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Lt Evan Thomas' Official Report

Report of September 24, 1862

[author biography]

September 24, 1862.

Captain F. N. CLARKE,
Chief of Artillery, Sumner's Corps.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit a report of the part Battery A, Fourth Artillery, now under my command, took in the action of the 17th instant.

On the 17th of September, 1862, I received orders to move to the front. I was halted in the woods the enemy had been driven out of that morning, and the right section was ordered into position. The rest of the battery was soon ordered into position, the same occupied by Lieutenant Kirby's battery, and joined the right section there. I remained there without firing a shot until our left was driven back. I then changed front to fire to the left, and opened an the advancing enemy with spherical case, and then, as they approached nearer, with canister. They came on, and I would undoubtedly have lost my battery had not Franklin's column come up at that time. I then changed to my original front, and opened with solid shot on a battery to my right, in the opposite woods, which was soon silenced. Another battery opened on me, which I saw was out of my range. A rifled battery coming up at that time, and seeing I could do no good and was only losing horses for nothing, I deemed it prudent to withdraw. I was shortly afterward ordered to the rear, to fill up, where I staid until ordered to my division. All the orders that I received were from Captain Clarke, chief of artillery, Sumner's Corps.

All my officers and men behaved with great coolness and bravery. Several of Baxter's Zouaves [72nd PA] helped me considerably in carrying ammunition. One was killed and one wounded. I would state that I had no infantry support during the whole engagement.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

First Lieutenant Fourth Artillery, Commanding Battery A.


Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27), Page 284


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