O.L. Torslow
(? - 1889)
Home State: Rhode Island
Branch of Service: Artillery
Before Antietam
He had previous military service in Sweden. He was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Battery G, First Rhode Island Light Artillery on 8 August 1861.
On the Campaign
He was with the Battery in Maryland and was credited with helping to rally men of Sedgwick's Division in action at Antietam on 17 September 1862
The men of the Second Division continued to run for their lives all around Battery G. Lieutenant Otto Torslow saw the retreating troops. He summoned Bugler Thomas Mars to his side as the two galloped into the confused mass, trying to form the shattered force. Riding up and down the lines, Mars gave rallying calls on his bugle but to little avail; Sedgwick's men continued to retreat. For their actions, Lieutenant Torslow was mentioned in dispatches, while Mars was promoted to sergeant on October 5.
The rest of the War
He was slightly wounded and his horse killed in action near Fredericksburg on 3 May 1863, and he was court-martialed later in 1863 (not guilty). He resigned because of an injury - caused by a fall from a horse while drunk - on 27 June 1864 and was honorably discharged.
References & notes
Date not known in SWEDEN
09/25/1889; burial in Hampton National Cemetery, Hampton, VA
1 State of Rhode Island, and Henri Crandall, Acting Adjutant General, Official Register of Rhode Island Officers and Soldiers ... 1861 to 1865, in the Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Rhode Island for 1865, Providence: Providence Press, 1866, pg. 777 [AotW citation 21930]