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(c. 1842 - ?)
Home State: Delaware
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 1st Delaware Infantry
Before Antietam
He enlisted at age 19 in Company D, First Delaware Infantry on 10 August 1861 at Milford, DE.
On the Campaign
He was listed as a deserter on 16 September 1862.
The rest of the War
The desertion charge was later cleared because he had been discharged 15 December 1862 and enlisted in Battery B, 5th US Artillery. He was with the Battery at least through 1864.
References & notes
Basic information from State of Delaware1. Artillery service seen in Bugler Richard Wende's Campaign [of 1864] of Light Battery "B," 5th U. S. Artillery (1895), which lists him as George T. Robinson, Center Section, Second Platoon.
c. 1842
1 State of Delaware, Adjutant General's Office, Civil War Military records for Delaware Units, Published 1861-, first accessed 31 January 2015, <http://archives.delaware.gov/CivilWar/volumes/>, Source page: Muster Out Roll, First Delaware Infantry [AotW citation 13727]