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Confederate (CSV)


Joseph L. Bartlett

Home State: Unknown

Command Billet: Acting Signal Officer

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: Jackson's Command


see his Battle Report

Before Sharpsburg

He was with General T.J. Jackson as a Signal Officer at 2nd Manassas in August 1862, after Jackson's Chief of Signals Captain Richard E. Wilbourn was wounded.

On the Campaign

He was a Signal Officer on the Maryland Campaign of 1862, notably with General Jackson on Bolivar Heights near Harpers Ferry, VA on 14 September 1862, where he reported

My signal-flag was up at daylight, and my glass bearing on Loudon Heights after sunrise ...

The rest of the War

He was a Sergeant, CS Signal Corps in General Jackson's Second Army Corps, ANV by May 1863 and may have been killed in 1864.

References & notes

His service at Manassas and Sharpsburg from his after-action reports in the ORs.1 His rank in 1863 from a voucher for a horse, from Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging in Confederate Compiled Service Records (M347), US National Archives, online from fold3. Thanks to Dave Gaddy for his assistance with Private Bartlett.2


1   US War Department, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (OR), 128 vols., Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1880-1901, Vol 12/Part 2 (Ser 16), pg. 247; V 19/Pt 1 (Ser 27), 958-959  [AotW citation 28678]

2   Information that Bartlett was never a Captain in the Confederate Signal Corps but was a particularly capable Private detailed to signal service, killed in 1864, comes in a series of email messages of 25-28 July 2005 from noted authority David W Gaddy to the author.  [AotW citation 195]