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Confederate (CSV)


Theodore Washington Buford

(1836 - 1906)

Home State: Mississippi

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 2nd Mississippi Infantry

Before Sharpsburg

A 24 year old farmer, he was enrolled as First Lieutenant in a Mississippi cavalry company on 18 February 1861. Unwilling to wait for his unit to complete its organization, he travelled to Virginia and enlisted as Private, Company D, 2nd Mississippi Infantry, date not given. He was with his regiment in western Virginia in the Spring of 1861 and wrote his sister Louisa from Winchester, VA on 21 June 1861:

... we left Harpers Ferry last Saturdy. Before we left General Johnson had the armery yard Burnt up; also two of the railroad Bridges Blone up and the railroad set on fire. Their was some fine Houses burnt up. We then reseaved Marching orders and we nue not whair we had to go. We came thrue Charlstown whair old John Brown was hung then we gut the nues that the Enimy was in Bunkers hill. We then turned and went thair and Mondy Morning the Nues cam that the Enimy was in five miles of us and still marching to wards us. We them formed a line of batle and stade thair until twelve and the Enimy did not come ...

I difer with you about fiting I [t]hink that we will have to fite. Sis I volintered for twelve months and I think if I get thrue this Campain I will not volinter for some time again. Now one has now Ider what a volenturer has to go thrue. Their air some such talk that the second and Eleventh Regiment had to go to Memphis next Fall to gard the Mississippi River but I dont now how true it is. I am in hops that we will go for I dont think that we can stand the winter hear ...
He transferred to Company E on 25 April 1862.

On the Campaign

He was wounded in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.

The rest of the War

He was discharged 25 April 1863 for disability due to his wound. With his brother James H he helped form a local cavalry company in Mississippi and mustered as 2nd Lieutenant, Buford's Company/Attala Rifles for State service on 8 August 1863. They became Company C, 11th Mississippi Cavalry when organized for Confederate service in November 1863. He was formally surrendered at Grenada, MS on 19 May 1865.

After the War

He had a large farm in Attala County, MS where all his children were born, then moved to Pickens, MS in 1885.

References & notes

His service in the 2nd Infantry from a casualty list/roster for the Campaign provided by Michael Brasher, from his research in Compiled Service Records, Company rolls, and other period sources. His service in the 11th Cavalry from his Compiled Service Records via the Historical Data Systems database. Details from his obituary in The Confederate Veteran Magazine of April 1907 and family genealogists including Nannie C.C. Baird in The Clendinen, Myers and Mills Families (1923) and Emma Dicken in Our Burnley Ancestors and Allied Families (1946). His gravesite is on Findagrave.

He married Eva Barksdale Dicken (1841-1928) in Attala County in 1865. They had 10 children.

More on the Web

An excellent 1905 family portrait with Theodore and Eva was posted by Fern K. Buford Walker on her Buford Families in America website [gone in 2021]; original image from Hubert Buford.

Six of his wartime letters are online from Private Voices - the Corpus of American Civil War Letters (CACWL) project; source of the letter quoted above.


09/11/1836; Somerville, Fayette County, TN


11/26/1906; Pickens, MS; burial in Quiet Ridge Cemetery, Pickens, MS