G. Ilges
(1835 - ?)
Home State: Indiana
Command Billet: Company Commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Antietam
Born in Prussia, he was about 27 in 1862. He was appointed Captain in the 14th Infantry on 14 May 1861, very near the start of the War, and served at that rank for its duration.
On the Campaign
He commanded Company E, 1st Battalion of the 14th at Antietam.
The rest of the War
He was cited by brevets to Major and Lieutenant Colonel for gallant service in action at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, Virginia.
After the War
He continued his career in the Army after the War, largely in the West, including commands at Forts Laramie, Benton, and Keogh. He was promoted to Major in the 7th US Infantry 10 Dec 1873. He transferred to the 6th Infantry in December 1879, and was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the 18th US on 6 Feb 1882. However, he was convicted of "duplicating accounts" - padding his expenses - by a court martial in July 1883, and dismissed from the service, his sentence confirmed by President Chester Arthur 12 October 1883.
References & notes
1835 in PRUSSIA
Date not known
1 Heitman, Francis Bernard, Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, 2 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1903, pg. 562 [AotW citation 857]
2 Reese, Timothy J., Sykes' Regular Infantry Division, 1861-1864: A History of Regular United States Infantry Operations in the Civil War's Eastern Theater, Jefferson (NC): McFarland&Company, Inc., 1990, pg. 386 [AotW citation 858]