(1837 - 1914)
Home State: New York
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 9th New York Infantry
Before Antietam
Age 21 years. Enlisted May 12, 1861 at New York City; mustered in as Private, Company C, same date, to serve two years. He was promoted Corporal June 1, 1861, Sergeant September 1, 1861, and Sergeant-Major to date from May 1, 1862.
On the Campaign
Regimental Sergeant-Major at Antietam, he was captured in action there on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He was reduced to the ranks September 27, 1862 [probably as a result of being missing, captured after Antietam]. He was confined at Richmond, VA September 28, 1862; paroled, October 6, 1862 at Aikens Landing, VA; reported at Gamp Parole, MD and sent to Alexandria, VA in November, 1862. He was promoted [restored] to Sergeant-Major on December 19, 1862 and mustered out with his regiment on May 20, 1863. On September 18, 1863 mustered in the 35th New Jersey Infantry as Captain, Company I, and mustered out July 20, 1865.
References & notes
3/13/1914; burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Newark, NJ
1 State of New York, Adjutant-General, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York [year]: Registers of the [units], 43 Volumes, Albany: James B. Lyon, State Printer, 1893-1905, Issue 18 (for the year 1899), pp. 646 - 660 [AotW citation 12671]
2 State of New Jersey, Adjutant-General's Office, and William Scudder Stryker, Adjutant General, Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War, 1861-1865, 2 volumes, Trenton: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876, pg. 1084 [AotW citation 12687]
3 State of New Jersey, New Jersey Archives, Civil War Cartes de Visite, first accessed 01 January 2005, <http://www.nj.gov/state/archives/sdea4010.html>, Source page: /sdea4010images3.html#105 [AotW citation 12688]