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Lt Theodore J Vanneman' s Official Report

Report of September 20, 1862

[author biography]

CAMP, September 20, 1862.

Captain AYRES,
Commanding Artillery, General Smith's Division.

CAPTAIN: On the 17th instant, as per orders received from General Franklin, we were placed to the right and in front of headquarters, in a corn-field, and ordered to shell the woods in our front, which we did. A battery of the enemy opened upon our lines from near the schoolhouse [Dunker Church] in the corner of the woods, when we opened fire, and, with the assistance of others, silenced it. We fired at from 2 1/2° to 3° elevation, using from 3 1/2 to 4 second fuses, and expended during the engagement about 300 rounds of ammunition. I am happy to report the loss of only one horse, which was killed by a 6-pound shot. The officers and men during the action behaved with commendable bravery.

Respectfully submitted.

First Lieutenant, Comdg. Battery B, Maryland Artillery.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 404 - 405


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