Camp near Sharpsburg, Md., September 24, 1862.
Aide-de-Camp, and Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Sykes' Division.
SIR: In compliance with a circular dated September 24, requiring a report of the movements of the Fifth Regiment New York Volunteers since the 16th of September, 1862, together with the casualties, I have the honor to report the following:
Tuesday, September 16, at 10 o'clock a.m., having bivouacked all night in line of battle near Sharpsburg, Md., in rear of General Sykes' division, I moved to the left, and took up a position on the edge of an oak grove, remaining in line of battle all night.
Wednesday, September 17, at 4 o'clock p.m. I deployed my regiment in front of the wood into an open field, stopping all stragglers from going to the rear, forming them as they came from the battle-field in two ranks, irrespective of regiment or division, in three lines, covering the front of the battalion. Remained on guard all night in rear of stragglers.
Thursday, September 18, we retained the same position all day until 5 o'clock p.m., when I moved into the woods and encamped by column of division. Occupied the day in drilling the recruits.
Friday, September 19, left camp in pursuit of the enemy. Crossed the Antietam Creek, and formed line of battle on the left of General Sykes' division. At 1 o'clock p.m. I moved the regiment forward in support of three batteries of artillery, throwing out two companies of skirmishers on the right and left. Company I, in command of Captain Burnett, in compliance with orders from me, moved forward to the bank of the Potomac River. I then moved the balance of the regiment forward to the edge of a hill commanding Blackford's Ford, where, in support of a section of Randol's battery, I fired several volleys at the opposite bank of the river, in order the recruits, composing the greater part of my command, an opportunity to discharge their pieces. On finding that the enemy had evacuated their position near the opposite bank of the river, I moved forward, and went into bivouac on the bank of the river, posting a strong guard.
Saturday, September 20, crossed the river in line of battle at 10 a.m., and took up position on top of the bluff, on the left of General Sykes' division. My skirmishers reported the enemy in force in front, which was apparent, as they opened a heavy fire of musketry upon us. In compliance with orders from Colonel Warren, I withdrew my men from the bluff, leaving one company deployed as skirmishers to cover our recrossing the river, which was accomplished without loss. Formed the regiment behind the canal bank, on the north side of the river, where I remained until dark. At 4 o'clock p.m. I ordered one company (E) to recross the river and protect a party of stragglers from my command, sent over to take a 6-pounder brass howitzer, which had been abandoned by the enemy. This was accomplished with the loss of one sergeant (Crowley), wounded in the leg, who was brought over the river at dusk in the evening, when the company rejoined the regiment. At dark I moved my position 900 yards to the left, establishing pickets at intervals of 10 paces, connecting on my left with the Fourteenth Regiment Regular Infantry, and on my right the Tenth Regiment New York Volunteers.
Sunday, 21st, remained on picket all day. Nothing (with the exception of a few sharpshooters) was seen of the enemy. Lieutenant-Colonel Duryea returned, and relieved me in command of the regiment.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Commanding Fifth Regiment New York Volunteers.
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Pages 367 - 368