September 22, 1862.
Brigadier General H. COBB,
Commanding Cobb's Brigade.
CAPTAIN: In accordance with orders, I furnish you with an account of the part borne by my battery in the battle at Crampton's Gap, on Sunday, September 14, 1862.
On Saturday, 13th instant, by order of General Semmes, I took position on the mountains near Crampton's Gap, and remained there all that night, waiting the approach of the enemy, reported advancing. On Sunday morning, about 9 o'clock, the advance of the enemy came in sight; shortly afterward they appeared in heavy columns and formed line of battle about 3 miles off, and commenced advancing on the town of Burkittsville. When within about half a mile of Burkittsville, I opened fire on them from my rifle gun, and, after some eight or ten rounds, succeeded in bringing them to a halt. Shortly afterward they withdrew, and attacked with heavy re-enforcements the lower pass. I kept up a sharp fire on them from my battery all day, with every appearance of doing them considerable damage, as their lines were broken several times, and one of them never formed again. Since then I have learned, from their prisoners, that one of their prominent officers, a general, was killed, instantly, by our shells. I sustained no loss at all in the engagement. My men all acted well. I am indebted to Lieutenant [C. C.] Wrenshall for the fine management of his section during the entire fight.
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Commanding Artillery, Semmes' Brigade.
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 876