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(1839 - 1922)
Home State: Mississippi
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
In 1860 he was an 18 year old day laborer at Mont Rose (Montrose) in Jasper County, MS. Going by Claiborne, he enlisted on 3 March 1862 in Paulding, MS as a Private in Company F, 16th Mississippi Infantry.
On the Campaign
He was severely wounded in the upper third of his right thigh, his femur broken, and was captured in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September.
The rest of the War
His leg was amputated at a field hospital near the battlefield the same day. He was admitted to a US Army General Hospital #6 in Frederick, MD on 22 November and had a second surgery - to cut off more of his thigh and femur to remove necrosis - on 22 December 1862. He was moved to GH #5 on 30 December, to GH #1 on 9 February 1863, and sent to Fort McHenry in Baltimore for exchange on 26 April 1863. By June he was home on extended wounded furlough and he was discharged for disability in April 1864.
After the War
By 1880 and to at least 1910 he was a farmer back in Jasper County. In 1920 he was retired and living with his son Roddy and family in Louin, MS.
References & notes
Wound and hospital details from the Patient List 1 and the MSHWR.2 His service from his Compiled Military Service Records,3 online from fold3, also as Clayborne Grayson. a casualty list in the New Orleans Times-Picayune of 29 October 1862 has him killed at Sharpsburg. Personal details from family genealogists and the US Census of 1860 and 1880-1920; although probably his birth name, he does not appear to have ever used Charles in his lifetime. His gravesite is on Findagrave.
He married Mary Etta Simmons (1840-1930) in 1862 and they had 10 children.
01/20/1839; Jasper County, MS
06/19/1922; Louin, MS; burial in Louin Cemetery, Louin, MS
1 National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, Published 2018, first accessed 17 September 2018, <http://www.civilwarmed.org/explore/primary-sources/databases/frederickpatient/>, Source page: patient #1.478, 468 [AotW citation 21350]
2 Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Volume 2, Part 3, pg. 212 [AotW citation 21351]
3 US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Record Group No. 109 (War Department Collection of Confederate Records), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW citation 29655]