---- South Mountain September 14 -----
Camp near Sharpsburg, Md, September 20, 1862
Lieutenant-Colonel RICHMOND,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Burnside's Corps
have the honor to submit the following report of the
operations of my brigade in the action of the 14th instant at
South Mountain, near Middletown, Md.:
On the
afternoon of that day my brigade was detached from the
division and ordered to report for duty to Major-General
Burnside. Late in the afternoon I was ordered to move up the
Hagerstown turnpike with my brigade and one section of
Gibbon's battery, to attack the position of the enemy in the
gorge. The Seventh Wisconsin and the Nineteenth Indiana were
placed respectively on the right and left of the turnpike, to
advance by the head of the company, preceded by two companies
of skirmishers from the Sixth and Second Wisconsin, and
followed by these regiments, formed in double column at half
distance, the section of the battery under Lieutenant
Stewart, Fourth Artillery, keeping on the pike a little in
rear of the first line. The skirmishers soon became engaged,
and were supported by the leading regiments, while our guns
moved forward on the turnpike until within range of the
enemy's guns, which were firing on our column from the top of
the gorge, when they opened with good effect. My men steadily
advanced on the enemy, posted in the woods and behind stone
walls, driving him before them until he was re-enforced by
three additional regiments, making five in all opposed to us.
Seeing we
were likely to be outflanked on our right, I directed
Lieutenant-Colonel Bragg, of the Sixth Wisconsin, to enter
the wood on his right, and deploy his regiment on the right
of the Seventh. This was successfully accomplished, while the
Nineteenth Indiana, supported by the Second Wisconsin,
deployed, and, swinging around parallel to the turnpike, took
the enemy in the flank. Thus the light continued until long
after dark, Stewart using his guns with good effect over the
heads of our own men. My men, with their ammunition nearly
exhausted, held all the ground they had taken, and were late
in the night relieved, with the exception of the Sixth
Wisconsin, which occupied the battlefield all night, by
General Gorman's brigade.
The conduct
of the officers and men was during the engagement everything
that could be desired, and they maintained their well-earned
reputation for gallantry and discipline acquired in the
engagements of the 28th and 30th of August. Lieutenant
Stewart used his guns with good judgment slid effect, and
begged to remain upon the field after his section was
relieved by the other four pieces of the battery under
Captain Campbell. I beg to recommend him to the favorable
notice of the authorities.
My aides,
Lieutenants Haskell and Hildreth, were prompt and energetic
in transmitting orders, as was also Captain Cutting, of
General Burnside's staff, who kindly volunteered his services
for the occasion.
The loss in
the brigade was 37 killed, 251 wounded, 30 missing; total,
I am, sir, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding.
---- Antietam September 17 -----
Camp near Sharpsburg, September 20, 1862
Assistant Adjutant-General, King's Division.
have the honor to submit the following report of the
operations of my brigade during the action of the 17th near
this place:
The brigade was, by
direction of Major-General Hooker, detached from the
division, and ordered to advance into a piece of wood on the
right of the Hagerstown turnpike, toward the village of
Sharpsburg. The brigade advanced in column of divisions on
the left of the turnpike until the head of it reached an open
space, when the Sixth Wisconsin was deployed and pushed
forward into a corn-field in our front, the Second Wisconsin
being deployed and formed on its left, while a section of
Gibbon's battery, under Lieutenant Stewart, was brought into
action in the rear, to fire over the heads of our men in
reply to one of the enemy's batteries in their front. The
Sixth and Second pushed gallantly forward, supported by the
Seventh Wisconsin and Nineteenth Indiana, when, finding the
enemy was likely to flank us on the right in the wood, which
extended down in that direction, I ordered up Stewart's
section and directed the Seventh Wisconsin and Nineteenth
Indiana to deploy to the right of the line, and push forward
rapidly into the woods. The whole line soon became hotly
engaged, and the enemy, heavily re-enforced from the woods,
made a dash upon the battery. This attack, however, was
successfully repelled by heavy discharges of canister from
the guns, the fire of the few remaining men of the Second and
Sixth Wisconsin, and the flank fire poured in by the Seventh
Wisconsin and Nineteenth Indiana, which had been brought
around to sweep the front of the battery with their fire,
Captain Campbell having in the mean time joined Stewart's
with the other four pieces of the battery.
In this severe
contest Lieutenant-Colonel Bragg, Sixth Wisconsin, and
Lieutenant-Colonel Allen, Second Wisconsin, both commanding
their regiments, were wounded and taken from the field. The
gallant Lieutenant-Colonel Bachman, commanding the Nineteenth
Indiana, fell mortally wounded, and Captain Campbell, while
gallantly serving his guns, was stricken down by a ball
through the shoulder. Thirty-eight of the battery men were
killed and wounded, 27 of the horses killed, and, finding the
guns almost deprived of support and of cannoneers to work
them, I ordered them to limber to the rear and fall back,
followed soon after by the infantry of my brigade, much
reduced in numbers and scant of ammunition. The loss of the
brigade is again an evidence of its well-earned honors.
While referring to
the regimental reports for special mention of meritorious
individuals, I beg leave to call attention to the steadiness
and gallantry of both officers and men, and especially to the
coolness and bravery of Lieutenant-Colonels Bragg, Bachman,
and Allen; Major Dawes, Captain Callis, and Captain Campbell,
and Lieutenant Stewart, of Gibbon's battery. My aides,
Lieutenants Haskell and Hildreth, were, as usual, prompt and
active in conveying my orders, and the former, while carrying
a message to General Hooker, had his horse killed under him.
The loss in the
brigade is as follows: 61 killed, 274 wounded, 45 missing;
total, 380.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,