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BGen James Ricketts' Official Report

Report of September 21, 1862

J. Ricketts


Near Sharpsburg, September 21, 1862


GENERAL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my division:

On the morning of the 14th instant the division was under arms to march at daylight from its encampment near the Monocacy, and arrived at the east side of South Mountain, about a mile north of the turnpike, at 5 p.m., forming line of battle, First Brigade, Brigadier-General Duryea, on the extreme right; Third Brigade, Brigadier-General Hartsuff, in the center, and Second Brigade, Colonel Christian, on the left. The route of the First and Third Brigades extended over very rough ground to the crest of the mountain, which was gallantly won. On the left the Second Brigade was sent to the relief of General Doubleday's, which was hard pressed and nearly out of ammunition. It engaged the enemy with terrible effect, and drove him down the west side of the mountain.

It being now too dark to advance, and the men much exhausted, operations ceased for the night. The next morning, the enemy having fled during the night, the division moved forward and encamped near Keedysville. The artillery was not engaged.

The list of casualties is annexed: First Brigade, 5 killed, 16 wounded; Second Brigade, 2 killed, 6 wounded; Third Brigade, 2 killed, 4 wounded. Total killed and wounded, 35.

From Keedysville on the afternoon of the 16th the division crossed the Antietam River and moved toward Sharpsburg, in direction of the enemy's left flank. Third Brigade was formed in line of battle while under fire from the enemy's artillery; Second Brigade toward the left of the Third, and First Brigade in reserve. The artillery, though within range, was placed as much under shelter as possible for the night.

The morning of the 17th your order to advance and occupy the woods in front was being carried out, when General Hartsuff, who was examining the ground, was severely wounded, and the services of this valuable officer were lost. The brigade moved forward, supported by Second Brigade on the left and First Brigade on the right, all advancing with the artillery, Battery F, First Pennsylvania, under Captain Matthews, and Captain Thompson's Independent Pennsylvania Battery, each consisting of four 3-inch rifled guns. Taking advantage of the ground, both batteries opened with destructive effect, officers and men displaying great coolness while exposed to a severe fire of artillery and infantry.

The division gained the outer edge of the wood, and kept up a fearful fire for four hours, until, the ammunition being exhausted and the supports coming up, it was compelled to retire to refill boxes, after which the division joined the rest of the corps on the right, near the turnpike, and, with the exception of a brisk fire from the enemy's artillery, under which they stood, was not employed again during the day only to hold that position.

I commend the general good conduct of the division, and would mention particularly Brigadier-General Duryea; Colonel Coulter, Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteers; Colonel Lyle, Ninetieth Pennsylvania Volunteers; Capt. E. W. Matthews, First Pennsylvania Artillery, and Capt. James Thompson, Independent Pennsylvania Artillery; also the names in the subjoined list, marked B. Indeed, both officers and men displayed courage under a severe fire.

Casualties as per annexed list, marked C: Out of 3,158 taken into action, 1,051 were killed and wounded--153 killed and 898 wounded.

Of my staff I take pleasure in mentioning the distinguished gallantry of Capt. John W. Williams, assistant adjutant-general; also Capt. Benjamin W. Richards, aide-de-camp, and Capt. F. Gerker, commissary of subsistence.

Respectfully submitted.

Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.


List of officers and men who behaved with gallantry in the engagements of September 14-17, 1862.


One hundred and fifth Regiment New York Volunteers:

Lieutenant-Colonel Carroll.
Maj. J. W. Shedd.
Captain Bradley.
Lieutenant Doolittle.
Assistant Adjutant-General Duryea.

One hundred and seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers:

Captain Scheffer.
Lieutenant Corcoran.
Color-Sergeant Kehoe.
Color-Sergeant Hough.
Color-Sergeant Phillips.
Color-Sergt. H. W. Smyser
Color-Sergeant Pike.

One hundred and fourth Regiment New York Volunteers:

Captain Tuthill. Lieutenant Dow.
Color-Sergeant Cain.
Color-Sergeant Rogers.
Private Maurice Buckingham seized the colors when Color-Sergeant Rogers was shot.

Ninety-seventh Regiment New York Volunteers:

Lieutenant Carpenter.
Lieutenant Hopkins.
Lieutenant Spencer.
Lieutenant Brennan.


To which should be added--

One hundred and seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers:

Captain MacThomson. Captain Roath.

One hundred and fourth New York Volunteers:

Captain Wing.


Ninetieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers:

Lieut. Col. William A. Leech.
Maj. A. J. Sellers.
Adjt. D. P. Weaver.
Capt. Charles F. Maguire.
Capt. Jacob M. Davis.
Capt. John W. Barnes.
Capt. John A. Gorgas.
Capt. William H. Warner.
First Lieut. A. Morin.
First Lieut. J. M. Moore.
First Lieut. W. F. Myers.
First Lieut. George W. Watson.
First Lieut. F. A. Chadwick.
Second Lieut. S. W. Moore.
Second Lieut. G. E. Lindsley.
Second Lieut. E. J. Gorgas.
Second Lieut. W. H. Heulings.
Second Lieut. R. W. Davis.
Second Lieut. John T. Riley.
Second Lieut. J.P. Mead.
Second Lieut. William S. Ellis
Private Paul, who carried the colors, the color-bearer having been killed in the early part of the engagement.

Colonel, Commanding Second Brigade,


Eighty-third Regiment New York Volunteers:

Capt. John Hendrickson.
Captain Moesch.

Thirteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers:

Major Gould.

Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers:

Adjutant Uncapher.
Lieutenant Thomas.

Twelfth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers:

Captain Allen.
Lieutenant Clark.
Lieutenant Dehon.
Capt. B. F. Cook.

Colonel, Commanding Third Brigade.

Respectfully submitted.

Brigadier-General Volunteers, Commanding Division.


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