Saturday, September 20, 1862.
Colonel LYLE,
Commanding Second Brigade.
DEAR SIR: In compliance with general orders, I would respectfully report that on Sunday, September 14, our regiment marched from Frederick to South Mountain, arriving at that point at about 6 o'clock p. m. We continued the march until part way up the mountain, when we formed in line of battle, and for a short time remained at a halt. Very soon after we were ordered to march by the front toward the summit, which was continued but a short distance, when we were ordered to move by the left flank. In this direction we moved until far enough to join the right of our brigade upon the left of the First Brigade, when we were again ordered to move to the front, changing our direction by the right flank. We then continued our advance to the front until we occupied our position during the engagement, our regiment being upon the extreme left of the brigade. During the action Captain D. C. Tomlinson was wounded in the back of his neck; also one private of Company D. Number of killed, 2.
Evening having so far set in, the engagement was soon brought to a close. We laid on our arms during the night. Monday, 15th, finding the enemy had retreated, we began a march in pursuit, which was continued to Keedysville, where we encamped for the night. 16th, during the latter part of the day, we again took up our march, and continued it to the battle-ground near Sharpsburg, Md., arriving there at about 11 p. m., when we rested on our arms until the morning of the 17th, between 5 and 6 a. m., when we moved from the position we then occupied to another piece of woods, and immediately formed in line of battle and marched to the front, where our men were engaged for little more than one hour. Our position occupied during this engagement was next to the extreme left of the brigade.
Lieutenant, Commanding Regiment.
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 264