederate Officers Card Index, first accessed: 01 May 2020 [AotW reference 665]
(A collection of more than 207,000 images of index cards with data on Confederate Officers, available for search and online view through FamilySearch [free membership required].) -, Incorporated, Genealogy.Com, first accessed: 01 January 2004, <> [AotW reference 85]
(Wide range of biographical data with varying degrees of supporting documentation) - National Museum of Civil War Medicine and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, first accessed: 17 September 2018, <> [AotW reference 611]
(After the Battle of Antietam thousands of wounded and sick soldiers were brought into Frederick, MD. This searchable database contains all of the (known) patients treated in the city - about 10,000 men. The names and information come from the Maryland Medical Registers and associated records at the National Archives) - National Museum of Health and Medicine, Civil War: Images related to the Civil War in the National Museum of Health and Medicine, first accessed: 05 November 2024, <> [AotW reference 721]
(A collection of 300+ photographs, most of wounded soldiers, posted to the NMHM Flickr account.) - Nelson, John H., As Grain Falls Before the Reaper: The Federal Hospital Sites and Identified Federal Casualties at Antietam, first accessed: 01 May 2005 [AotW reference 586]
(CDROM/PDF: The 120 Federal hospital sites and list of over 12,000 identified Federal casualties at Antietam) - New York Times staff writers, New York Times Archives, published: 01 January 2001, first accessed: 01 January 2001, <> [AotW reference 355]
(Articles in the Public Domain (1851-1923) are free to any user, are text-searchable, and are generally delivered as PDF images.) - Nitch, Steven, Brigadier General Edmund Rice, first accessed: 01 January 2000, <> [AotW reference 225]
- Patterson, Joe and other volunteers of the PA USGenWeb, Civil War Section, Pennsylvania Military Archives, published: 01 January 1997, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 19]
- Patterson, Michael Robert, Burials In Arlington National Cemetery, first accessed: 01 January 2001, <> [AotW reference 41]
- Penn State University Library, Pennsylvania Civil War Newspapers, <> [AotW reference 356]
(Contain all the words, photographs, and advertisements from selected newspapers - from 19 PA cities - published during the pivotal years before, during, and after the U.S. Civil War) - Petersen, Robin L.W. and Illinois GenWeb Project, McDonough County, Illinois Genealogy, first accessed: 18 May 2006, <> [AotW reference 243]
- Piering, Chris and Jim Hurd (webmaster), et al, 12th Regiment U.S. Infantry, Co. A (reenacted), first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 46]
- Pitts, Allan J., Confederate Military Units from Cherokee County, Alabama, first accessed: 15 September 2005, <> [AotW reference 132]
- Pollette, Ash, transcriber and USGenWeb Archives, Roster and Service Information, Company A, 28th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry, first accessed: 01 March 2006, <> [AotW reference 252]
- Prince, David, 4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment, first accessed: 18 May 2006, <> [AotW reference 241]
- Quattrucci, John, Raynham's forgotten hero, Wicked Local Raynham, published: 20 July 2009, first accessed: 31 July 2009, <> [AotW reference 365]
- Rethford, Elaine, webmaster and Illinois Saint Andrew Society, Famous, Infamous and Not-So-Famous Scottish Americans, The Illinois St. Andrew Society, first accessed: 22 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 81]
- Richman, Jeff and and Green-Wood volunteers, Civil War Biographies, Green-Wood Cemetery, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 706]
- San Diego Historical Society, San Diego History, first accessed: 18 May 2006, <> [AotW reference 242]
- SCRA, Albert James Myer (1828 ~ 1880), Signal Corps Regimental Association (SCRA), first accessed: 19 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 96]
- Silvus, Don and Shenandoah County VA GenWeb, Shenandoah County, Virginia Alphabetical Cemetery Listings, first accessed: 16 November 2005, <> [AotW reference 158]
- Smedlund, William S., Troup Artillery, first accessed: 15 December 2005, <> [AotW reference 187]
- Smeltzer, Harry, Bull Runnings, first accessed: 01 November 2006, <> [AotW reference 470]
- Spearman, David and Chris White, Jerry Harlow, Bob Moss (webmaster), et al., 23rd Va History, 23rd Regiment of Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Companies A-K, first accessed: 01 May 2005, <> [AotW reference 49]
- State of Alabama, Dept. of Archives & History, Alabama Civil War Service Database, first accessed: 01 January 2010, <> [AotW reference 540]
- State of Alabama, Dept. of Archives & History, Confederate Officers Photograph Album, first accessed: 13 July 2019, <> [AotW reference 628]
- State of Alabama, State Archives and Dr. Edwin C. Bridges, director, and staff, Alabama Department of Archives & History, first accessed: 08 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 90]
- State of Delaware, Adjutant General's Office, Civil War Military records for Delaware Units, first accessed: 31 January 2015, <> [AotW reference 563]
(Volumes online include muster rolls, morning reports, clothing books and other wartime documents for selected Union units from Delaware. They are usually handwritten and viewed as PDF files.) - State of Delaware, Government Information Center and Portal Management Team, State of Delaware, first accessed: 31 May 2006, <> [AotW reference 245]
- State of Georgia and David W. Carmicheal, Director, Georgia Archives, first accessed: 01 January 2003, <> [AotW reference 251]
- State of Maine, Maine State Archives, Civil War Era Soldiers' Portraits, first accessed: 12 December 2014, <> [AotW reference 560]
- State of Michigan, Library and Archives, Seeking Michigan, first accessed: 28 February 2010, <> [AotW reference 424]
- State of New Jersey, New Jersey Archives, Civil War Cartes de Visite, first accessed: 01 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 269]
(Guide to a collection of more than 350 photographs of New Jersey soldiers; most commissioned officers. Each are available as scans online from this guide.) - State of New York and Division of Military & Naval Affairs, New York State Military Museum, first accessed: 01 January 2002, <> [AotW reference 296]
(The Museum's collection of 2600+ photographs of NY Civil War soldiers is online and searchable.) - Staup, Joseph, Elijah Veirs White, first accessed: 12 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 113]
(Bio sketch citing John E. Divine's 35th Battalion Virginia Cavalry and Frank M. Myers' The Comanches: A History ... as sources.) - Stoneham Historical Society and Dick Watts, other Society members, Stoneham (Mass) Historical Society, first accessed: 26 February 2006, <> [AotW reference 219]
- Studnicki, Jim, Civil War Florida, first accessed: 15 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 93]
- Texas State Historical Assn and University of Texas at Austin, The Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Online, first accessed: 01 January 2004, <> [AotW reference 222]
- Tulane University, Images from the Civil War and Reconstruction, first accessed: 01 February 2020, <> [AotW reference 647]
- University of Minnesota, Regents and the University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives, first accessed: 15 February 2006, <> [AotW reference 212]
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Documenting the American South, first accessed: 01 January 2000, <> [AotW reference 170]
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Southern Historical Collection, first accessed: 01 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 250]
- University of Richmond, Richmond Daily Dispatch 1860-1865, published: 01 January 2005, first accessed: 26 February 2009, <> [AotW reference 357]
(Complete text and page images for 1,384 indexed and searchable issues of the Richmond Dispatch newspaper.) - Uriguen, Mikel, Photo Gallery (Generals and Brevet Generals), Generals of the Civil War, first accessed: 01 January 1998, <> [AotW reference 71]
- US Army, U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum, first accessed: 01 March 2005, <> [AotW reference 94]
- US Army, Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC), Civil War Photographs Collection, first accessed: 01 January 2012, <> [AotW reference 532]
(Formerly found as the MOLLUS-Massachusetts and USAMHI collections (<2012).) - US Army, Heritage and Education Center, Confederate Photograph Collection, first accessed: 18 January 2025, <> [AotW reference 723]
- US Army, Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC), Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS)-Massachusetts Photograph Collection, <> [AotW reference 449]
(Formerly the US Army Military History Institute (USAMHI). New search address in 2021.) - US Army, Military History Institute (USAMHI), American Civil War (ACW) photographs, Military History Institute Photograph Database, first accessed: 01 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 38]
(New web address to search images in 2013.) - US Census Bureau and and Nancy Byrd, transcriber, 1850 US Federal Census, Campbell County, Virginia, first accessed: 17 November 2005, <> [AotW reference 161]
- US Census Bureau and Pat Seabolt, transcriber, 1850 US Federal Census, Jefferson County, (West) Virginia, first accessed: 25 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 103]
- US Census Bureau and USGenWeb volunteers, transcribers, USGenWeb Census Project, first accessed: 01 July 2005, <> [AotW reference 88]
- US Congress, Congressional Biographical Directory, first accessed: 01 January 2002, <> [AotW reference 72]
- US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming Bureau of Land Management, first accessed: 01 March 2006, <> [AotW reference 230]
- US Library of Congress, Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs, first accessed: 20 January 2023, <> [AotW reference 699]
(A vast collection of photographs (6,150+) of soldiers and scenes of the war, all available as digital scans online.) - US Library of Congress, Selected Civil War Photographs Collection, first accessed: 01 January 1998, <> [AotW reference 39]
- US Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Online Catalog, first accessed: 01 January 2000, <> [AotW reference 192]
- US Library of Congress, The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War, first accessed: 01 January 2002, <> [AotW reference 43]
- US National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Images from the History of Medicine, first accessed: 01 February 2014, <> [AotW reference 546]
- US National Park Service and Stephanie Gray and Keith Snyder, webmasters, Antietam National Battlefield, first accessed: 01 January 1998, <> [AotW reference 110]
- US National Park Service, Department of the Interior, Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, first accessed: 01 January 2000, <> [AotW reference 78]
(Includes (very) basic data for more than 6 million soldiers from US Archives service records.) - Vermont Historical Society,, <> [AotW reference 450]
- Virginia Military Institute and Diane B. Jacob, Head, Archives & Records Management, Virginia Military Institute Archives, first accessed: 01 January 2003, <> [AotW reference 102]
- Waskie, Andy, Biography of Octavius V. Catto: Forgotten Black Hero of Philadelphia, afrolumensProject, first accessed: 21 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 76]
- Weaver, Barry and Richard Slaney, Robert Bills, Keith Bills, Sue Bacheller, researchers, Benjaminam Ham Child, Early RI Toolmakers & Tradesmen, first accessed: 01 June 2004, <,J.E./ChildBenjHam.html> [AotW reference 66]
- Weaver, Jeff, The North Carolina Civil War Home, first accessed: 09 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 109]
- Weaver, Jeffrey C., webmaster, New River Notes, first accessed: 15 August 2005, <> [AotW reference 116]
- Welch, David, Encyclopedia Louisiana, first accessed: 17 September 2005, <> [AotW reference 138]
- Wolfe, Brendan, Ed., The Dictionary of Virginia Biography, Encyclopedia Virginia, first accessed: 07 March 2012, <> [AotW reference 439]
- Wooster, Kenneth Jennings, 1st Regiment, Light Artillery, N. Y. S. Volunteers - Battery B (Pettit's Battery), first accessed: 01 January 2005, <> [AotW reference 271]
- Wyckoff, Mac, Franklin Gaillard, first accessed: 07 June 2005, <> [AotW reference 56]
(Biographical sketch, hosted online by Shelby Pittman, Webmaster, Catawba Wateree Genealogical Society.)
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