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(1839 - c. 1880)
Home State: Mississippi
Education: University of Mississippi
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
A former student or graduate of the University of Mississippi, in 1860 he was a 20 year old planter on his widowed mother's very large and successful cotton plantation "Brokenburn" near Omega in Carroll (now Madison) Parish, LA. It's not far from Vicksburg, MS. In May 1861 he enrolled as 3rd Lieutenant of the "Jeff Davis Guards" in Vicksburg and on 3 June 1861 he was elected 2nd Lieutenant of what became Company G, 2nd Battalion, Mississippi State Troops and was soon after appointed acting Adjutant.
On the Campaign
He was wounded in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He was promoted to First Lieutenant to date from 17 September 1862 and to Captain of Company G, 48th Mississippi Infantry on 2 November 1862, after the regiment was created by the addition of several Companies to the 2nd Mississippi Battalion. He was wounded again, at Fredericksburg, VA on 13 or 14 December 1862 and furloughed home into March 1863. He was wounded at Chancellorsville, VA on 1 May 1863 and in hospitals in Richmond, VA. He may have been wounded yet again in a skirmish at Deep Run, VA on 5 June 1863, but was back on duty in August.
In February and again in November-December 1864 he was acting Brigade Inspector. He was surrendered and paroled at Appomattox Court House, VA on 9 April 1865.
After the War
He returned to Brokeburn in the Fall of 1865 with his mother and siblings.
References & notes
His service from his Compiled Military Service Records,1 via fold3, filed under 48th Mississippi. His wound at Sharpsburg and other details from his sister Sarah Katherine "Kate" Stone's diary, published as Brokenburn: The Journal Of Kate Stone (1955), online from the Internet Archive; thanks to J.O. Smith for the pointer to Stone and that reference. His presence at the University from Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University of Mississippi (1856-7). Other personal details from the US Census of 1860 and family genealogists, source also of a fine c. 1870 photograph of him.
He married Amanda Jones (1844-) in October 1872 and they had a son, Barnet.
10/1839; Hinds County, MS
c. 1880; Omega, LA
1 US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Record Group No. 109 (War Department Collection of Confederate Records), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW citation 27971]