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Confederate (CSV)


Robert Bryant

(c. 1842 - 1862)

Home State: Virginia

Branch of Service: Artillery

Unit: Parker's Richmond (VA) Battery

Before Sharpsburg

Age 20, from Richmond, VA, he mustered as Private in Parker's Richmond Battery, Light Artillery on 14 March 1862 in Richmond and he was detailed as a battery driver.

On the Campaign

He was killed in action Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862:

... we are then ordered to fall back. We do not go far, however, when, under the lead of the brave Captain Taylor, of the battalion staff, Sergeant Hallowell's gun attempts to take another position; but we are only wheeling for the purpose when an artillery shot explodes over us that kills Bryant, our remaining driver, and mortally wounds Captain Taylor. As Taylor falls from his horse, Darden and I catch him in our arms, and his hero-blood spurts all down my jacket sleeve, and dyes the gray into its own sanguinary hue. Intrepid George Goff springs into the saddle made vacant by the fallen Bryant, and we withdraw from the field ...

References & notes

Basic information from the Virginia Military Dead.1 Service and other details from Robert K. Krick's Parker's Virginia Battery C. S. A. (1975) via the Historical Data Systems database. The quote above from Royall W. Figg in "Where men only dare to go!" or, The story of a Boy Company (C.S.A.) (1885); thanks to Andy Cardinal for the pointer to that volume.


c. 1842 in VA


09/17/1862; Sharpsburg, VA


1   Library of Virginia, Virginia Military Dead Database, Published 2002, first accessed 30 November 2012, <>, Source page: /vmd_Search.asp  [AotW citation 18963]