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Col Hugh B Ewing's Official Reports

Reports of September 1862 on South Mountain (Regt) and Antietam (Brig)

H. B. Ewing

[author biography]

[ South Mountain (for the Regiment) ]

Battle-field, September 14, 1862.

Assistant Adjutant-General, Kanawha Division.

SIR: In compliance with orders from Colonel Scammon, commanding, I moved at 10 a. m. with the Thirtieth Regiment to turn the enemy's left, and assist in taking the battery planted on the crest of the mountain. Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, in command of a heavy body of skirmishers, covered the advance of the column, and immediately began to drive in their outlying sentries. At the same time a battery on a spur to our right opened upon us a heavy fire of shell. We took possession of the crest without halt or deployment, and formed line of battle to move upon the support in rear of the battery. At this moment the enemy developed himself in force on our right flank, and we changed front and increased and pushed our line of skirmishers against him. Soon he showed himself in force passing down a lane in front, and in a moment opened a heavy fire from a thicket on our left, which we soon silenced. In five minutes he, having changed his battery 600 yards to our right front, sent in on us a hail of grape, and we fell a few yards back, under cover.

We lay here supporting a battery, which was soon sent up, until 5 o'clock when, supported on the right and left, under your orders we, with the entire line charged over the rise through the woods and thickets to the cleared fields which lay before the battery, and in and beyond which, behind stone walls and in coverts, lay the enemy's supports in heavy masses. Here a spirited engagement ensued, which was kept up with great animation until, our ammunition beginning to fail, the second line was ordered up, and we fell back slowly and in perfect order to our former position. The officers and men, under an unceasing fire of eight hours of musketry, grape, and shell, obeyed all orders with alacrity, intelligence, and skill, and stood at the close under an excessive fire of musketry and grape with a hardihood which elicited the applause of all who saw them.

Lieutenant-Colonel Jones exposed himself repeatedly, and exhibited great judgment in carrying out the delicate duties assigned him.

Our killed, as so far handed in, is 21; wounded, 65.

I have the honor be, sir, your obedient servant,

Colonel, Commanding Thirtieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

[ Antietam (for the Brigade) ]

Mouth of Antietam, Md., September 22, 1862.

Lieutenant and Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Kanawha Division.

SIR: I have the honor herewith to transmit the reports of regimental commanders in my brigade relating to the 17th instant: We crossed the ford of the Antietam under a shower of grape, and after being held under a trying fire from the enemy's batteries for some time, made, under order of Colonel Scammon, commanding division, a charge upon his advancing columns, and checked and held his largely superior force at bay until the battle ceased on the ensuing day, and he was driven from the field. One of my aides, Lieutenant Furbay, the memory of whose gallantry and worth is written in the hearts of his comrades, was shot, by three balls, through the body. Another, Lieutenant Headington, had his horse killed under him. Lieutenant Duffield, who had been acting as my aide temporarily, was also killed, being twice shot. A soldier more conscientious in the discharge of every duty did not live.

The troops of the brigade behaved with gallantry. For details I have the honor to refer you to the accompanying reports of the commanders of regiments.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel, Commanding Brigade.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Pages 469 (So. Mtn.), 463 (Ant.)


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