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(1842 - 1917)
Home State: Alabama
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 5th Alabama Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
Known by Alex, in 1860 he was 17 years old and lived with his parents and siblings in Greensboro in Greene County, AL; his father was a trader. He enlisted there as a Private in Company I (later renamed D), 5th Alabama Infantry on 13 April 1861.
On the Campaign
He was with his Company in action near Turner's Gap on South Mountain on 14 September 1862, where they were surrounded and most captured. But,
Captain Williams [Co. D] told him [Capt. Belscher, Co. H] that if he could get anything white, tie it on a ram rod and they would surrender. Alex McCall of Company D, hearing what Captain Williams had said to Captain Belcher, jumped up, threw down his gun and cartridge box, and said, ”You all can stay here, but I am going out.” The men all told him that he would be killed, but he took no notice and started running for his life. The two Federal lines were now so close together that they couldn’t fire on him for fear of shooting one of their own men. They screamed at him to halt, but he just kept on running and made good his escape.
The rest of the War
He was appointed 5th Sergeant by January 1863 and was on furlough for 30 days in March and April 1863. He was senior man present and in command of Company D in September 1864, and was with his Company to at least December 1864, the latest record in his military file.
After the War
In 1870 he was a farmer in Newton County, MS, but by 1878 had moved to Robertson County, Texas, where his 6th child and namesake was born. He was a farmer there to at least 1910.
References & notes
02/07/1842; Greene County, AL
01/12/1917; Robertson County, TX; burial in Bremond Cemetery, Bremond, TX
1 US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Record Group No. 109 (War Department Collection of Confederate Records), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW citation 28113]
2 Greensboro [AL] Record, December 24, 1903, “Captain Jonathan Whitehead Williams – His Life and Times With the 5th Alabama, C.S.A. Company “D” Greensboro Guards” [AotW citation 28114]