September 19, 1862.
Colonel MORRIS,
Commanding Second Brigade, French's Division.
COLONEL: In accordance with your order of this morning, I have the honor to report as follows:
About 8 o'clock on the morning of the 17th instant we left our camp, on the south side of the Sharpsburg pike, and marched by a flank movement to a point about 1 1/2 miles north, where a line of battle was formed. We then moved forward a little west of south about half a mile to a [Roulette] farm-house, in and about which a small force of the enemy was posted, whose fire we received, wounding several men. After the enemy was driven from his position at the house, we advanced through a small orchard and plowed field to the crest of a hill, where the fight became general. The enemy had taken position with his first line in a ravine [Sunken Road] in front of and about 75 yards distant from our position, having two other lines in a corn-field in rear of his first. We received the fire of the enemy's first line and of the force on the right, together with that of a battery posted in the corner of the field on the enemy's right, and distant 200 yards. The firing on both sides continued for more than two hours, when the enemy was driven from his position by a force on our left.
About this time a force of the enemy advanced on a battery posted on our right, which was withdrawn. The enemy then changed front, and advanced on our right to the fence bounding the field in which we were posted. Changing our front to meet his advancing lines, we held him in check until a charge was made by a brigade on our right, which drove the enemy back in great disorder. By this time our ammunition was expended, when we withdrew and reformed our line at the farmhouse first spoken of. Having become separated from our brigade, we were ordered by General Kimball to fall in with the brigade under his command, where we remained until this morning. Owing to the circumstances in which we are placed at present, I am unable to give a more detailed account of all that occurred.
Our loss is 32 killed, 146 wounded.
I have the honor to remain, your very obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding One hundred and thirtieth Pa. Vols.
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Pages 335 - 336