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Maj DeLancey Floyd-Jones' Official Report

Report of Sepember 25, 1862 of Antietam and Shepherdstown

DeL. Floyd-Jones

[author biography]

Camp near Sharpsburg, Md., September 24, 1862.

Lieutenant E. E. SELLERS,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

SIR: In accordance with instructions from brigade headquarters, I beg to submit the following report of the movements and casualties of the regiment from the 16th instant up to the present time:

The regiment moved from camp near Middletown Heights on the morning of the 16th instant, crossed Middletown Heights, and in the evening camped near Sharpsburg; distance marched, about 8 miles.

On the 17th instant remained in the same position. Private Patrick Clark, of Company G, was struck in the head by a spent grape-shot and wounded slightly. On the 18th remained in the same place without meeting with any casualties. On the morning of the 19th moved forward about 3 miles in the direction of Shepherdstown, and encamped about half a mile from the Potomac River.

On the 20th instant we crossed the Potomac near Shepherdstown, and, after advancing a short distance into the country, Company D was ordered to advance as skirmishers, under command of Lieutenant George E. Head. They advanced to the edge of the woods and discovered the enemy in large force moving toward us. We were then ordered to fall back, within we did in good order, the skirmishers of the enemy keeping up a brisk fire during the movements. We halted on a hill close to the river, and replied to the fire of the enemy for some minutes with good effect. At this time Private John J. Boddy, of Company E, was wounded slightly; Private V. S. Wheeler, of Company B, wounded in the groin, and Private John H. Ranson, Company B, wounded in the thigh. The two latter-named men, I regret to add, have since died. We then recrossed the river, pursuant to orders, and encamped a short distance in the woods, where the regiment has remained up to the present date.

All of which is most respectfully submitted.

I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,

Major Eleventh Infantry, Commanding Regiment.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Pages 365 - 366


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