Harper's Ferry, September 29, 1862
Lieut. Col. J. H. TAYLOR,
Chief of Staff, Assistant Adjutant-General,
Hdqrs. Second Corps d'Armee, Harper's Ferry, Va.
In obedience to instructions from the major-general
commanding the corps, I have the honor to submit a narrative
of the operations of this (Richardson's) division during the
battle of Antietam, and the time subsequent thereto, until
the enemy had retreated from the field, Major-General
Richardson's wound being of such a nature as to render it
impracticable for him to make the report as to the period
during which he exercised the command.
About 9.30 o'clock
a.m. on the 17th instant, the division, commanded by General
Richardson, crossed the Antietam at the ford constructed by
our engineers; then moved forward on a line nearly parallel
to the creek, and formed line of battle by brigades in a
ravine behind the high ground overlooking Roulette's house,
the Second Brigade, commanded by Brigadier-General Meagher,
on the right, his regiments being placed in the following
order from right to left: The Sixty-ninth New York
Volunteers, commanded by Lieut. Col. James Kelly; the
Twenty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers, commanded by
Lieutenant Colonel Barnes; the Sixty-third New York
Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Burke, and the Eighty-eighth
New York Volunteers, commanded by Lieut. Col. Patrick Kelly;
the Third [First] Brigade, commanded by Brigadier-General
Caldwell, on his left, and the brigade commanded by Colonel
Brooke, of the Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the
rear. Meagher's brigade immediately advanced, and soon became
engaged with the enemy, posted to the left and in front of
Roulette's house. This brigade continued its advance under a
heavy fire nearly to the crest of the hill overlooking
Piper's house, the enemy being posted in strong force in a
sunken road directly in its front.
A severe and
well-sustained musketry contest then ensued, which, after
continuing until the ammunition was nearly expended, this
brigade, having suffered severely, losing many valuable
officers and men, was, by direction of General Richardson,
relieved by the brigade of General Caldwell, which until this
time had remained in support. Caldwell's brigade advanced to
within a short distance of the rear of Meagher's brigade. The
latter then broke by companies to the rear, and the former by
companies to the front, and in this manner passed their
respective lines. Caldwell's brigade immediately advanced to
the crest overlooking the sunken road and about 30 yards
distant from it, and at once became engaged in a most
desperate contest, the enemy then occupying that position in
great strength, supported by other troops in their rear
toward Piper's house.
The regiments of
this brigade were posted in the following order, from right
to left: The Sixty-first New York and Sixty-fourth New York
Volunteers, consolidated temporarily, under command of
Colonel Barlow; the Seventh New York Volunteers, commanded by
Captain Brestel; the Eighty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers,
commanded by Major McKeen, and the Fifth New Hampshire
Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Cross. At this time Colonel
Brooke's brigade formed a second line in support of
Caldwell's brigade, the regiments of General Meagher's
brigade retiring to the rear to replenish their ammunition,
having received an order to that effect from General
The enemy having
pierced the troops on the right of Roulette's house,
belonging to some other division of our forces, Colonel
Brooke, observing it, applied for orders to General
Richardson to repair the accident, and immediately led three
regiments in that direction, and formed line of battle on the
crest in front of Roulette's house and inclosures, sending
one regiment (the Fifty-third Pennsylvania, commanded by
Lieutenant-Colonel McMichael) to dislodge the enemy, who had
then gained a foothold in the corn-field in rear of those
buildings. The enemy was promptly driven out by this
regiment, which held the ground until ordered subsequently to
march to another part of the field. The enemy having retired
on these demonstrations, the other two regiments (the
Fifty-seventh New York Volunteers, commanded by
Lieutenant-Colonel Parisen, and the Sixty-sixth New York
Volunteers, commanded by Captain Wehle) were then led by
Colonel Brooke to the support of General Caldwell's brigade,
forming line on the same crest with it, that brigade being
then hard pressed by the enemy, and a vacant space having
been made in the line owing to the fact that the Fifth New
Hampshire Volunteers had been moved to the left by Colonel
Cross to prevent a flank movement by the enemy toward our
left, which was handsomely frustrated by that officer. A
spirited contest arose between his regiment and a force of
the enemy, each endeavoring to be the first to gain the high
ground to the left, and each force delivering its fire as
they marched by the flank in parallel lines. Colonel Cross
captured one regimental color in this contest.
The two regiments
of Colonel Brooke's brigade last referred to immediately
became engaged on the left of the remainder of General
Caldwell's, the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers being still
farther to the left. The enemy was re-enforced by fresh
troops during the contest, his first line having been driven
off the field. Finally an advance was made from this position
to Piper's house by the brigade of Caldwell and the two
regiments under Colonel Brooke, under a heavy fire of
musketry and artillery, the enemy having a section of brass
pieces in the front firing grape and a battery to the right
throwing shell. This advance drove the enemy from the field
and gave us possession of the house and its surroundings--the
citadel of the enemy at this position of the line, it being a
defensible building several hundred yards to the rear of the
sunken road first referred to. This having been accomplished,
the musketry firing at this point ceased. At the time the
enemy broke the line on our right previously referred to,
when Colonel Brooke advanced toward Roulette's house, Colonel
Frank, of the Fifty-second New York Volunteers, then in
command of that regiment and the Second Delaware, also
observing a movement to our right and rear, changed front
obliquely to the right, and became engaged with the flank of
the enemy's advance, and performed an active part in
frustrating his intended movement. Colonel Barlow, commanding
the Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth Regiments of New York
Volunteers, of Caldwell's brigade, observing the same
movement of the enemy to the right, changed front and
delivered his fire, performing good service in checking the
attempt to turn our flank, causing the surrender of 300
prisoners and capturing two colors. Having possession of
Piper's house, by direction of General Richardson the line
was withdrawn a short distance to take position on a crest,
which formed a more advantageous line.
Up to this time the
division was without artillery, and in taking up the new
position it suffered severely from artillery fire, which
could not be replied to. A section of Robertson's battery of
horse artillery (brass pieces), commanded by Lieutenant
Vincent, of the Second Artillery, then arrived on the ground
and did excellent service. Subsequently a battery of brass
guns of Porter's corps, commanded by Captain Graham, also
arrived, and was posted on the same line. A heavy fire then
ensued between the enemy's artillery and our own, ours
finally retiring, being unable to reach the enemy, who used
rifled guns, ours being smooth-bores.
General Richardson
was severely wounded, about this time, while directing the
movements of the troops, and while personally directing the
fire of one of our batteries. General Meagher's brigade
having refilled their cartridge boxes, returned at this time,
and took its position in the center of the line. General
Meagher had his horse shot under him in the action of his
brigade, and, in falling, received bruises which prevented
him from returning to the field until the next morning.
Early in the
afternoon, after General Richardson had been removed from the
field, I was directed to take command of his division by
Major General McClellan in person. Having received his orders
and those of Major-General Sumner, I proceeded to the ground,
and found that the division occupied the right center of our
lines My instructions were to hold that position against the
enemy. I found the troops occupying one line of battle in
close proximity to the enemy, who was then again in position
behind Piper's house. The Fourteenth Connecticut Regiment and
a detachment from the One hundred and eighth New York
Volunteers, both under command of Col. Dwight Morris, were in
reserve, the whole command numbering about 2,100 men, with no
artillery. Finding a considerable interval at a dangerous
point between Meagher's brigade, then commanded by Colonel
Burke, of the Sixty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, and
Caldwell's brigade, the Fourteenth Connecticut was placed
there, and the detachment from the One hundred and eighth New
York Volunteers on the extreme left. Application was made for
two batteries of artillery to the different commanders within
reach, and to the chief of artillery, but none could be
spared at that time. I felt able, however, to hold the
position as I had been instructed, notwithstanding this
deficiency and the fact that the troops were already
suffering severely from the shells of the enemy, relying upon
the good qualities of the troops, but was too weak to make an
attack, unless an advance was made on the right, as I had no
reserves, and the line was already enfiladed from its forward
position by the enemy's artillery in front of our right wing,
which was screened from the fire of our artillery on the
right by a belt of woods, which was yet in possession of the
Some time after
arriving on the ground, a command of the enemy was seen in
line of battle, preceded by skirmishers, advancing in a
direction parallel to our front, and toward a command of ours
situated to the front of my left, whose line was formed
nearly at right angles with mine. I immediately sent a
pressing message for a battery of artillery, and Captain
Hexamer, of Slocum's division of General Franklin's corps,
was sent to me. The enemy, after a short cannonading, was
forced to retire. In a short time an advance was made by some
of our troops on my right toward the rear of Piper's house,
the enemy appearing to make preparations to meet them. I
assisted these troops by the fire of this battery, and
subsequently seeing our troops returning, prevented pursuit.
This advance proved to have been made by a single regiment,
the Seventh Maine, without concert of action with other
During this time
and previously the entire command suffered a severe
cannonading from the enemy's artillery, and was also much
annoyed by his sharpshooters. The battery above referred to,
having no ammunition, retired, and was replaced by Kirby's
battery, commanded by Lieu tenant Woodruff (12-pounder brass
guns). Captain Tidball's battery had been in position a
considerable distance from our extreme left, and toward
evening that officer placed a section on the elevated ridge
on the left of my line, which did material service by the
precision of its fire in concealing the weakness of our
position. This section was withdrawn about dark.
Affairs remained in
this position during the night. Our pickets were thrown as
far forward as practicable (a very short distance). The next
morning a battery of light 12-pounders, commanded by Lieut.
Evan Thomas, reported to me, and replaced the battery
commanded by Lieu tenant Woodruff. Captain Pettit's battery
of rifled guns also reported, and was placed in a commanding
position on our extreme left. The day passed in this
position, I having been directed in the morning, by orders
from the commander-in-chief, not to precipitate hostilities,
as he expected some re-enforcements to arrive before he
desired to recommence movements to the front. Receiving no
further instructions during the day, I continued to await the
operations of the other portions of the line. The enemy's
sharpshooters commenced at an early hour on the morning of
the 18th firing upon our troops, and so continued during the
day. Their fire was replied to by our pickets and by others
detailed for this service.
In the
afternoon, being informed that a flag of truce from the enemy
was in our front, I dispatched an aide to receive the
message, and, on learning that General Pryor appeared on the
part of the enemy, directed General Meagher to communicate
with him and to ascertain his wishes. It was then learned
that no flag had been sent by the enemy, and that a
misunderstanding had arisen on account of an unauthorized
arrangement which had been made by the pickets of the
opposing forces (our own particularly in fault), ostensibly
for the purpose of collecting the wounded between our lines.
General Pryor was notified that as nearly all the wounded
between the lines belonged to the enemy, any communication
having for its object their collection must proceed from
them, expressing a desire, however, that the wounded, who had
been lying on the ground for thirty hours, might be removed.
General Pryor had previously stated that he had no doubt a
communication from us to the commanding general of the
enemy's forces would result in a satisfactory arrangement.
General Pryor stating that he had no authority to send such
communication as indicated, on my part the conference closed.
Subsequently it was reported to me that another flag had
appeared. Again General Meagher was sent to meet the bearer,
who proved to be a lieutenant- colonel in the rebel service,
who stated that the flag was intended to cover the operations
of collecting the wounded and burying the dead, it being
supposed that a truce existed by an arrangement which had
been made on our night. The officer was notified that it was
an error, and in a few minutes hostilities recommenced.
Subsequently a number of the enemy appeared in the corn-field
in our front, apparently for the purpose of collecting the
dead, five of whom approached our picket line. At that moment
several shots were delivered by their own sharpshooters, when
these five men were arrested and sent to the rear as
prisoners of war. A good deal of this uncertainty, no doubt,
arose from similar operations on our right, rendering it
doubtful on both sides whether or not a truce existed. The
troops remained in their position until the following
morning, when it was found that the enemy had retreated. We
then advanced to their position and commenced the operation
of collecting the remaining wounded, burying the dead of both
forces, and piling the captured arms.
Nine regimental
colors and battle-flags were taken on the field from the
enemy by this division, claimed as follows, and explained by
the subordinate reports: The Fifth New Hampshire, Colonel
Cross, captured one color. Sixty first and Sixty-fourth New
York Volunteers, Colonel Barlow, captured two colors.
Fifty-seventh New York Volunteers, commanded by Colonel
Parisen (killed), subsequently by Major Chapman, and the
Sixty-sixth New York, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Bull,
both at the time under command of Colonel Brooke, captured
two colors. The Seventh New York, Captain Brestel, captured
three colors. One other color was captured by the division,
not now known by which regiment. About 400 prisoners were
captured, and 4,000 muskets collected on the field in front
of the division, and piled.
Our loss was as
follows: 207 killed, 940 wounded, 16 missing; total, 1,163.
The loss of the
enemy in killed and wounded was very heavy. Our troops
behaved in the handsomest manner, and performed the part
assigned to them successfully and with promptness, and in
passing through the trying ordeal exhibited the soldier's
noblest qualities. I regret that some of the most valuable
officers of the division were killed and many wounded, some
of them of those who had distinguished themselves on many
previous fields. For their particular services and for
details of the deeds of the different brigades, and for the
special meritorious services of individuals, officers and
men, I respectfully refer you to the interesting reports of
General Meagher, General Caldwell, and Colonel Brooke,
commanding brigades, and to the reports of regimental and
battery commanders. I have, however, obtained the names of
some of those who, by their position and the occasions
presented, had opportunities of acquiring the highest
distinction and availed themselves thereof. I cannot overlook
their claim to especial mention in this report, and herewith
submit their names:
First [Third]
Brigade, Col. J. R. Brooke, Fifty-third Pennsylvania
Volunteers, commanding brigade: Col. Paul Frank, commanding
Fifty-second New York Volunteers; Lieut. Col. R. McMichael,
commanding Fifty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers; Lieut. Col.
P. J. Parisen, commanding Fifty-seventh New York Volunteers,
who was killed while gallantly leading his men in the final
charge; Maj. A. B. Chapman, who commanded the Fifty-seventh
New York Volunteers after Lieutenant-Colonel Parisen had
fallen; Capt. Julius Wehle, commanding Sixty-sixth New York
Volunteers; Capt. D. L. Stricker, commanding Second Delaware
Volunteers; First Lieut. Charles P. Hatch, acting assistant
adjutant-general to Colonel Brooke; Second Lieut. John T.
Potts, aide-de camp, wounded; First Lieut. J. M. Faville,
adjutant, Fifty-seventh New York Volunteers; Rev. Mr. Dwight,
chaplain, Sixty-sixth New York Volunteers.
Caldwell's brigade,
commanded by Brig. Gen. J. C. Caldwell: Col. E. E. Cross,
commanding Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers; Col. F. C. Barlow,
wounded, commanding Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth New York
Volunteers; Lieut. Col. N. A. Miles, Sixty-first New York
Volunteers, commanding Sixty-first and Sixty-fourth New York
Volunteers after Colonel Barlow was wounded; Maj. H. B.
McKeen, commanding Eighty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers;
Capt. Charles Brestel, commanding Seventh New York
Volunteers; First Lieut. D. R. Cross, First Lieut. C. A.
Alvord, and First Lieut. G. W. Scott, of General Caldwell's
staff; Corpl. George Nettleton, Company G, Fifth New
Hampshire Volunteers, for bringing the colors of the Fourth
(rebel) Regiment North Carolina Volunteers off the field,
being badly wounded at the time.
Meagher's brigade,
Brig. Gen. T. F. Meagher commanding the brigade: Lieut. Col.
James Kelly, commanding Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers,
wounded; Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Barnes, commanding
Twenty-ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers; Lieut. Col.
Henry Fowler, commanding Sixty-third New York Volunteers,
wounded; Lieut. Col. Patrick Kelly, commanding Eighty-eighth
New York Volunteers; Maj. James Cavanagh, commanding
Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers after Lieut. Col. James Kelly
had been wounded; Maj. Charles Chipman, Twenty-ninth
Massachusetts Volunteers; Maj. R. C. Bentley (wounded),
commanding Sixty -third New York Volunteers after
Lieutenant-Colonel Fowler had been wounded; Maj. James
Quinlan, Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers; Capt. Joseph
O'Neill, Sixty-third New York Volunteers, commanding that
regiment after Lieutenant-Colonel Fowler and Major Bentley
had been wounded; Capt. James E. McGee, Sixty-ninth New York
Volunteers; Capt. Felix Duffy, Sixty-ninth New York
Volunteers, killed; Capt. P. F. Clooney, Eighty eighth New
York Volunteers, killed; Capt. John O'Connell Joyce,
Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers, killed; Capt. Timothy L.
Shanley, Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers, wounded; Capt.
Jasper M. Whitty, Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers, wounded;
First Lieut. John H. Gleason, Sixty-third New York
Volunteers; Capt. G Miller, assistant adjutant-general to
General Meagher; First Lieut. James E. Mackey (wounded),
aide-de-camp; Second Lieut. John J. Gosson, aide-de camp;
Surg. Francis Reynolds, Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers.
The staff officers
of Major General Richardson, Maj. J. M. Norvell, assistant
adjutant general; Capt. James P. McMahon, of the Sixty-ninth
New York Volunteers; First Lieut. D. W. Miller, First Lieut.
Wilber L. Hurlbut, First Lieut. C. S. Draper, badly wounded,
acted with heroism. After General Richardson was wounded,
Captain McMahon, Lieutenant Miller, and Lieutenant Hurlbut
joined me, and were very efficient, and deserve the highest
commendations for their good conduct.
My personal staff,
First Lieut. W. G. Mitchell, aide-de-camp; First Lieut. I. B.
Parker, aide-de-camp; Second Lieut. C. S. McEntee, acting
assistant quartermaster, conducted themselves handsomely and
with their usual gallantry.
Captain Hoyt,
division quartermaster; Capt. C. S. Fuller, division
commissary; First Lieutenant Rorty, division ordinance
officer, and Surg. J. H. Taylor, medical director of the
division, performed their respective duties with
intelligence, bravery, and fidelity. Orderly bugler Private
John Malone, Sixth Regiment Maine Volunteers, was with me
during the day, and for his great gallantry deserves notice
at my hands.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.