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Confederate (CSV)


Arthur Harvin

(1842 - 1885)

Home State: South Carolina

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: Hampton (SC) Legion

Before Sharpsburg

Age 19, from Clarendon County, he enrolled and mustered as Private, Company C, Hampton Legion Infantry, date not given.

On the Campaign

He was wounded in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.

The rest of the War

He transferred to Company K, Palmetto Sharpshooters and was captured in 1864, place not given.

After the War

In 1880 he was a farmer in Plowdens Mill, Clarendon County, SC.

References & notes

His service from the Rolls.1 Detail from the US Census for 1880. His gravesite is on Findagrave.


09/12/1842; Clarendon County (now Sumter), SC


02/03/1885; Manning, SC; burial in Harvin Hodge Cemetery, Alcolu, SC


1   Thomas, John P., and and previous SC Historians of the Confederate Records, Confederate Rolls of South Carolina, Columbia: Historian of Confederate Records, 1898, Roll of Company C, Hampton Legion, South Carolina Vols.  [AotW citation 24106]