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Federal (USV)


Morgan Hoffman Pinkerton

(c. 1842 - 1863)

Home State: Pennsylvania

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 124th Pennsylvania Infantry

Before Antietam

Age 20, he enlisted on 1 August 1862 in West Chester and mustered as Private, Company D, 124th Pennsylvania Infantry on 8 August in Harrisburg.

On the Campaign

He was with his Company in Maryland.

The rest of the War

He died, probably of disease, at Aquia Creek, VA on 5 April 1863.

References & notes

His service information from the Register 1 and Bates,2 as M.H. Pinkerton. His presence on the campaign from Corporal Wilkinson's diary, quoted in the History.3 Personal Details from family genealogists. His gravesite is on Findagrave.


c. 1842; Chester, PA


04/05/1863; Aquia Creek, VA; burial in Hopewell United Methodist Church Cemetery, Downingtown, PA


1   Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Adjutant General's Office, Register of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, 16 volumes, Harrisburg  [AotW citation 23851]

2   Bates, Samuel Penniman, History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg: State of Pennsylvania, 1868-1871  [AotW citation 23852]

3   Green, Robert McCay, compiler, History of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion 1862-1863, Philadelphia: Ware Brothers Company, printers, 1907, p. 110  [AotW citation 23853]