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Assistant Surgeon Philip C. Davis' Report

A Surgeon's report on the Campaign

[author biography]

September 4, 1862, we took up our line of march for Maryland. Nothing of interest occurred until September 14th - the battle at 'Crampton Pass,' South Mountain. Our batteries were not engaged, except to shell the woods. I was therefore ordered by the medical director to have the wounded of other corps removed from the field to the houses and barns which had been designated by him for the purpose. This occupied all night. On the morning of the 15th, the command moved forward, and I rejoined my brigade.

I arrived on the field of Antietam about three o'clock P. M., September 17th, with my brigade, and we soon became hotly engaged with the enemy. This lasted until night-fall, when the firing ceased; the enemy using musketry and artillery with a good deal of effect upon our column, which lost heavily. My men were exposed principally to the fire from the enemy's batteries, which was solid shot, case-shot, and shell. Our loss in the batteries was five killed and about fifteen wounded. The wounded were dressed on the field, but two requiring amputation, which was performed, and patients sent to the field hospital.

On the morning of the 19th, the enemy fell back across the Potomac, and we pushed forward and went into camp near the village of Bakersville, Maryland, where we remained until November 13th. At this camp four men died; two from typhoid fever, two from dysentery. General Slocum was relieved, and General Brooks assumed the command. November 1st, we marched to Berlin, on the Potomac river, and crossing into Virginia, proceeded to Warrenton, and went into camp.


Source: Third Extract from a Report of his Services, MSHWR 1


1   Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Part. 1, Vol. 1, Appendix, pp. 15, 89, 106  [AotW citation 19740]


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