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Lt William E. van Reed's Official Report

Report of Sepember 24, 1862 of Antietam and Shepherdstown

[author biography]

September 24, 1862.

First Lieutenant HEYWARD CUTTING,
Assistant Adjutant-General, General Sykes' Division.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of my battery (K, Fifth Artillery) since leaving Rockville, Md.:

On the 11th of September the battery marched from Rockville and proceeded about 7 miles on the Frederick road.

12th. Passed through Clarksburg about 11 a.m.: arrived at Hyattsville about 2 p.m.

13th. Marched from Hyattsville about 6 a.m.; passed through Urbana at 9; arrived at Frederick at 4 p.m.

14th. Marched to Middletown.

15th. Marched about 6 miles; passed a number of the enemy's dead on the mountain.

16th. In camp near the Antietam Creek. One spoke of the wheel of the battery wagon was broken by a short from the enemy.

17th. Went into position across the creek about 2 p.m.; fired about 400 rounds at the enemy, and withdrew at dusk.

18th. Remained in camp.

19th. Marched at 10 a.m.; passed through Sharpsburg about 12 m. One man was wounded (afterward died), and 2 horses had their legs broken by a shot from the enemy.

20th. Went into position near the Potomac, and fired about 50 rounds at the enemy.

21st. Remained in position.

22d. Remained in position.

I have the honor to remain, sir, yours, &c.,

Lieutenant, Commanding Battery K, Fifth Artillery.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 354


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