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Capt Stephen Weed's Official Report

Report of September 25, 1862

S. H. Weed

[author biography]

September 25, 1862.

Assistant Adjutant-General, Sykes' Division.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the services of my battery since the 15th instant:

On the evening of that date one section, under command of Lieutenant Watson, was in position to dislodge the advance skirmishers of the enemy from the corn-field and wood on the height occupied by us the next morning. On the 16th the battery was planted on a prominent height near the center of our line, where it remained until the morning of the 19th. Four 20-pounder Parrott guns, commanded by Lieutenant Wever [1st Battalion New York Light Artillery, Battery A ], were also placed under my orders by the chief of artillery, and remained until I left. Some good practice was made by those guns. On the 16th and during the battle of the 17th the batteries under my command had several opportunities, which were improved, of opening with effect upon the artillery and infantry of the enemy at ranges varying from 1,200 to 2,500 yards. Nothing but case-shot was at any time fired from my own guns.

On the 19th my battery was in position near the ford, and engaged and silenced at least four guns opposed to it. It is believed that one or two of these guns were abandoned by the enemy and taken by some of our people the next day. It is a matter of slight consequence perhaps, that they are claimed by others, but no battery fought them except my own.

On the 20th my guns commanded the opposite approaches to the ford, and assisted to check the enemy in his attack upon our troops who had crossed. I had a considerable body of his infantry under my fire for several minutes at a distance of not more than 1,000 yards. The fire was effective. Since the morning of the 20th I have held the same position, but have had no occasion to fire a shot.

On the 19th I remounted a 10-pounder Parrott gun which had been abandoned, and have since sent it to the general commanding the corps.

Since the 15th instant my battery had fired about 1,000 rounds, but it is believed it has not wasted ammunition. My officers and men have behaved as usual - well.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Captain, Fifth U. S. Artillery, Commanding Battery I.


Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS; Series 1, Volume 19, Part I (Antietam - Serial 27), Pages 354 - 355


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