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Confederate (CSV)


John William Lawrence

(1844 - 1920)

Home State: South Carolina

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 12th South Carolina Infantry

Before Sharpsburg

Age 17, from York County, he enlisted as Private in Company A, 12th South Carolina Infantry about September 1861.

On the Campaign

He was severely wounded in the thigh and captured in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.

The rest of the War

He was briefly at a US Army hospital in Frederick, MD and transferred to Aiken's Landing, VA by 27 October 1862 for exchange. He was considered disabled by his wound, but was back on duty and wounded again, near Fredericksburg, VA on 19 March 1863.

After the War

In 1880 he was a farmer in Kings Mountain, York County, SC.

References & notes

His service from the Rolls.1 His wound and capture at Sharpsburg from a casualty list in the Yorkville Enquirer of 8 October 1862, with exchange details from Kirkland.2 Personal details from family genealogists and the US Census for 1880 and 1900. His gravesite is on Findagrave.

He married Alice Eugenia Jackson (1855-1912) in September 1872 and they had 10 children.


08/27/1844; Kings Mountain, York District, SC


06/26/1920; King Mountain, SC; burial in Woodside Cemetery, Clover, SC


1   Thomas, John P., and and previous SC Historians of the Confederate Records, Confederate Rolls of South Carolina, Columbia: Historian of Confederate Records, 1898, Roll of Company A, 12th Reg't Inf, South Carolina Vols.  [AotW citation 24332]

2   Kirkland, Jr., Randolph W., Dark Hours: South Carolina Soldiers, Sailors and Citizens who Were Held in Federal Prisons during the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865, Charleston: South Carolina Historical Society, 2002, pg. 272  [AotW citation 24387]