J.W. Ames
(1833 - 1878)
Home State: Massachusetts
Command Billet: Company commander
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Antietam
He was appointed Captain in the 11th United States Infantry on 14 May 61. He was breveted Major for gallantry in action at Gaines Mill in June 1862.
On the Campaign
Commanded Company C, 11th US Infantry on the Maryland Campaign.
The rest of the War
After service at Gettysburg, for which he was honored by brevet to Lieutenant Colonel, he accepted a commission as Colonel of Volunteers 28 September 1863 to command the 6th US Colored Infantry regiment. He campaigned with them in Virginia, seeing action throughout 1864 near Richmond. He was slightly wounded in the fight at New Market Heights on 29 September 1864. He mustered out of service with the Sixth at Wilmington, NC, on 20 September 1865.
He was breveted Brigadier General of Volunteers on 15 January 1865 for his War service.
References & notes
11/23/1833 in MA
04/06/1878; burial in Mount Tamalpais Cemetery, San Rafael, CA
1 Heitman, Francis Bernard, Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, 2 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1903, pg. 87 [AotW citation 894]
2 Dodge, Russ, and Jim Tipton (founder), A.J. Marik, et al., FInd A Grave, Published 1995, first accessed 01 January 2000, <http://www.findagrave.com/>, Source page: /cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=7338041 [AotW citation 895]
3 Woodhead, Henry, editor, Voices of the Civil War: Second Manassas, Alexandria (Va): Time-Life Books, 1995, pg. 146 [AotW citation 896]