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Maj William W Sillers' Official Reports

Reports of October 13, 1862 on Boonsborough and Sharpsburg

[author biography]


October 13, 1862.

Colonel W. P. BYNUM,
Commanding Brigade.

In obedience to orders, I have the honor submit the following report of the part taken by the Thirtieth Regiment North Carolina Troops, Colonel F. M. Parker commanding, in the battle of South Mountain, September 14, to wit:

The regiment, except as to its skirmishers, was not actually engaged with any visible portion of the enemy's forces at any time during the battle. Late in the forenoon our skirmishers exchanged a few shots with those of the enemy near the point where General Garland's brigade engaged the enemy, by which we lost 1 captain and 3 privates wounded; total, 4.

A few minutes before night the regiment was under fire from an unseen foe. The fire was replied to; with what effect is not known, as it soon became dark and the brigade moved down the mountain. We changed position several times during the day, marching up and down the mountain. In these movements, made very rapidly and in the heat of the day, some of the men became exhausted and fell out of the ranks. Others were, no doubt, wounded, in the random firing late in the afternoon, causing a loss, in missing, of 15 privates, and making a total of wounded and missing, during the day, of 19.

Respectfully submitted.

Major, Commanding.


October 13, 1862.

Colonel W. P. BYNUM,
Commanding Brigade.

In obedience to orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Thirtieth Regiment North Carolina Troops in the battle of Sharpsburg, September 17, to wit:

Supposing that the main road which leads from the bridge across Antietam Creek through the center of Sharpsburg to run north and south [actually East-West, ed.] , our brigade took position northwest and about half a mile from the town, and the Thirtieth Regiment was on the right of the brigade. Our line was formed in a road which, by the wear of travel, had been let down to the depth of a foot or more into the earth. In front of the right wing of our regiment, and at a distance of not more than 50 paces, there was a ravine which, extending diagonally to the left, gradually narrowed down the level space in front until in front of the extreme left of the Thirtieth there was not more than 30 paces of level ground. Our position was taken, I suppose, about 8.30 a.m. In the space of half or three-quarters of an hour the enemy made his appearance, crossed the ravine, and began his advance up the hill. A well-directed fire broke his line and drove him back. Up to this time, as far as the eye could reach to the right (300 yards), there was no support to our brigade; but about this time Brigadier-General Wright's brigade came up. The enemy continued to make his appearance, first on one hill, then another, but always at long range. The line was ordered to advance, and halted on the edge of the ravine. Here a hot fire was kept for a few minutes. Soon the line was ordered to take its first position, and did so. In a very short time Colonel Parker passed me, retiring, seriously wounded, from the field. From this time, about 11.30 a.m, the regiment was under my command. A desultory fire was kept up for some time, the enemy making demonstrations in front of the brigade on our right. Our fire at this point was not very effective, the range being too great and a fence intervening. Soon my attention was called to our right, which was again unsupported. Almost immediately my attention was called to the opposite flank (the left), which was uncovered as far as I could see. I sent a captain to the left to see if any one was there, and he reported no one. I then gave the order to fall back. We retired about 300 yards. Here we made a stand. Twice we advanced from this point, and twice we fell back to it. A short time before sunset the enemy advanced. We joined in a charge against them, and drove them so effectually that they did not appear again. In our last position we were under a pretty severe fire from artillery, playing on the front and flank. Here we remained until after nightfall, when we were withdrawn by order of Major General D. H. Hill.

The regiment before the fight numbered about 250, all told. We lost in killed, 10, in wounded, 62, and in missing, 1, making a total of 76. I brought off from the fight 159.

Very respectfully submitted.

Major, Commanding.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Pages 1050 - 1052


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