October 26, 1862.
Major R. C. MORGAN,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Light Division.
MAJOR: On September 14 and 15 this brigade was ordered to support General Pender's, then advancing upon Harper's Ferry. We were exposed to a heavy artillery fire, which caused some loss, but took no active part, and had moved to within a short distance of the enemy's works when they surrendered.
At Shepherdstown, on September 20, we were placed in position on the extreme right of the line, and were ordered to advance toward the Potomac River. Moving forward, we took position commanding the ford; remained under a heavy artillery fire until night, and were then ordered back to camp.
Colonel R. W. Folsom, Fourteenth Georgia Regiment; Lieutenant Colonel S. M. Manning, Forty-ninth Georgia, and maj. W. L. Grice, Forty-fifth Georgia, led their commands with a skill and gallantry highly honorable to them.
Major Lewis Ginter, Lieutenant William Norwood, and Lieutenant John Tyler, of the staff, performed their duties with gallantry on the field, and I take this occasion to acknowledge their valuable services to me.
With few exceptions, the officers and men of this command conducted themselves on the field in a manner highly honorable to them. Their courage, their cheerful obedience to orders, and their patient endurance of hardships cannot be commanded to highly.
I have the honor to be, major, with highest respect, your obedient servant,
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 1006