P. H. Flood
Home State: New York
Command Billet: Regimental Surgeon
Branch of Service: Medical
Unit: 107th New York Infantry
Before Antietam
Before the War he was a physician with offices in Elmira, New York. He enrolled there to serve three years, at age 50, mustering in as Surgeon of the 107th NYV, 22 July 1862.
On the Campaign
"General Mansfield fell from his horse and was attended to by the 107th's surgeon Patrick Flood. Flood left the field with the general on a stretcher and they proceeded back to the Line farmhouse where Mansfield would die later that day."
(from Antietam at the 107th site)
The rest of the War
Mustered out with the regiment 5 June 1865, near Washington, D. C.
References & notes
Sources: 1903 New York State Adjutant-General Report, scanned, posted on the 107th NY site; and
the 1863 Elmira (NY) City Directory, on the Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Sites by Joyce M. Tice
Date not known in NY