J.M. Ellison
(1835 - 1908)
Home State: Alabama
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 15th Alabama Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
A married 27 year old farmer in Creek Stand, AL, he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Company C, 15th Alabama Infantry on 3 July 1861 at Ft. Mitchell, AL. He was elected First Lieutenant on 1 February 1862 at Manassas, VA. He was in action with his Company at Winchester, on the Peninsular Campaign of 1862 (except sick at Malvern Hill) and at 2nd Manassas in August.
On the Campaign
He was present with his unit at Harpers Ferry on 15 September and Shepherdstown on the 19th but was listed as absent without leave at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He resigned his commission at Port Royal (possibly Front Royal), VA on 22 December 1862.
References & notes
09/16/1835; Talbot County, GA
01/16/1908; Creek Stand, AL; burial in Creek Stand Cemetery, Creek Stand, AL
1 State of Alabama, Dept. of Archives & History, Alabama Civil War Service Database, Published 2004, first accessed 01 January 2010, <https://archives.alabama.gov/research/CivilWarService.aspx>, Source page: /civilwar/soldier.cfm?id=57897 [AotW citation 20090]
2 State of Alabama, State Archives, and Dr. Edwin C. Bridges, director, and staff, Alabama Department of Archives & History, Published c.2000, first accessed 08 July 2005, <http://www.archives.state.al.us/index.html>, Source page: /cdm/singleitem/collection/photo/id/5262/rec/410 [AotW citation 20091]