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(1810 - 1887)
Home State: New Hampshire
Education: Dartmouth Medical College, Class of 1834
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Antietam
He had his first medical practice in Thornton, NH. He moved to Franklin, NH in 1845. He was a member of the State Legislature in 1854-55. A 51 year old resident of Franklin, he was appointed Surgeon of the 5th New Hampshire Infantry on 13 September 1861.
The rest of the War
"He was early promoted to brigade surgeon and subsequently to chief medical officer of the First Division, Second Army Corps, on the staff of Major-General W. S. Hancock ... Soon after the battle of Fredericksburg Surgeon E. M. Knight had leave of absence on account of sickness, and did not perform extended service with the army thereafter, though he did not resign his commission until [28] May, 1863."
After the War
He continued his practice in Franklin, was examining surgeon for the Pension Bureau, and was later President of the New Hampshire Medical Society.
References & notes
Basic information and quote above from Child1.
04/11/1810; Franconia, NH
02/03/1887; Franklin, NH
1 Child, M.D., William, A History of the Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, Bristol (NH): R.W. Musgrove, Printer, 1893, pp. 121 - 132 [AotW citation 13349]