R.H. Kellogg
(1844 - 1932)
Home State: Connecticut
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Antietam
A doctor's son, in 1860 he was a 16 year old clerk and lived with his Grandmother Hale in Wethersfield, CT. He was an 18 year old apothecary in Wethersfield when he enlisted as a Private in Company A, 16th Connecticut Infantry on 11 August 1862.
On the Campaign
He was slightly wounded in the arm in action at Antietam on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He was promoted to Sergeant in May 1863 and appointed Sergeant Major of the regiment on 7 December 1863. He was captured at Plymouth, NC on 20 April 1864 and was a prisoner at Andersonville, GA. He was transferred for exchange in September 1864 to a prison in Charleston, SC, and on to Florence, SC, where he was paroled on 19 October and detailed as a hospital steward. He was finally sent to Savannah on 26 November, exchanged at Fortress Monroe, then sent to the Parole Camp at Annapolis, MD. He was discharged in Hartford, CT on 1 June 1865.
After the War
In 1880 he was a bookkeeper in Manchester, CT, but by 1900 he was Superintendent of Schools in Cincinnati, OH. In 1910 he was an insurance agent in Delaware, OH and had retired there by 1920. He was running an insurance agency again in Delaware at age 86, in 1930.
References & notes
Service information from the Record,1 with occupation at enlistment from Gordon.2 His wound at Antietam from his diary among the Robert H. Kellogg Papers, 1862-1865, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Prison details from his own book Life and Death in Rebel Prisons: Giving a Complete History ... (1865). Personal details from family genealogists and the US Census of 1860, 1880, and 1900-1930. His gravesite is on Findagrave. James Silliman kindly shared Sergeant Major Kellogg's photograph from his collection.
He married Amelia Clark Gallup (1845-1938) in October 1868 in Norwich, CT and they had 4 children.
More on the Web
A uniform kepi thought to be his is in the collection of the Delaware County (OH) Historical Society. He and it were possibly models for the Connecticut Monument (1907) at Andersonville, GA (there's a replica in Hartford, CT).
03/05/1844; Erie, PA
02/09/1932; Delaware, OH; burial in Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, OH
1 State of Connecticut, Adjutant General's Office, and AGs Smith, Camp, and Barbour, and AAG White, Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, Hartford: Press of the Case, Lockwood, and Brainard Company, 1889, pp. 619, 620 [AotW citation 27361]
2 Gordon, Lesley J., 16th CV [Connecticut Volunteers] database [roster], Published 2014, first accessed 06 February 2022, <https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D0B38CB5864DA66C!107&authkey=!ACNE422k47Tnc_Q&ithint=file%2cxl> [AotW citation 27362]