(c. 1842 - 1931)
Home State: Alabama
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 3rd Alabama Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
A 19 year old bricklayer in Mobile, he enlisted as 4th Corporal in the Washington Light Guards - later Company E, 3rd Alabama Infantry - in April 1861.
On the Campaign
He was with his Company in action near Turner's Gap on South Mountain on 14 September 1862 and at Sharpsburg on the 17th. In his after-action Report, General D.H. Hill wrote:
Brigadier-General Rodes reports as specially deserving notice for their gallantry ... George Ellison ...
The rest of the War
He captured 40 of the enemy at Fredericksburg, VA in December 1862 and was detailed to the Corps Of Sharpshooters. He was promoted to Sergeant and was named on the Roll of Honor for action at Chancellorsville, VA on 3 May 1863. He was at Gettysburg, was breveted 2nd Lieutenant and recommended for a commission in March 1864, and was captured at Spotsylvania, VA in May 1864, giving his rank as Captain. He escaped from a prisoner transport ship on the way to Charleston, SC in August 1864 and was back on duty on 2 September. He was surrendered in May 1865.
References & notes
His service from the State of Alabama.1 Details from a bio sketch by Booth Malone on his 3rd Alabama Infantry Regiment blog.
c. 1842
11/09/1931; in TX
1 State of Alabama, Dept. of Archives & History, Alabama Civil War Service Database, Published 2004, first accessed 01 January 2010, <https://archives.alabama.gov/research/CivilWarService.aspx>, Source page: /civilwar/soldier.cfm?id=57868 [AotW citation 25576]