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Col Paul Frank's Official Report

Report of September 20, 1862

P. Frank

[author biography]

September 20, 1862.

Lieutenant CHARLES P. HATCH,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

This regiment arrived Monday, September 15, on a high ground in the first line, and, after the skirmishers had engaged the enemy, it was ordered by Major-General Richardson to take position on the right of a flying battery, which then opened fire. About one hour afterward the regiment was ordered to take its place on the right of the brigade, and remained there until Wednesday, September 17, morning. During all this time it was exposed to the artillery fire of the enemy, but fortunately lost only 1 man killed and 1 wounded. Wednesday, 17th, the regiment crossed the creek and was drawn up in line of battle in a corn field, half an hour after which it advanced, forming the right of the brigade.

Advancing in close line for about half a mile under a heavy fire, it entered a corn field on the crest of a hill, when I received intelligence that two rebel regiments were on our right, on a lower ground. Colonel Brooke, commanding brigade, was in the center of the line, but too far off for me to report for orders. I therefore took the Fifty-second on the high ground to our right and opened fire on the flank of the rebel regiments, the Seventh New York State Volunteers taking position on the left of my regiment, and supporting it most gallantly. After about half an hour's fighting the rebel lines broke, and seeing our forces deploying out of a corn field in front of the rebels, I ceased firing, and shortly afterward was ordered back for a fresh supply of ammunition. I used an average of from 50 to 60 rounds per man. Having a fresh supply, I again brought the regiment to the front, where it was in position till Friday, September 19, morning, at which time it was ordered to take possession of an orchard, about a quarter of a mile in front, from which place it was withdrawn during the afternoon to its present camping-ground. During all this time I must say that the Fifty-second, as well as the Second Delaware, behaved very well, and stood firm under the most heavy artillery and musketry fire. It affords me great pleasure to report that the regiment kept up the reputation gained at Fair Oaks. The regiment went into action numbering 12 commissioned officers and 107 rank and file. The casualties are as follows:[not included here]

I remain, lieutenant, your obedient servant,

Colonel, Commanding Fifty-second New York State Volunteers.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 301


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