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Confederate (CSV)


W. Robert Kendrick

(c. 1843 - 1862)

Home State: South Carolina

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 13th South Carolina Infantry

Before Sharpsburg

Age 18, from the Spartanburg District, he enlisted as Private, Company B, 13th South Carolina Infantry on about 1 September 1861. He was probably appointed Sergeant, date not given.

On the Campaign

He was mortally wounded in the left arm in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.

The rest of the War

His arm was amputated, but he died of wounds on 23 September 1862 at Warrenton, VA.

References & notes

His service from the Roll,1 as Robert M. Kendrick, and the index to his Compiled Service Records via the Historical Data Systems database. Amputation and death date details from the MSHWR,2 as Sgt. W.R. Kindrick. His memorial is on Findagrave.

The "W" may be for Willis (Willis Robert Kendrick): he's probably the man listed by Colonel Edwards on the casualty list as "R.H. Willis." There are no Willis' in the regiment.


c. 1843


09/23/1862; Warrenton, VA; burial in Warrenton Cemetery, Warrenton, VA


1   Thomas, John P., and and previous SC Historians of the Confederate Records, Confederate Rolls of South Carolina, Columbia: Historian of Confederate Records, 1898, Roll of Company B, 13th Reg't Inf, South Carolina Vols.  [AotW citation 24795]

2   Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Volume 2, Part 2, pg. 802  [AotW citation 24796]