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(c. 1836 - ?)
Home State: Rhode Island
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Antietam
A 25 year old laborer, he enlisted on 17 July 1861 at Providence, RI in Company H, 14th United States Infantry.
On the Campaign
He was wounded in action at Antietam on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He was admitted to a US Army hospital in the German Reformed Church in Frederick, MD on 1 November 1862 and discharged there for disability on 19 December 1862. He probably had later service, enlisting in Company A of the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry on 12 September 1863, mustering out in New Orleans on 29 November 1865.
References & notes
c. 1836; County Monaghan, IRELAND
1 US Army, Registers of Enlistments in the United States Army, 1798-1914, Washington, DC: National Archives, 1956, Vol. 142, pg. 695 [AotW citation 26459]
2 State of Rhode Island, and Henri Crandall, Acting Adjutant General, Official Register of Rhode Island Officers and Soldiers ... 1861 to 1865, in the Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Rhode Island for 1865, Providence: Providence Press, 1866, pg. 468 [AotW citation 26460]
3 National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, Published 2018, first accessed 17 September 2018, <http://www.civilwarmed.org/explore/primary-sources/databases/frederickpatient/>, Source page: patient #404 [AotW citation 26461]