I. Richardson
"Fighting Dick"
(1815 - 1862)
Home State: Vermont
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1841;Class Rank: 38/58
Command Billet: Commanding Division
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 1st Division, 2nd Corps
Before Antietam
Graduated 38th of 58 in West Point class of 1841. Served in Seminole and Mexican wars (where he earned his nickname) and on frontier duty until resigning the US Army in 1855. Took up farming in Michigan. In May 1861 he recruited and organized the 2nd Michigan Infantry, and was its Colonel. He later commanded the 4th Brigade /1st Division at First Bull Run, and in May 1861 was appointed Brigadier General of Volunteers. He then commanded the 1st Division/II Corps in the Peninsula campaign, and in July 1862 was promoted Major General of Volunteers.
On the Campaign
Commanded the First Division of the Federal II Corps at South Mountain and in the assault on the Sunken Road ("Bloody Lane" with French's 3rd Division). He was wounded by Confederate artillery after personally leading one of the brigades of his Division.
The rest of the War
He died of his wound on 3 Nov 62 at Sharpsburg.
Also: Reportedly a descendant of General Israel Putnam of Revolutionary War fame.
He was one of the 6 General Officers killed or mortally wounded at Sharpsburg.
1815; Fairfax, VT
11/3/1862; Sharpsburg, MD